‎Feb 13, 2020
11:56 AM
I have a FrameMaker file (2019 Structured) that crashes when I Accept All edits from the Tracker menu. My other FrameMaker projects don't have this problem. Is there a way to recreate my FrameMaker project retaining the edits made to it? When I copy/paste the body pages into a new document, or I import them in, the edits are not retained. When I import the master pages, the edits are retained. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
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‎Feb 11, 2020
10:51 AM
I sent an email. Subject: FrameMaker crashes Accept All edits.
I work with Hologic, Inc.
[e-mail info redacted by Moderator - that's why there's such a thing as Private Messages]
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‎Feb 11, 2020
08:27 AM
Hi Winfried, At your suggestion I updated to It took a lot of time to open the file but once it opened I tried to Accept All edits. It seemed like it was going to be successful but it crashed. When FrameMaker crashes, I do not get a message about dmp files nor do I see a dmp file in my working folder. How do I append files here? I will add a bug report in the tracker but in the meantime can you tell me more about the MIF wash before I attempt it? What do you mean by "are all conditions shown?" How do I know that? What do you mean by "show all conditions when you accept your edits?" Where in the menu structure can I work with these conditions you reference? Yesterday (before doing the update), I tried copying all of my text (redlines included) with the exception of the the last flow end symbol, and pasting it into a new Frame document. None of the redlines copied over though; it was as if they were all accepted. To this new document I added one line of tracked text and attempted an Accept All. It completed the task and indicated it had made 22 changes. That's about the number of changes the original document had! When I imported the master pages from the original document, my redlines in the Master Pages did show up. Now if I can figure out how to retain my redlines in the Body Pages that would be great! For my work projects, I need to make redlined PDFs and clean PDFs. I really appreciate that you took the time to respond to my problem! I need to resolve this before my document becomes customer-facing. Right now I'm going through iterations of edits using Adobe shared reviews. Thanks, Sedona
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‎Feb 10, 2020
12:44 PM
My 78 page FrameMaker document crashes when I Accept All edits. It seems like it's going okay but within 10 seconds the file closes. I am able to accept edits one at a time with no problem but it's crucial that I have the ability to Accept All with this size document. I have heard it could be the last symbol (§) in the document that is corupt. Any way to remedy this? Thank you!
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‎Feb 27, 2019
10:17 AM
I was able to vote using Google Chrome!
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‎Feb 25, 2019
10:40 AM
Hi Matt, Winfried Reng above entered a bug report in the tracker and cited the Steps to Reproduce (or recreate) the problem. Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to "vote" on it because I can't figure out how to login to the tracker. I can get to the tracker itself but the login button doesn't do anything (I have yet to try a different browser). Seems the bug tracker has a bug. One of our translation venders suggested a solution would be to downsave the file in Frame 12 and then save again in 17. This approach seems safer than messing with code. I have to find the time to play with this and the MIF; finding the time is the other problem!! Thanks for your reply, Sally/Sedona
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‎Feb 22, 2019
01:20 PM
thanks linsims, I'll try to figure out how I navigate to the tracker without using the link she provided.
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‎Feb 22, 2019
01:16 PM
Hi Again . . . My team of writers have been using Frame unstructured for many years using many versions. We are all currently using Frame 2017 and have never seen this problem with previous versions. Is there a reason why we are seeing it now and do we know if this bug exists in Frame 2019? We will upgrade to 2019 if that's the case. We should not have to be playing with code to solve bugs. Thanks!
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‎Feb 22, 2019
12:21 PM
Thank you, I will try all of your suggestions. It's a bit ridiculous to have to go through the process of converting to MIF to get a normal result. Just saying. Winfried - I saw the bug report you sent (thank you for that!) but the selections to login and vote produced error pages. Maybe that's why there are no votes?
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‎Feb 12, 2019
06:44 AM
I'm using Frame 2017 unstructured and have noticed tick marks (faint periods) in some of my table cells after converting to PDF. It turns out that those marks are green paragraph tags in FrameMaker. How can I get rid of green paragraph marks - turn them black?
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‎Mar 30, 2018
09:47 AM
1 Upvote
Well, they look the same width! After playing with the Right tab stop, you are right, everything moved into place. Now I'll work on making the width the same. Thanks very much! Sally
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‎Mar 30, 2018
08:29 AM
Hi Barb, It's not picking up the right tab stop or the leader dots. The page numbers are correct but flush against the heading (which are correct). All the <$pagenum> and <$paratext> blocks are in place and formatted how I'd like when I generate the TOC. Again, it's only page 2 that is not generating properly, pages 1 and 3 are fine. Sally Page 2 is on the left, page 1 on the right. Page 3 looks similar to page 1.
