You can create a vignette manually in Expert mode:
1. Open your picture file (Background layer}
2. Duplicate the Background layer (Background copy layer)
3. Open a blank layer at the top (Layer 1)
3. Activate the Elliptical marquee tool and set the feather value to 25-35px
4. Drag out the ellipse to embrace what you wish on the picture, on Layer 1
5. Set the foreground color chip to black, then go to Edit>Fill selection>foreground color
6. Drag Layer 1 between the Background and Background copy layers, and shut off tbe visibility of the Background layer
7. Go to Layer menu>Create clipping mask
8. Press CTRL+D to get rid of the marching ants
9. You will be left with the vignette surrounded by transparency. You can fill this in with color, a pattern, a gradient, or anything to suit.
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