‎Nov 22, 2024
03:55 AM
I wrote a script panel, but there is an issue with the display in After Effects 2025. When checking and unchecking checkboxes, the border disappears. (the same issue with radio button) This problem did not occur in version 2024. Here is the code for testing purposes. Please save the following text as a JSX file and execute it in After Effects //------------------------------------- var testPanel = this instanceof Panel ? this : new Window("palette", "Test", undefined); var main = testPanel.add("group", undefined, ""); var checkbox = main.add("checkbox", undefined, "Checkbox"); if (testPanel instanceof Window) { testPanel.center(); testPanel.show(); }
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‎Nov 01, 2024
08:09 AM
In Premiere Pro 2025, I used the crop function to trim a section of my video , but when exporting it was still at its original size (1920x1080) with the cropped and crop area being transparent. If I set the sequence settings for the video size, I have to recalculate the resolution of the crop and move crop video position. Is there a feature like in After Effects, such as "Crop comp to ROI," that can directly use the crop size as the sequence size?
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‎Oct 24, 2024
01:12 AM
In the Premiere Pro 2025 version, Align and Transform Linked Style Pin to These options have been moved to the Appearance settings, making it quite inconvenient. When there are many shadows or strokes set for text, you need to scroll through a long page just to adjust positioning or apply character styles to different text within the same graphic. Furthermore, the current version cannot select all of the graphical text together in order to uniformly adjust their text positions (text position, not vector position). Can you provide an option to revert the settings and add functionality for moving the style (such as multiple strokes) up or down? Moreover, why does the position of a text that has been set change when switching to different character styles? (Not referring to text alignment but rather an upward or downward movement to a different location) For example, a text placed at the bottom of a video will move to the center if a style created and saved in the middle of the screen is applied.
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‎Jul 20, 2024
02:42 AM
Is it true that for all particle-related effects, applying a freeze frame after precomposing the layer has no effect? (CC Rainfall , Particle World,CC Star Burst ,etc) I want to achieve a freeze frame effect similar to pressing the shutter, but the freeze frame function is not effective for this type of effect.
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‎Jul 16, 2024
11:26 PM
Thank you Kevin. The first question has been solved, but for some reason, when I create a rectangular mask, and select the two nodes above it (like top-left and top-right or bottom-left and bottom-right), while holding Shift and dragging up and down, the two nodes have a high and low position situation. This has been the case in the previous version, and it still is. The second issue has not been fixed in 24.5, and the shortcut display still disappears.
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‎Jul 08, 2024
09:56 AM
thank you. it will throw an error of "text document not of Box document type"
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‎Jul 07, 2024
01:57 AM
thank you for the explanation, is there any way to make a copy of an object when handling it, or can it only be a reference? and thank you for your contribution to the animation expression. 😊 I have noticed that many animation scriptwriters have referenced your expressions.
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‎Jul 06, 2024
01:37 AM
Got it, thank you for the explanation.
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‎Jul 06, 2024
12:23 AM
Let's put it this way, I want bbb to be a backup of aaa. I want to modify the contents of bbb without affecting aaa. I have tried other methods, such as using JSON for deep copying, but I always got errors like: "text document not of Box document type" Could you please help me with this issue?
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‎Jul 05, 2024
08:21 PM
I have a variable defined as aaa= layer.property("Source Text").value;. To avoid modifying aaaa during subsequent processing, I created another variable called bbb: var bbb = aaa; However, when I modify bbb as follows: bbb.text = ccc.text; I noticed that aaa.text gets modified as well. How can I resolve this issue?
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‎Jun 24, 2024
05:57 AM
When using expressions to specify a layer name on any property of a layer, if the layer name is modified on the timeline, the layer name in the expression will automatically update. However, if the specified layer name is non-English (e.g., Japanese) and is changed to an English name, the expression will update automatically. If changed to a name containing non-English characters, the layer name in the expression will not update automatically, resulting in expression errors. The same situation applies to text layers with non-English names. Even if the name remains unchanged, modifying the text content will still cause expression errors. This issue does not occur with English-named layers when modifying their text content. After effects 2024 24.5 WIn10.
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‎Apr 20, 2024
06:58 AM
It's just a cube created in C4D, no big deal to share openly. Please change the file extension to gltf.
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‎Apr 16, 2024
04:28 AM
The language is Chinese for Windows 10, and After Effects is in English for version 2024.
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‎Apr 10, 2024
09:08 PM
@nishu_kush Yes, and I have found the reason.
When the filename of the gltf file is non-English (such as Japanese),
this issue occurs.
Even in the latest After Effects 24.3 version.
However, if the filename is in English, then there is no problem.
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‎Apr 10, 2024
08:34 AM
@JohnColombo Thank you for your reply. I noticed that the article you provided is dated 2022. So, has this bug been under investigation for two years now?
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‎Apr 10, 2024
03:27 AM
But I didn't enable the time-remapping , I just simply precomposed the text layer. and The same issue occurs when just changing the time during via the comp settings.
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‎Apr 09, 2024
09:52 PM
When I precompose a text layer, I found that although the outPoint time displayed in the precomp seems correct, the actual outPoint time obtained is incorrect, resulting in issues with the outPoint expression, requiring a readjustment of the outPoint to be correct. After Effects 2024 24.3
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‎Mar 29, 2024
06:16 AM
it work ! but why ? 🤔
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‎Mar 29, 2024
04:33 AM
1 Upvote
Because the script command precompose() does not have a corresponding syntax to manually precomp the option checkbox called ‘Adjust composition duration to the time span of the selected layers’, I manually specified the start and end times. However, I found that var start = 30;
var end = 60 ;
var preComp = app.project.activeItem.layers.precompose([layer.index], layer.name,true);
preComp.startTime = start;
preComp.duration = end - start; These lines have been executed successfully, but the start time of the precomp is still at time 0 on the timeline. What’s going on?