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‎Mar 30, 2018
07:59 AM
Hello, I'm using Frame 12 unstructured and trying to setup a generated TOC I inherited from someone else. Everything looks great except even pages aren't seeing the formatting I set up on the reference page. All pages have a Flow A. Master pages are set at Right/left. Thanks for your help!
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‎Mar 21, 2018
01:35 PM
Hi. Thanks for attempting to answer my question. Maybe I'm making it harder than it is. I have finished redlining all the files in my book. It sounds like you're saying I should copy the folder my Frame project is in and paste it into a new folder, perhaps named "clean." Then open the book in the new folder and accept the edits in each individual book. Then I'll make a PDF of the "clean" book and use it for my next Adobe shared review. Any new edits from that review I'll incorporate into the folder that has the original edits and then overwrite that folder into the "clean" folder repeating this process until all reviewers are happy. The clean PDF and redlined PDF will go into our Agile PLM for approvals and archival. Writing this out helps. Thanks again!
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‎Mar 16, 2018
07:35 AM
Hi. I appreciate your answer but that is not the answer I'm looking for. I do use a doc control system. But the files I put into that system have to have a PDF redlined version and a PDF clean version. I'm just not sure how to take the Frame files (the book) and make them clean while at the same time retaining a folder of the redlines. What's the quickest way to accept all edits in a book with 17 files and still keep a book that has the redlines. Is there a way to accept all the edits for each file at the same time or do I have to accept all edits for each individual file saving it somewhere else? Do I need to delete all the files from the book save them somewhere else and put them back together again? Thanks. I'm using unstructured FrameMaker 12.
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‎Mar 15, 2018
12:45 PM
I'm using FrameMaker 12. I have a book with 17 files (one is a generated TOC). Every file has tracked edits and now I need to accept all the edits (redlines) in all the files to make a "clean" book. I also need to retain the redlined copy in addition to having a clean copy of the book. What is the best, most efficient way to do this? Do I Save as or copy the book to another folder and then accept the edits in all the files separately? Do I need to delete all the files from the book first and then add them back?
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‎Apr 20, 2017
09:15 AM
Hi Arnis and Bob, I gave you the wrong version of my software. I'm actually using FM12 (I still had FM10 as a shortcut on my desktop). Based on your replies, that doesn't seem to matter. I did not realize there was a FM17! Since I need to retain redlined files in a separate folder from clean files, my thinking was that it would be easier to have one file for the document rather than a book with a bunch of files in it. My document is only 30 pages but the authors want a TOC, LOT and LOF in it. Arnis, by "create text inset" do you mean copy/paste or import the lists into a page? I had hoped to create a master page for each list and then use reference pages for each to format. I think you're right that a book is easier all around. Thanks!
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‎Apr 17, 2017
09:35 AM
I have a small document that doesn't seem to warrant a book. Can I generate lists and their reference pages inside a FrameMaker file without creating another file that becomes a book? I have tried embedding a standalone TOC but can't get it to work with references page to create ellipses that precede page numbers, or any other formatting.
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‎Mar 03, 2017
01:49 PM
Thanks so much Winfriend, problem solved! The frame caught the nodes so I could delete the oval shape!
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‎Mar 03, 2017
01:47 PM
Thanks Bob, problem solved! Sally
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‎Mar 03, 2017
01:46 PM
Thanks so much Arnis, problem solved!
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‎Mar 02, 2017
02:14 PM
In Frame 12, I drew an oval shape to circle some text, and moved it to back so the text would show. When I no longer needed it, I did Ctrl Z to undo it. Then I went back to adding text saving along the way. I printed out my doc and saw remnants of the oval shape. Apparently I did not erase the oval in its entirety. Now I can't "grab" or select the object/graphic to delete it. Any idea how I can select the oval for deletion? Since I moved it to back, is it hidden forever? Thanks!
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‎Nov 17, 2016
08:20 AM
Thanks David artman designs. I also had to access Edit/Preferences/Alerts (underneath General) and uncheck File contains unavailable fonts to get rid of the pesky popup. I use Arial throughout my documents which is a standard font. Is there no way to run a report of some type to find rogue fonts?
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