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‎Nov 04, 2023
04:52 PM
RATS: Stupid comments section DOES NOT ALLOW EDITING, when one needs to edit a comment, so I will>>> DO IT AGAIN. Re: (deliberately UNLINKED to allow you to read the next bit): EDITED: Try this to revert your NEW paint (3D app), back to your OLD (Win 7 ype) original no frills "paint program" I found a simple way. (searching for the way to stop video editor opening chimpanzee app (clipchamp) SETTINGS > Apps > Advanced App Settings > App execution aliases [ - ] Microsoft ClipChamp (clipchamp.exe) .................................................... (toggle it "off") ....... [ON / OFF] Bingo - problem solved, Clipchamp will NOT auto turn on, instead you can now "re-see" the older "video editor/s" you used to see.. I found this method, when searching for the OLD (original 40 yr old) MS Paint, without the NEW 3D checkerboard crap. SETTINGS > Apps > Advanced App Settings > App execution aliases Right there, under the new MS CHIMPANZEE APP (clipchamp.exe) Paint (mspaint.exe) & Paint (pbrush.exe) BOTH OF THE TWO NEW PAINT EXE's need to be toggled OFF When re-installing the original OLD (pre latest "downdates / updates") MS Paint program. Toggling OFF both new exe's - allows the original win 7 MS Paint program to run, when PAINT is opened. Without any checkerboard, and without any 3D apps either. If it works with PAINT to turn the auto-start exe OFF, then Chimpanzees can take a backseat too - by being toggled OFF. ALSO (someone asked / somewhere in here) How to NOT SEE the taskbar when taking a full screen screenshot? When taking a fullscreen screenshot, without the taskbar. ... USE ALT and the PRNT SCRN button. ie: Press Alt + PrtScn. This copies the active window to the clipboard, which you can paste into another program. It also auto removes the taskbar - as it isn't part of the "current active screen". Anything else, use the old way of: Trial and (OMG - I DELETED EVERYTHING) = Error? If anything is done wrong, it can (generally) be found to still exist somewhere... ? (& if not, then buying another PC - works for me)
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‎Nov 04, 2023
04:41 PM
Try this to revert your NEW paint (3D app), back to your OLD (Win 7 ype) original no frills "paint program" When taking a fullscreen screenshot, without the taskbar. ... USE ALT and the PRNT SCRN button. ie: Press Alt + PrtScn. This copies the active window to the clipboard, which you can paste into another program. It also auto removes the taskbar - as it isn't part of the "current active screen".
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‎Nov 04, 2023
03:04 PM
? Nothing to remove..? Have you NOT seen the new PAINT program for Win 11 yet as it displays a checkerboard (when a picture is resized or moved) THERE IS SOMETHING TO BE REMOVED and that is the nonsensical checkerboard itself. PAINT always used to simply show a blank (white) canvas when something was moved or the canvas area stretched. Now all we seem to be able to get is the USELESS grey checkerboard feature which IS NOT A BLANK CANVAS. I need to be able to alter the background (layer behind the main picture) to show/display a nominated colour (ie: WHITE ) instead of a ruddy useless CHECKERBOARD picture. AND DO NOT START ON ABOUT PAINT BEING PHOTOSHOP.!!! PAINT is and always has been a windows "simple" paint canvas. I DO NOT HAVE ANY "PHOTOSHOP" FEATURE.
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