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I recently installed Acrobat DC. I previously used Foxit Phantom. Now when I am in "My Computer" and I either mouse-over or try to open a PDF file, it freezes for about 10 seconds and says "not responding" at the top. It always works again after the 7-10 seconds. Very annoying. This never happened when using Foxit. Has anyone else had this problem? How do I fix it?
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I'm facing the same problem with Adobe Reader DC as well. It's constantly hanging and eventually crashes when working with multiple PDF files. The old Adobe reader didn't have such issues.
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OK this is getting ridiculous! I just lost 2 hours work because this thing crashed!! I cannot believe that Adobe are letting this continue, I feel like rolling back, is this possible?
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Can someone from Adobe make contact please, I would like to arrange to roll back to an earlier version of Reader and to have my money refunded.
Thank you
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OK folks, I have just been informed by Adobe support that the software used on your PC is not supported because it it is free ware. So this issue is not going away very quickly.
I also asked if I could cancel my subscription and get my money back, this is not available after 14 days.
So I guess that we are all stuck with it until they decide to fix it. That all said, I am not sure that I would recommend DC to any colleges or if I would subscribe again. Does anyone know if the subscription rolls over automatically to another year, if that makes sense?
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Hi all,
We are looking into this issue on priority with the help of the crash logs submitted so far. We will keep you posted with the progress, as well as ETA for resolution.
Ashu Mittal
Sr. Program Manager, Acrobat
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Hi Ashu,
Do we have an ETA as yet for this? We are having the same issues and are in the process of trying other products as it is just too damaging to our business with continuing freezes and non responsiveness.
Have others had success?
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Hi ch1ch,
We don't have an ETA yet. Could you please try disabling the tabs and see if it fixes the issue for you? Go to Edit > Preferences and then under General, uncheck "Open documents as new tabs in the same window".
Please let me know how that goes.
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Hello Ashu,
You replied to ch1ch:
"We don't have an ETA yet. Could you please try disabling the tabs and see
if it fixes the issue for you? Go to* Edit > Preferences* and then under
General, uncheck "Open documents as new tabs in the same window"."
This solution may or may not work. However, it does me little good as I
work with .pdfs open side by side for comparison and review purposes. If I
can see only one tab, I am out of luck.
Who can I contact for a refund? I paid for a year subscription...what a
Johnston S. Hill
Right Of Way Specialists, Inc.
5134 S. Surprise Way
Suite 205
Boise, ID 83716
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Unchecking tabs doesn't prevent you from opening multiple PDFs side-by-side...
It'll just open the documents in separate windows instead of dockable tabs. Then just go to Window -> Tile -> Vertically or Horizontally (your preference).
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BRi Guy,
You are absolutely correct. Thank you for the tip.
Johnston S. Hill
Right Of Way Specialists, Inc.
5134 S. Surprise Way
Suite 205
Boise, ID 83716
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With our latest release on 10th May 2016, the issue reported by you has been addressed.
To get the latest product update, within the product, click on the menu Help --> Check for updates.
For more information about the release, please refer to the Release Notes and the New Feature Summary web links.
Hope this helps in addressing the reported issue. We look forward to the continued feedback.
Reetika Ghai
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Y'all are just as full of dung as a Christmas turkey!
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I just downloaded Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and I am having the same problem. It freezes constantly. It's happened to me at least 10 times today alone. Apparently the updates didn't fix the problem. I am using Windows 10. What can I do? I can't work like this.
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Hi Ashu,
Unfortunately we are still getting the issue even with the "Open documents as new tabs in the same window" unchecked.
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Here is what I am experiencing
I open one and only one document. The document opens fine; however, I am unable to do anything with the document, e.g., scroll for 15 or 20 seconds.
Once I can take an action, e.g., scroll, the document freezes again for 15 to 20 second. If I continue to try to do anything with the document, Acrobat Reader gives a (Not Responding) message, again for 15 to 20 seconds.
After approximately 2 minutes the document and Adobe Reader is reacting normally.
I'm no tech whiz, but it seems as of Adobe Reader goes away for approximately 2 minutes do something then once it finishes doing whatever, it acts normally.
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I go through this about every 6 months. Here's what happens:
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I'm having the same issue, running Win 10 Professional 64 on a six month old Dell Latitude. It's slow on loading, and then any action I take (such as going to the next page) causes it to freeze, aka 'not respond' for 15-60 seconds. This is incredibly annoying given that we work in PDFs on an extremely regular basis.
I've tried reinstalling, but to no avail.
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Yep, thats describes the issue, it was fine until this stupid update!! suffice to say, I have disabled Adobe PDF for now until this issue is resolved and have installed a similar pdf type program which does the trick, I may even stay with it.
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Hello, I've been seeing a lot of this lately and came up with this process as a standard method to alleviate the freezing. We can usually get the lag down to 3-5 seconds. one other thing to try is to disable any unused add-ins. Move them into a subfolder, but don't delete them as you may need them in the future.
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I have switched to Acrobat Reader DC few days ago, but it continuously crashes and is almost unusable on my Windows 8 pc.
The solution suggested below has no effect.
If no update is released I'm forced to downgrade to a previous version.
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i get the same, except it happens on every pdf doc that i open or try to make any comment/change etc. more than annoying as my previous version worked fine + my translator no longer works with this update....GGGRRRRRrrrr
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Same thing for me - I experience a lot of freezes. This is very annoying especially considering that other Acrobat versions always have been working perfectly.
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My problem is that it allows me to work up to a point, then just like clock work, it freezes. And it NEVER comes back. I was doing my taxes, and had to download the forms and fill them in by hand. This program/app is useless!
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I'm having the same issue on an hourly basis with Adobe Acrobat DC on Windows 7 64 bit. Very frustrating. I can't believe they haven't fixed this. It's no small issue.
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Ive stopped using it and downloaded a working version of PDF reader akin to
adobe. All my work documents are PDF based so its a no brainer to switch to a
product that works, it has surprised me that ADOBE have not taken a more
responsible stance for all its customers.
On 10 May 2016 at 20:49 stephenc63574721 <>