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‎Mar 03, 2024
01:17 AM
1 Upvote
hello @Kevin-Monahan 1. In Premiere Pro 24.3, when setting up a mask for adjusting the opacity of a video, it is not possible to select mask nodes through dragging. This was possible in previous versions. 2. When opening Premiere Pro by clicking on a project file, the display of keyboard shortcuts is lost. This bug has been present since at least 2020 and has not been fixed despite almost a year passing since its discovery. https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro-bugs/premiere-pro-2023-23-2-shortcut-keys-display-bug/idi-p/13644600
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‎Mar 02, 2024
03:17 AM
1 Upvote
After enabling Essential Graphics in the workspace, there is a significant loading time every time you restart Premiere and open a project file before the workspace becomes visible. However, if you disable the display of Essential Graphics, this issue does not occur. This problem was not present in previous versions. (no addition of new folders in Essential Graphics; all have been using built-in ones.) windows 10
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‎Feb 19, 2024
09:48 PM
1 Upvote
Is there any way to manually sort properties in an array based on the selection order via script?
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‎Feb 18, 2024
09:53 PM
Are the properties within the same layer not arrayed in the order they are manually selected? For instance, I selected position, scale, and rotation in a text layer. However, after executing this script in After Effects 20204 24.2, ------------ var comp = app.project.activeItem; var selectedProps = comp.selectedProperties; alert(selectedProps[0].name); ------------ the [0] part is scale instead of position. This is also the happen when box selecting .
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‎Dec 31, 2023
10:01 AM
Thank you very much. If I use the file calling JSX method, how can I check if a window is close and set the value to true? if (file.exists) { $.evalFile(file); }
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‎Dec 31, 2023
08:21 AM
I have tried using the example with a flag to check if Panel B is open or not, but I want to make Panel B the focus when the flag is true. However, using if(isPane1B0pen == false){ panelB(); } else { panelB.show(); } does not move the focus to Panel B after clicking on it. Have I made a mistake somewhere?
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‎Dec 31, 2023
06:14 AM
Thank you, this approach is effective. In addition, I have two more questions. 1. Is there a better way to merge two JSX elements into one by calling a button? 2. How can I refresh the Panel A when changing the button number in Panel B through its button? Here is an example: var panelA = new Window("palette", "PanelA", undefined) var button = panelA.add("button", undefined, "Button") button.onClick = function() { panelB() this.enabled = false; // disable the button } panelA.show(); function panelB() { var panelB = new Window("palette", "PanelB", undefined) var button2 = panelB.add("button", undefined, "Button2") button2.onClick = function() { var button3 = panelA.add("button", undefined, "Button3") } panelB.onClose = function() { button.enabled = true } panelB.show() }
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‎Dec 31, 2023
01:10 AM
But if the button is disabled, when panel B closes, it won't be able to call again by push button.
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‎Dec 30, 2023
07:56 PM
1 Upvote
I have written two JSX scripts, where clicking a button in panel A calls another script from panel B. However, the current way of calling causes the panel to be repeated every time the button is clicked on panel A. How can I avoid repeating the call when the panel has not been closed? For example, if panel B's script is still running and the button on panel A is clicked again without closing it, it should not repeat the call. Here is an example code: var panelA = new Window("palette", "PanelA", undefined); var button = Apanel.add("button", undefined, "Button"); button.onClick = function() { panelB(); } panelA.show(); function panelB () { var panelB = new Window("palette", "PanelB", undefined); var button2 = PanelB.add("button", undefined, "Button2"); button2.onClick = function() { alert("this is panelB") } panelB.show(); }
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‎Dec 28, 2023
08:11 PM
When a script uses JSON format for configuration, it can be executed correctly by calling the script in the Window menu after After Effects 2024 has launched. However, if the script is docked in the workspace to automatically run when After Effects starts, an error occur stating that JSON is undefined when After Effects is restarted. Of course, you can include json2.js in the script to avoid this problem, but since After Effects already supports JSON, there is no need to take this extra step. This is a test script that you can try out to dock in the workspace and restart After Effects yourself. var jsonString = '{"name":"John", "age":30, "city":"New York"}'; try { var jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString); alert("JSON.parse successful! The parsed object is:\n" + JSON.stringify(jsonObject, null, 2)); } catch (e) { alert("JSON.parse failed, error message:" + e.message); } var panel = (this instanceof Panel) ? this : new Window("palette", "JSON.parse Test", undefined); panel.orientation = "column"; var button = panel.add("button", undefined, "JSON.parse"); button.onClick = function () { alert("JSON.parse Test") }; if (panel instanceof Window) { panel.center(); panel.show(); } else { panel.layout.layout(true); }
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‎Dec 21, 2023
08:32 PM
1 Upvote
When writing a script panel, it is possible to dock the script panel to the workspace using "palette" parameters. However, it is not possible to collapse it with a double-click like the built-in panels, instead, it becomes maximized. How can I write the code, to achieve the functionality of collapsing and expanding the attached panel with a double-click, just like the built-in panels?
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