Andreas, hi. To put numbers 00 to 49 around a circle here are the steps I used. Basically, I used Text on a path and Effects>Transform. All text is live. Draw a circle. Stroke Color None, Fill Color None. With the Line Tool, Draw a stroke line. Align your line inside circle and align center. With Type on Path Tool, Click on line. I typed in 00 for placeholder text. I used Myriad Pro 14pt, Paragraph is Center aligned With White arrow tool, adjust both Handles to the ends. Type>Type on a Path>Type Options, Change to Center. Select both your circle and Type on a Path. Group. Effect>Transform. Here on my settings. (360/50=angle 7.2) need 49 copies. Expand Effect>Transform. I ungrouped x2 Type in your numbers. As you can see, the left side, the numbers are upside down. So, Select numbers 26-49, Type>Type on a Path>Type Options, Check Flip. K
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