Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Jul 30, 2024
07:05 PM
The custom export preset just seems to say "H.264" and after ticking both those boxes, below is what my Export window looks like. Also, for additional context, the clips I'm working with were filmed in HDR Cinematic Mode on an iPhone 🤦
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‎Jul 30, 2024
06:23 PM
Hi friends! I'm having yet another issue with my exported footage looking CRAZY. I've checked if this issue has something to do with the color space of my files and the Lumetri settings but everything seems to match. My exported clip keeps comes out oversaturated and blue. Can anyone help me shed some light onto why this keeps happening and how to fix? Thank you! (Photo references below) This is my clips' properties: This is my project's Lumetri Color settings:   This is what my "Export" window looks like: This is what ends up exporting:   
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‎Apr 02, 2024
01:54 PM
1 Upvote
Hey everyone! I have some shaky clips I need to fix but I haven't had to do that for a few months now. Anyway, I was shocked to see that I have to wait 30 minutes for my clip to be analyzed?! For context the clip is 14 seconds long with 342 frames. I don't remember ever having to wait more than about 5-6 minutes for a clip to be analyzed before... Did something change with PP again? Is there anything I can toggle or fiddle around with to figure out why this is so? Any and all help/info is appreciated, thank you!
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‎Nov 06, 2023
10:32 AM
It's automatically toggled on for me whenever I go to the Export tab. I'm not so sure why myself.
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‎Nov 05, 2023
12:14 PM
Only on one of the screenshots, yes. Just to show you that selected or not, the clip preview looks crazy when Effects is selected.
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‎Nov 05, 2023
10:16 AM
Not sure that there's anything unusual going on in the Effects section to be honest. You can take a look yourself and see what I could be overlooking!
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‎Nov 02, 2023
10:06 PM
This seems to have been the fix, thank you so much for the super insightful and easy to follow instructions! As this was the first time I've ever used a LUT, can you advise me on how to remove the LUT completely? If I have the Effects section toggled on at Export (even without Lumetri Look/LUT checked), the display still shows this oversaturation. Did I make a permanent change on my program?
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‎Nov 01, 2023
10:34 PM
Hello everyone! I've recently realized I had issues with my video exports' colors being washed out and found this QT Gamma Compensation LUT trick online. These are the assets I downloaded for those LUTs. It fixed my issue with my project at the time but now, I'm working on a different project and as I import pictures or videos, all of them look oversaturated. I know there was also an Undo LUT for it but it doesn't seem to work (or I'm probably just not using it right). I tried downloading the newest version (and deleting the old one) of Premiere Pro as well as resetting some of my preferences but the issue persists. I also unchecked the "Display Color Management" & "Extended Dynamic Range Monitoring" options under Preferences which fixes the color while I'm editing or during playback but it still exports oversaturated. I'm spent trying to figure out what's wronff & I'm struggling to finish my work so any and all help is very much appreciated! P.S. I've attached screenshots of my workplace so you can see the difference between previous clips and the new oversaturated ones.
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