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Me acabo de dar cuenta que todo este tiempo me han estado cobrando en mi cuenta de dolares y una vez que me quede sin comenzaron a cobrar en mi cuenta normal de soles.
Por qué desde un inicio no cobró en la cuenta principal?
Intente buscar multiples veces si hay una manera de señalar la cuenta del pago pero no encontre nada
Me e desuscrito de mis palnes por el miedo que me sigan cobrando en dolares si es que deposito en un futuro
En ningun momento autorice estos pagos, y estoy mas que segura que para las fechas de pago en mi cuenta original tenia el dinero psuficiente para hacer el pago mensual
Estoy totalmente desanimada en otra vez comprar un plan de adobe si es que siempre va a funcionar de esta manera.
make sure youre aware of the cancellation terms by selecting your plan type (at the top of the page here),
for info on how to cancel your subscription, this page describes the few steps involved,
if you want to cancel but are unable to follow the steps described in the "how to cancel page", contact adobe support.
there are 5 ways to contact adob
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make sure youre aware of the cancellation terms by selecting your plan type (at the top of the page here),
for info on how to cancel your subscription, this page describes the few steps involved,
if you want to cancel but are unable to follow the steps described in the "how to cancel page", contact adobe support.
there are 5 ways to contact adobe; chat and twitter:chat:
use a browser that allows popups and cookies, and click here,
in the chat field (lower right), type AGENT
be patient, it can take quite a while to reach a human.
Tweet @AdobeCare
p.s. if you�re contacted by anyone (via email or private message), it&#x<>;s much more likely to be a scammer than an Adobe Representative. ie, double check for an employee badge if contacted in the forums and look for an domain in the email address if you click reply to an email. then check again and be very suspicious. any other method of contacting (or offering to contact you) is almost certainly a scam,<>/using-the-community-discussions/staying-safe-in-the-adobe-support-community/td-p/<>/redirect_from_archived_page/true
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Eso lo tienes que configurar con tu banco.
Te recomiendo tener un plastico/tarjeta para cada cuenta. En caso de tener más de una cuenta asociada a un plastico, debes de configurar cuál es la principal. El cobro va primero a la cta principal, si no hay saldo va a la cuenta secundaria.
Llama a tu banco y revisa esto, no dejes q te digan q todo está bien, es cosa de ellos no de adobe.
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Me está pasando lo mismo yo en ningún momento autorize pago estoy pidiendo mi desembolso.
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contact adobe support. there are 2 ways to contact adobe support; chat and twitter (now x):
if you have or want to purchase a subscription, use a browser that allows popups and cookies
and click here,
in the chat field (lower right), type AGENT
be patient, it can take quite a while to reach a human.
tweet @AdobeCare
p.s. if you're contacted by anyone (via email or private message), it's much more likely to be a scammer than an adobe representative.
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discuss with adobe support. there are 2 ways to contact adobe support; chat and twitter (now x):
if you have or want to purchase a subscription, use a browser that allows popups and cookies
and click here,
in the chat field (lower right), type AGENT
be patient, it can take quite a while to reach a human.
tweet @AdobeCare
p.s. if you're contacted by anyone (via email or private message), it's much more likely to be a scammer than an adobe representative.