New Here
New Here
‎Jan 23, 2024
09:08 AM
Hi community, I'm a graphic designer working with a group of editors. I've been sharing my ID layout for review, which creates an online file, which I invite editors to make correction comments on. Apparently, they have been able to us a Find feature (like commmand/control F) to search for certain words and that is now gone. What happened? Surely Adobe didn't delete that feature.
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‎Apr 14, 2023
01:12 PM
Same issue. Edit/Keyboard Shortcuts... the zoom shortcut changed to holding the Z (zoom) key and moving your mouse right or left. The pan shortcut is H (hand?) and moving your mouse. I'm guessing you can make it other things but if this is the default, that's just one more thing you have to remember when you set up a new computer or they update or whatever. I'm just going to start using the new shortcut; life's too short to fuss about the little changes.
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