‎Feb 03, 2025
05:41 PM
Adobe Animate/Adobe Media Encoder Headache : So on a Mac running Monterey, Media Encoder 25 is incompatible. There are no older versions listed for download. On a Mac running Sequoia Adobe Animate (Formally Flash) is also incompatible, even if Media Encoder works...THEY NEED TO WORK TOGETHER. Animate/Flash is not even listed as a compatible programe "with bugs" as some others are, that's how unuseable it is on Sequoia. So Adobe, we're paying for this legacy laggard . Would you like to give me back access to a compatible version of Media encoder, since, you know. We're paying for it?
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‎Jan 29, 2023
07:53 PM
Was looking for this option also. Leave it to Adobe to hide anything useful . That burger menu contains even the newly hidden ability to save your workspace . Its existence was a terrible idea .
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‎Mar 15, 2022
11:09 AM
Omg! Thank you! Very happy this isn't permanent.. This is one of those changes that made my blood run cold. I wouldn't even have thought to look for an option to change this back in preferences.
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‎Mar 15, 2022
07:32 AM
I don't know why Adobe's developement team insisted on messing with the Asset Warp tool for the sake of what exactly? Inverse Kinmatics???? IK is in fact, a legacy feature in Toonboom Harmony. Which means it exists, but it is useless. The parenting system replaced any need for it. Animate has parenting also ..so there NO NEED for IK. What Adobe animate DOES LACK is proper deformation tools. Toonboom Harmony is years ahead of Adobe on this. The Asset Warp tool inside Animate was never perfect but it was the closest thing Animate had to a deformer tool. In the lastest Adobe Animate the Asset Warp tool now blurs all shapes and leaves a vectorized bitmap behind. This renders the tool effectively useless. I'll now have to revert back to previous versions of the software when the asset warp tool worked properly. Before the Update Adobe Animate had a useable but broken deformer, now it has ZERO deformers. At this point I feel bad for Adobe developers working on this software. This experience is demoralizing for those of use using Animate, but it must also be demoralizing for those forced to continually break the software to justifiy the subsciption.
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‎Nov 16, 2021
08:27 AM
Adobe just changes the interface for the sake of change now. They create more problems then they solve.
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‎Jun 22, 2020
03:17 PM
How come art disappears when I work inside a symbol? I can't work inside symbols anymore. Any explaination? Why hasn't this been fixed in the last upgrade?
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‎Jun 22, 2020
03:06 PM
Adobe has made editing art within symbols in new Flash a buggy nightmare. If I'm in a symbol and I select part of the artwork and delete, everything disappears. My ability to view anything is broken and I have to exit the symbol. The artwork is still there.. but If I want to edit it, I HAVE to edit it on the main timeline, then copy and paste it back into the symbol. Another problem when working in symbols... If I select points and delete with the white arrow, everything gets deleted, or points and assets beyond what i selected get deleted. The bug extends to the library window- the preview only shows a piece of what the symbol contains. None one of flashes tools work properly inside a symbol anymore, because they broke their program. I mean come on . This is a trainwreck. How can you continue to make upgrades and leave major bugs still in place? CS3 worked smoother then this. I wouldn't even call this a bug...these are basic functions that Adobe completely destroyed versions ago , and it's clear they know they are there, and are incapable of fixing them. If I can't work inside a symbol I am added hours of time to any project.
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‎Jul 17, 2019
11:53 AM
Why would Adobe hide the zoom tool behind the blend tool in the toolbar in Adobe Illustrator? They have nothing to do with each other..shouldn't the zoom be with the hand tool? Bad design choices.
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‎Jun 19, 2019
01:19 PM
How to Convert a Photoshop Brush to an Eraser in photoshop CC V19 - YouTube This guy posted this back in November and he said this eraser disaster is such a huge oversight by adobe that he has been flooded with email. His work around is to change your brush mode to "Clear" That is the only way to erase with your current brush thanks to Adobe developers incompetence.
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‎Jun 19, 2019
10:59 AM
Exactly the Same thing I experienced.. it snaps the tool back from the Eraser to the Brush when you try to change your eraser selection.. Adobe has trashed their software with this.
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‎Jun 19, 2019
09:54 AM
It's so incredibly BAD. This is basic a basic function that would screw up any digital painters workflow. It's just not clear how to turn your brushes into erasers.. It was never this hard.
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‎Jun 19, 2019
09:44 AM
1 Upvote
100% They have made the eraser unusable.. it's absolutely horrible. I can get the eraser to change what brush it's on.. I'm not sure what short cut I'm using to do it.. It's a total mess. They took something that worked fine and trashed it.
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‎Jun 19, 2019
09:07 AM
Guys can you tells what specifically you are finding a problem. If you want to select a preset without changing tools, hold down the Ctrl (Cmd) key. If you want to know what tool a particular preset has, the turn on all the options in the right click menu. I've just started doing some digital painting today and I know exactly what they're talking about. It's amazing you still don't get it. I'm painting with a brush I switch to the eraser The eraser now uses that brush, but it erases instead of paints. How hard is that to comprehend?????? It's worked that way for DECADES have you ever heard of "KISS"? Every designer has.. it's something adobe's developers need to keep in mind when adding new features. Stands for KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID. Instead I switch to the eraser and it dumps the brush I'm using.. and if I'm on the eraser tool and select the brush I want it Switches me BACK to the BRUSH tool. This is just unacceptable and frustrating. But why would Adobe care about artists work flows anymore?. They're too busy watching their Stock price soar and purchasing e commerce platforms. ALSO It's been years and they still don't have a feature that lets you change brush settings and save the updated settings to the current brush. You HAVE to create another brush every SINGLE TIME and then go back and delete your other brushes. So annoying. Toonboom Has that. TOONBOOM. Candian animation software has a better brush interface then Photoshop. For shame.
