‎Mar 20, 2025
10:18 AM
The problem happens when combining Adobe Reader and FileOpen. You only need FileOpen if you have to read FileOpen protected documents, otherwise you can uninstall FileOpen and Adobe Reader should work fine. What worked for me is this: I contacted the document vendor (in my case, CIE) and complained in no uncertain words about their failure to provide the documents I bought for quite some money in a way that I can actually read them. I requested to get the documents in a non-FileOpen protected version, with e.g. watermark, labeled with my name and affiliation and date, in a pdf format that disallows editing with pdf standard compliant pdf editors like Adobe Acrobat, PDFXEdit and others. They were actually quite nice and provided this service. Maybe if many standard organizations are flooded with requests like this, they would just get rid of FileOpen protection and protect their documents with watermarks etc. Sorry, FileOpen guys.
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‎Feb 20, 2025
06:38 AM
Depending on which documents you need FileOpen for (probably some type of standard), you can contact the central bureau of that agency, tell them about this problem that keeps persisting since over four months now, ask them to send you the standards you bought but cannot access in a watermarked and annotated but not FileOpen encrypted version. Worked for me, with CIE standards. And you can ask them to think of a better way than FileOpen to protect their documents -- see my post above.
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‎Feb 19, 2025
12:05 AM
1 Upvote
Are we now supposed to think B1010 is an "achievement"? It is not. It is a belated fix of an embarrassing bug. FileOpen, Adobe and Microsoft have demonstrated over the last four months that they don't care about the problems of the end users, as long as the intermediate party that applies DRM continues to pay. I completely understand the need to protect pdf documents. After all, I'm a scientific book author, and I serve on the advisory board of a large scientific publisher. But this whole FileOpen thing is going in the wrong direction. A better way is to apply a margin note + nearly invisible watermark stating the time and name of the licensee, in a pdf version that disallows editing. For bad actors, it's equally easy to remove FileOpen encryption as removing the margin note. For honest end users, the FileOpen approach is just a pain -- amply demonstrated over the last four months, and having lots of additional issues. It is quite telling that much of the trouble is with standards. Standard organizations are monopolists, by their very nature -- they like to use FileOpen, and we have to cope with it, as long as we need the original standard. Publishing houses have to compete for the attention of the readers -- they tend to not use FileOpen, because of the pain FileOpen inflicts on their customers.
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‎Feb 16, 2025
09:39 PM
It's two weeks now since @sbingham said "If no significant issues are reported we will move it to release next week." Since you didn't release a fixed version, I conclude that there are significant issues still. AFTER MORE THAN FOUR MONTHS.
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‎Feb 04, 2025
11:04 AM
1 Upvote
@sbinghamthank you for your message, but we heard for almost four months now that FileOpen is working on a fix. All we still hear is that FileOpen is working on a fix. For many people, a beta version is something they cannot and will not install. I paid CIE for standards, and CIE paid FileOpen for the DRM service to protect them. "Beta version" is just a nice word for asking people like me to do your testing. But you don't pay me for testing. I paid you, even if indirectly. So I'm not going to do your testing. When can we expect the release? Next week? Next month? Next year? Can you at least give us a reliable timeline? Thanks.
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‎Feb 03, 2025
10:43 AM
P.S.: https://adobe.documents.adobe.com/public/esignWidget?wid=2AAABLblqZhBUIBdPKhHnYBG6VrIVGxBdO73_xEZ7O604Mdo7vL-sXfTJ-B5gg7wI3XnZG86kkaQ*
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‎Feb 03, 2025
10:41 AM
@Tyson32690690akfj, @S. S , I don't buy this blame game. To quote from the "Adobe Reader Integration License Agreement", which FileOpen must have signed: "If Adobe, in its sole discretion, determines that the Licensee Plug-in fails to conform the Application, Licensee will, at Adobe's written direction, (i) modify the Licensee Plug-in as requested by Adobe within thirty (30) days of written notice, or (ii) cease distribution of the Licensee Plug-in within fifteen (15) days of written notice. Licensee, will promptly cooperate with Adobe to facilitate periodic review of the Licensee Plug-in and will promptly correct any non-conformity as requested by Adobe". Souvik: All it would have taken for Adobe would have been to produce this written notice months ago. Adobe has plenty leverage, but doesn't use it. I think it's pretty obvious that Adobe just doesn't care.
