dj_paige wrote Ok so first off I won't be adding the files from the camera straight onto the external disks, for two reasons; 1) Speed. I'm no techy but I am imagining having the raw files on the internal ssd (960 evo NVMe 250gb M2) will be a faster and smoother editing process than through USB 3 to HDDs. I could of course be completely wrong, that in reality there is no efficiency by having the files on the same disk as LR, as I said I'm no techy, I'm basing this on perhaps 'old days' mentality and I am not wholly up to date with todays tech. There is no noticeable speed difference. There is no efficiency in having the files on the same disk, other than a trivial amount that you will never notice. I want the Dock to be in RAID and then once a week or fortnight it's turned on and stuff migrated off the internal SSD (to create space once again) and onto that. Unnecessary extra work, plus possibility of making errors. Put the photos right on the external HD when they come out of the camera, make your life simple. what I'm finding is the process when marking/tagging a file (x or p) is slow and laggy unless I build previews Yes, of course, this is by design. Somewhere along the way, if you want to see the photo in loupe mode, the computer has to do some work to render the photo the proper size and with the proper details. You can generate the 1:1 previews on import, and then import takes longer; or you can generate the 1:1 previews on the fly, as your are doing, and then the culling process takes longer. It's your choice, but you can't avoid having the computer do the work to allow you to see the photo in loupe mode properly. What i've noticed is the larger the catalog the longer times to load LR and performance in general. LR from my experience works better if restarted after an hour or so, and where possible deleting files from the library and keeping the library picture count down. There are many causes of slowness. Catalog size is not one of them (exception: making backups). Your entire discussion seems to be fighting against the way Lightroom is designed to work. If you really don't like the way Lightroom is designed to work, then you need to use other software, like Bridge, for example. If you are going to use Lightroom, don't fight it, find a workflow (as we have advised) that works with Lightroom's features instead of against it. I appreciate your time to reply. I have however stipulated that I won't do this, I understand I am being somewhat difficult, you are not obliged to help me any further if it pains you. However I will say this; Even if I had a 500gb or 1tb internal SSD, you eventually run into this problem media needs to be moved off to create more room, but you still want the program to find the moved media. That's all I'm really asking for at this time, how to do this with LR. Its the reason I opted for a smaller SSD than paying twice or four times for a 500gb or 1tb SSD, I can work with a 100gb 'buffer' of space on this internal SSD, when it gets close to that, migrate the media away. This way I am not subjected to constant whirring of fans on a daily basis, nor reaching to switch the HDD on or off constantly. I guess Faststone is just using jpg previews which is why its so quick to fire up the pics and let me have a quick look around during the culling process. Is it perhaps (for my purposes) overkill to be building 1:1 previews at this time? I noticed in the menu there is 'Standard-Sized' and 'Smart' previews, are these quicker and give a general idea of the shot taken? Well, it's been awhile since I removed say 700 shots from the catalog, it definitely made loading times and the whole LR experience smoother and quicker once emptying that library. I guess the experience of this process will be user dependent, the specs of the machine and what not, it certainly wasn't imagined. I don't think I'm fighting against Lightroom's 'design', a few people here have hinted that LR can 'point' to many different places for its catalog, no one seems to be actually holding my hand tightly enough to guide me through this process. Let's pretend I have a 500 pictures in the library, all of them consist of being edited and adjusted (raw files), they are located; C:\Users\xxxx\Pictures\Pentax In. Each of those RAW files has been exported as a Jpg, those files exist here; C:\Users\xxxx\Pictures\Pentax Out. It's clear out time. I move (not copy) both of those directories to my external hdd. Now i know when I boot LR up, the pictures might look like they are there in the library, but as soon as I go to edit a file it'll say something like 'file missing'. It is going to be very seldom I ever actually need to revisit these files again, but on the off chance that I do I would like LR to be able to see them (of course realising that this means I need to toggle on the Quad Dock so that it can find them again). How and is this possible? That's now the crux of my post.
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