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Since the 25th of october we're having these issues on all installed computers at my company.
No error message, adobe acrobat just closes.
I already browsed the forum for similar problems and have tried several "solutions" but for me nothing has worked so far.
not :
not :
operating system : windows 10 build 1809
reinstalling doesn't work, re-entering the license didn't work.
adober reader DC has no problems
any other suggestions?
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I managed to update the installation to version 11.0.23 and so far it seems to be working.
hopefully this might be a solution for others aswel
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Acrobat XI is no longer supported by Adobe and it's becoming less and less compatible with Windows 10 with each new update.
I recommend you try running it in Compatibility Mode with an earlier OS (if you haven't already), but if that doesn't work you might need to bite the bullet and buy a newer version.
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I managed to update the installation to version 11.0.23 and so far it seems to be working.
hopefully this might be a solution for others aswel
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Stefaan_Claes , you are the real hero. Acrobat was not picking up on the update but I was able to find it. Many thanks.
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Yes Stefaan, you are correct! I just had the same problem and it is now fixed. Thank you!!
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I don't usually comment/reply but this definitely did the trick. Thank you!!!!
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Sorry can you explain to a begginer how the problem was fixed .Can Any one send me detailed ibstruction setp by step
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If you’re going to keep updating Windows, sooner or later it will pull the rug out from under Acrobat XI. Be prepared, and remember there are unfixed security issues too.
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Hello. I have this same issue. I found a update file on Adobe's website ( When I run the file AcrobatUpd11023.msp. It gives me an error: "Windows Installer does not permit patching of managed advertised products. At leaset one feature of the product must be installed before applyihng the patch." Can you tell me where you got your update file? Do I have to do increment updates like from 11.0.6 to 11.0.13 to get to 11.0.23? Thanks.
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In reply to my issue above with not able to install the patch AcrobatUpd11023.msp. The fix for this:
1. Close adobe acrobat XI
2. Go to Windows Task Manager
3. Find Adobe Acrobat Update Service in "Backgroup processes" section and END TASK.
4. Close task manager and run the update without any issues.
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Followed these instructions It worked perfectly. Thanks so much.
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thanks for your help ,it works , but the upgrade messaage still popping out , if i click it will go back to same problem
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thanks , for the help
and Adobe community as one
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Yes, you have to install the updates one by one, in order.
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Hey, I am also having this same problem. Did running the updates fix this issue?
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I downloaded the update from the following link:
and for me this is working on all affected computers in my company
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Confirmed this is the fix. I have multiple users who had this issue. After applying the upgrade they seem to be working without any issue. Thank you Stefaan_Claes
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Starting in Acrobat X, updates are cumulative. So for Acrobat XI and X you only need to install the final update 11.0.23. For Acrobat 9 and older, you do have to instal each update, one by one.
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2nd confirmation. Thanks Stefaan_Claes
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Great. it works. Thank you so much!
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Thank you! This worked for me!
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Thank you, this solved the problem for us! Note, we got an error message stating "it was probably already updated or had some other issue". I clicked the ignore option, and it finished the install and worked perfectly. We were still on 11.00 as it has never been able to update successfully through the normal updater. No idea why, but this will get us by until we're able to upgrade to a newer version. Thx again!
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This worked perfectly and was easy besides. Thanks!
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Thanks for the info. I went to that download page and got the update to 11.0.23, installed it, and now Adobe Acrobat Pro 11 does not close after about 20 seconds. The update seems to have fixed the problem for now. I too got an error message stating "it was probably already updated or had some other issue". Clicking the ignore button finished the install. Thanks again.
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Same here. Worked for me. I'm still on Windows 7 so I had to select Stop Service for the Adobe Update Serice since I didn't see an option to End Task. Went to Task Manager>Services tab>Sevices Button (bottom right of screen). Selected the service and then clicked Stop the Service.