Thanks to all that advised me on this topic. I've run some experiments, and this seems the best overall solution, although not perfect. There may be more elegant solutions that I haven't thought of. Create a boilerplate page using the same styles (para, char, etc.) as the rest of the book. Include styled heads and any graphics -- even linked graphics -- as needed. Select the boilerplate text-heads-and-graphics. (Note: not the page, not the text area, just the text/heads/graphics, the live contents of the page.) From that selection, create a CC Libraries entry (you may need to create a new library for the purpose or client). CC Libraries -- apparently -- enters your material as text, paragraph styles, and graphics, but they all appeared together when I entered them into a document. At least mine did. You can double-click the entry from the CC Libraries and edit it directly, then save it back to its CC Libraries entry. Thus, small changes at least are maintained in one place. In the individual document, on a normal run-of-publication page with whatever footer is needed, place the boilerplate (heads, graphics, and all). The heads will be recognized by the TOC production process. I'm presuming that any numbered captions will number correctly when numbers have been updated (more testing, I'm afraid, but I see no reason why this would not work). Run the book. Downsides: While you can edit the CC Libraries entry directly, the entry does not automatically update in any placement you have already made. There is no active "link" -- all you have done is copied text/heads/graphics/styles from CC Libraries into the working document, much like doing a copy-and-paste from some standalone boilerplate document in your file system, except you don't have to copy it every time. <oh well> However, this does solve the problem of making ongoing changes in one place without "de-normalizing" the boilerplate into several independently maintained copies. The pesky footers -- each with a different product name -- are now the province of the parent pages of the separate books, not something that needs to be managed by the boilerplate page. This process could be enhanced IMHO if you were able to link the text to the CC Libraries entry, so that modification there modified the material where it is used, much as editing a graphic in PhotoShop and saving it to the same linked filename updates within an ID document. (Maybe this feature is available and I just don't know about it. Ignorance can be cured, I'm told.) Again, thanks to everyone who advised on this. -j
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