‎May 23, 2023
09:22 AM
I have been having the same issue with a trade show booth I was designing. I was working at 50%, but the placed image had to be 300 dpi. So you can imagine it was still a very large image. I was placing the image, but all I could see was a blank box. I tried just about everything suggested here and then some. What worked for me, in the end, was reducing the file size by cropping it as much as I possibly could in Photoshop (previously, I was using a clipping mask in Illustrator). Apparently, Illustrator has a max file size it will accept for a placed image. I have seen no documentation on this. Just going by my experience. I hope this info is helpful to someone.
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‎Apr 09, 2020
05:35 PM
1 Upvote
PLEASE make this a feature! It keeps coming up and then getting dropped. It's long over due and needs to now be moved to the top of the priority list. It's becoming an embarrasing feature not to have!
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‎Apr 09, 2020
05:29 PM
I too would love to see this feature added. I have some devices with more limited storage so I don't want to sync all files. It would even be nice to just say sync computer A but not computer B to start.
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‎Oct 25, 2019
10:03 AM
Please share the solution 🙂
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‎Oct 25, 2019
10:00 AM
I clearly see a difference! and I'm having the same issue. What would be great is if instead of debating whether or not you all see a difference, perhaps you could offer up solutions or suggestions.
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‎Jun 20, 2018
10:11 AM
1 Upvote
I noticed Rob's library is V2, the versions Danny provided in dropbox are V3. This could be part of my issue. Finding the right version. Thanks!
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‎Jun 20, 2018
10:03 AM
Still not getting the colors I need. They are in the swatch book but not in the application. Any thoughts on how I can get all the colors in the swatch book in my applications? Any ideas on why some are missing? I have the latest books and they are registered. I have the latest manager software version and it's activated.
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‎Jun 15, 2018
04:47 PM
This isn't quite the right answer.
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‎Jun 15, 2018
04:46 PM
I am having the same problem. I have the latest version of the Pantone color manager software and my books are registered. I have most colors but I'm missing PMS2149 when I try to spec. in Illustrator. It's critical I have the correct spot color for this job as it's a brand color for a client. Any other suggestions?
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‎Jun 15, 2018
04:42 PM
I am having the same problem and I have the latest version of the Pantone color manager software and my books are registered. I have most colors loading but I need PMS2149 and it's just not in Illustrator. It's critical I have the correct spot color for this job as it's a brand color for a client. Any other suggestions?
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‎Feb 27, 2018
12:32 PM
Bill, I tried your suggestion. At first it seemed to work but that was just because the display view had defaulted to "typical display" as soon as I tried to go to "high quality display" the images are gone again.
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‎Feb 27, 2018
12:10 PM
Thanks Bill. Trying now... do I also need to delete: com.adobe.InDesign.plist.lockfile?
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‎Feb 27, 2018
12:05 PM
John and happie, this makes perfect sense however it's not the issue I am having. I have tried a few tricks like waiting, zoom or even move to a different page. The image just never appears. Thanks!
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‎Feb 26, 2018
05:07 PM
I'm using InDesign CC 2018, Mac OS 10.11.6 - when I am in the "high quality display"mode my images do not display. When I switch to "typical display" mode they appear again. I need to see the images in "high quality display". It's happening to all images and illustrations and it seems to affect all file types (jpg, ai, psd...). Image quality seems to have no bearing on the issue either, although most images I work with are highres, this also happens with lowres FPO images. I have seen plenty of posts with similar display quality issues but nothing where the image completely disapears. Hoping someone can shed some light on why this is happening and how I can fix it. [Here is the list of all Adobe forums...] [Moved from generic Cloud/Setup forum to the specific Program forum... Mod]
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