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I am student and will graduate in the next year. When I graduate, will I still be able to use the program or do I have to buy an actual version? (in other words since I have to prove that I am a student, will my student validation still be needed for the activation of the product after I reinstall it or graduate.)
Another ? having nothing to do with a Student Version Cs4. Is it true that you can't export a movie in any format with a 30 day trial version Cs4 premiere?
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Is it better to just buy CS4 premiem edition? You wouldn't have to worry about using activation student codes right?
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This forum is to talk about the forums themselves, not products
As far as the student version... you will need to find where that is sold on the Adobe site, and then see if there is a link to the license requirements
As far as movies... ask in the appropriate version forum, starting at
I do know that the 30 day demo of Premiere Pro will not import OR export anything to do with MPEG, due to license restrictions
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I agree with John T. As he is an academician, he knows a good deal about "student/academic" versions of many Adobe products.
In years past, there were some limitations in the EULA on doing "commercial work," but I believe that those have been dropped. There were rules governing upgrade paths, but I think that many of those have also been dropped.
When one is speaking of various suites, it might not be quite so easy to get full details, but depending on the configuration of the suite, you should be able to pick out the major components, ask in those appropriate fora, and get pointers to current EULA's for those. I would assume that they will dictate the restrictions and limitations of the total suite.
I will not comment on what used to be, as much has changed. One needs to check now. Also, I'd follow John's advice to check with the licensed resellers of academic versions. Once, FAXing a student I.D. was good enough, like showing same at the school's bookstore.
Whatever you do, go through a licensed, academic reseller, whether you school's bookstore, or from an licensed academic Web site.
Good luck,
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I am "somewhat" familiar with the "regular" Academic version, since I work at a University and qualify to buy from an Academic seller
I am NOT familiar with the (even lower cost) Student version which requires being a student (I do not qualify as an employee)
You need to search around Adobe to find the requirements (maybe click Support, above, then the knowledgebasem, and search?)