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‎Jan 31, 2025
02:20 PM
Souvik, thanks for your response, but it doesn't make the situation much better. I currently __can__ __not__ open documents I paid a lot of money for, and which I need for my work. Are you seriously trying to tell me that Adobe doesn't have enough leverage over FileOpen to make them act in a timely manner? When is that next iteration they "promised"? In 2032? (Sorry for getting sarcastic...)
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‎Jan 31, 2025
02:57 AM
Adobe is awfully quiet recently in this discussion. A person named Souvik gave some promising comments weeks or months ago, but no more. It seems to me that Adobe just doesn't care. I'd be delighted to be be proved wrong!
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‎Jan 27, 2025
03:13 AM
And now, as of today, Acrobat Reader stopped working even though compat mode to win 8 is set. As if Adobe wanted to punish me.
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‎Jan 26, 2025
08:42 AM
And yes, of course, @Peter22440460bx94 , I fully agree with you on this: The practice is restrictive and hinders industry. I have bought other pdf files, for example the LaTeX Companion III from Pearson/InformIt, which has my name on every page, in a hard to remove way. I think that should be sufficient and much less annoying. But it would put FileOpen out of business, of course. If someone would be savvy enough to work around the "hard to remove" part, that person could just as easily remove the FileOpen DRM.
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‎Jan 26, 2025
08:19 AM
I told CIE, of course. They are looking into it, but they are slow, like all standardization bodies, and my voice may not have sufficient weight. And while I am a freelancer and nerdy enough to know how to remove DRM if I'd want to, I'm not going to waste my time on finding and studying lengthy copyright documents, which at best will be ambgiuous anyway. Many others who need FileOpen protected documents will not be savvy enough to remove DRM, or will be restricted to do so through their employers' corporate policies. The ball is squarely in the joint court of Adobe, Microsoft and FileOpen.
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‎Jan 26, 2025
07:34 AM
Trouble is, if I remove the FileOpen plugin, then I cannot read the CIE standards any more, which are protected with FileOpen. And I _do_ need these standards in my daily work. As a member of CIE, I'm simply not going to do something illegal here. CIE has paid for the FileOpen service, and the service is bad. I'm 100% percent sure that if someone on this planet has enough leverage to make the FileOpen people fix it, then it's Adobe. Moreover, Souvik from Adobe wrote more than once that "we are working on a fix".
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‎Jan 26, 2025
06:34 AM
Hi Souvik, thanks for the compatibility tip. While it is a workaround that lets me at least read the pdfs I paid a lot of money for, it's far from a solution. Has several drawbacks, IT security, "take the tour" every time I open Adobe Reader, just like many others noted. What's hard to understand is why after almost four months, Adobe still has no real fix. Can you provide a reliable estimate at what date we can expect a fix? Thanks Julius
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‎Dec 31, 2024
08:25 AM
1 Upvote
I need CIE colorimetry standards for my work. They are FileOpen protected. I use another lightweight PDF viewer as Windows standard pdf app (sumatrapdf), but for those standards, which are not cheap, I'm forced to use Adobe Reader. While I the Win8 compatibility workaround lets me view the files at least, it's a nuisance, because it insists ton repeating the "Tour" every time. In November, Souvik said "...update early December". Well, that didn't happen. Do you have a more reliable date? Thanks! Julius
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‎Oct 14, 2024
02:54 AM
Thank you @Tyson32690690akfj ! On my freshly installed Windows 11 PC, I installed Acrobat Reader, worked. Installed FileOpen (to access protected CIE standards I bought) and Acro Reader would not start (the acrobat.exe process ran, but no GUI window appeared). Locating Acrobat.exe in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat, right clicking, setting compatibility to Windows8 as you explained, solved the problem for me. Acro Reader runs, and the protected files open without problem.
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