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The forum software evidently believes "bucket" is a dirty word, as in "Photoshop Elements' Paint Bucket tool". (B u c k e t). See this thread:
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We really can't expect everyone to learn to write bucket
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Pssssst! You wanna dirty peeeekcha ?
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What kind of weird ascii trick did you use to type "bucket"? (Luckily, copy/paste of that string seems to work...)
Really, we need to know, so we can type the full English language on this challenged web forum.
Jive "Clearspace" is incompatible with the English language! WebX now!
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Not sure why/how bucket was in the list. Not Jive's fault, they don't supply the word list. Should be fixed now.
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If the list is customizable; how 'bout wiping the whole friggin'
thing? We never had any problems of foul language with the webx forums
(unless stuff was cleaned behind the scenes that I don't know about...)
There's some other words on the list which have legitimate uses.
Here's one which came up recently:
Suma Cum Laude
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Harbs. wrote:
We never had any problems of foul language with the webx forums
You obviously didn't get around much!
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You obviously didn't get around much!
I guess that could be true. I more or less stick to InDesign and
sometimes Typography. Folks there tend to be pretty tame...
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John Joslin wrote:
Harbs. wrote:
We never had any problems of foul language with the webx forums
You obviously didn't get around much!
Yup would make very experienced sailor blush
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Harbs. wrote:
If the list is customizable; how 'bout wiping the whole *******' thing?
I didn't know frig-gin' was a profanity...
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It does make you wonder about the person responsible for adding it to the list, though. What DO they do with a bucket?
Nice to see the fix is retroactive - that the original text is still in the database as posted.
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adobe-admin wrote:
Not sure why/how bucket was in the list. Not Jive's fault, they don't supply the word list. Should be fixed now.
Aww comeon, don't spoil my fun with silly things like facts! So they don't even supply a default word list huh? That's lazy of them...
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@ Harbs - just shows how easy the silly thing is to circumvent Luckily it doesn't know UK swear words anyway. It's OK, I'm caaaalllmmmm
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Ahh, b u c k e t! Why bother? bucket all...
Looks like we got Jived again...
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bucket sounds alot like fucket
people get those 2 mixed up all the time.