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‎Jan 12, 2019
05:28 AM
What a horrible new feature.. they turn this nonsense on my default, but they Turn off the free transform tool pivot point by default? So that it does not appear and I can't anchor what I'm moving? Forget updates...Adobe just can't stop screwing up what isn't broken. Agreed..this feature was 100%designed by suits in the marketing department who are overly afraid grandpa won't know what the move tool does.. No one wants pop up ads in their software! No one!
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‎Oct 20, 2018
06:45 PM
Just want to give props where props are due. The new Animate CC layer parenting at first glance is super simple and super easy to make. I also love how even though a symbol might have a few children beneath it I can still squash and stretch it without it also squishing the children symbols. I messed around in toonboom alot and the extra steps it takes to achieve this simple function are complicated and completely mind numbing, using their node view drawings connected to pegs on top of more pegs. My hair is grey before I can animate anything. Thanks Adobe!
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‎Aug 21, 2018
07:20 AM
http://install.anastasiy.com/ Adobe discontinued extensions manager that's why it is tough to find and weird to install... this is the replacement.
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‎May 04, 2018
06:13 AM
I would be interested in being in the Adobe Animate prerelease program. I have to insist that "Play all scenes" does not work. Yes, it plays all scenes, but it doesn't count if the stage jumps all over the place and half the scene is cut off because it moved 5 inches to the right underneath the timeline. Sure, sometimes scenes play through without jumping. But all the time without jumping would be better. I tried the new stage crop button added. It clips the stage but doesn't fix any problem. The center stage button is nice. These buttons are small and easy to overlook which brings me to my next point. The camera.. I tested the camera with just a new Actionscript3 file with nothing in it with 3 scenes and Animate did export all the camera moves to a .swf file... but I'm using much larger files with some coding (which I did not write ) and many more symbols and scenes. Like 30 scenes... It's highly likely that the camera is just not stable under real stress or whatever coding that is in the file is knocking out the camera? That's the problem with flash . If advanced tools are only going to work under perfect circumstances then they are no good to me. In any case the button for adding a camera should not be in the drawing tools panel. It is right next to the hand and zoom tool I am constantly adding a camera unintentionally. It should actually be in the upper right corner of the stage where you put those other buttons that no one notices. Then I won't add the camera accidentally and it will help people discover those tool options. Otherwise I'd just add it to the upper tool bar menu under "insert".. similar to how you have it in After Effects. Just keep that camera button out of the way. In toonboom harmony they have the camera and other layer types in a drop down just above the layers panel. You guys have plenty of room for the same thing right under the Timeline tab to the left of the eyeball and lock icons.
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‎May 03, 2018
02:16 PM
Animate CC has two major bugs not in previous versions of Flash / Animate ... 1. The "Clip to stage command" Under View_Magnification. In previous versions of flash Shift+ commd +W would crop the stage and snap to the upper left hand corner for all scenes. I could then check "Play all scenes" and I could watch my entire movie - Play through every scene without exporting a swf. Why you broke this basic function Animate 2018 is a mystery. Now when I hit Shift+ commd +W in Animate CC 2018 the stage is cropped but Now I can still move the stage around. It doesn't lock in place. So when I go to "Play all scenes" The stage jumps around from scene to scene. Making it impossible to watch my movie through without exporting a swf. There is no option to revert back to the way Animate CC used to function, short of installing a previous version of Animate. 2. The camera .. Finally No flash plugin needed Adobe finally adds a feature animators have wanted since forever. But not so fast. The camera movements don't export to swf. Totally worthless. I've read complaints on this... the pseudo-solutions are completely mysterious and indecipherable. When "test scene" I can see the camera movement in the swf.. but when I publish the whole swf with all the scenes included.. it shows nothing. If there is not a publishing setting to fix this yet ..their should be one in the future.
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‎Apr 22, 2017
06:43 PM
God damn it guys all my illustrator files are no longer linked to those little black clouds. I'm pulling up empty illustrator documents to all of them. This is a disaster.
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‎Apr 22, 2017
06:39 PM
God damn it I figured it out.. this weird linkage think where the image is a cloud or something...and I have to convert to a smart object is bizarre. I'd rather this just be automatically a smart object like before. I see no benefit to whatever the you guys did with these little black clouds. If there is one I'd love to hear it.
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‎Apr 22, 2017
06:34 PM
This is really frustrating guys. You crapped up this function with one of your numerous upgrades I'm sure. I used to be able to do this no problem .. I realized that you moved it under Layer>Smart objects.. but now the damn function is greyed out. What extra step am I missing exactly? This shouldn't be this difficult. I should just be able to select my later and hit this greyed out function. What the hell happened?
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‎Mar 12, 2015
09:15 AM
Agreed Type kit is the worst . You really should not have messed with our fonts. I'm having trouble accessing fonts that I've always had now. Type kit is hiding things or making them totally inaccessible.
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