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When I try to save any PDF File to a PDF/A File, I get the error message:
Could not copy file C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\plug_ins\Preflight\OutputIntent\CoatedFOGRA39.pdf,
C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Acrobat\Preflight Acrobat Continuous\OutputIntent\CoatedFOGRA39.pdf
: Falscher Parameter
I run the repair function, reinstalled Adobe Acroba Pro > no success
Then I copied all OutputIntent files from the path above to the mentioned user-folder path manually and now the following Errormessage appears when I try to save the file as PDF/A:
Nach Standard konvertieren:
Es ist kein Output Intent definiert. Um eine PDF-
Datei nach PDF/A zu konvertieren, ist ein Output
Intent erforderlich. Bitte definieren Sie einen
Output Intent in den Preflight-Voreinstellungen.
So, I defined an OutpuntIntent (see prnscrn) and I still get the same ErrorMessage concerning OutputIntent.
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I figured it out!
Click 'Preflight'
Then click 'PDF Standards'
Select the standard
Now change tab to 'Standards' with the diamond
Choose the right option
it should work
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Win11 64-Bit
Adobe Acrobat Pro version 2022.003.20282 | 64-Bit
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Moved to the Acrobat forum from Using the Community
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I'm having the same problem on two computers with Win11 Home 64-Bit.
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Same issue here.
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Same issue, any solution?
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works for me! Share a PDF file (no confidential data on)!
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What did you did??
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It did work for me.
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Same problem here.
W11 Ent
Adobe 2022.003.20310 64bit
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Move all files from:
Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\plug_ins\Preflight\OutputIntent
To the other location
Hope that helps.
Best regards
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I did this and receive a message "Could not create folder C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\plug_ins\Preflight\OutputIntent: Access denied"... I tried execute Acrobat as admin and give me the same error...
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From what I understand you did then:
Copy files from C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\plug_ins\Preflight\OutputIntent\,
C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Acrobat\Preflight Acrobat Continuous\OutputIntent\
After that you start Acrobat and try to save to PDF/A and get the error "Could not create folder C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\plug_ins\Preflight\OutputIntent: Access denied"
I would check if the folder:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\plug_ins\Preflight\OutputIntent\
Have all privileges for your account.
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Nicola Personal wrote:
I did this and receive a message "Could not create folder C:\Program Files\(...)
There should be no need to write to that directory anyhow.
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@Abambo sorry buy, you are not helping at all...
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The problem is, why someone (or a tool) tries to write to that directory. This directory should be used by programs during install. Period.
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Abambo not helpfull one more time...
Adobe Support just confirmed, that this is a bug.
By Nicola Personal
That's what I say. My IT would refuse to open any directory in the program files area because that is a security threat. And that is a severe issue.
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Adobe Support just confirmed, that this is a bug.
They are working on it and they will fix it with the next possible update.
As a workaround, which is not working in all cases, they propose this:
Click "Edit" > "Preferences..." > Security (Enhanced) > uncheck "Enable Protected Mode at Startup" and "Run in AppContainer"
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Thanks! It works fine
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same problem, any solution from Adobe company?
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Hi Alberto5F8B,
Thank you for reaching out.
Would you mind sharing more information on what happens?
Do you get the same error message as mentioned in the post?
Share the steps you do to convert the PDF. Also, confirm if the file is saved locally on the machine.
Share the Acrobat and OS version numbers with us.
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Thank you Meenakshi,
here some info:
- Do you get the same error message as mentioned in the post? Yes, same error and after the pocess "Click "Edit" > "Preferences..." > Security (Enhanced) > uncheck "Enable Protected Mode at Startup" and "Run in AppContainer"" Acrobat shows a new pop-up error "No output intent defined. An output intent is required to convert a PDF file to PDF/A. Define an output intent in the Preflight preferences.11:01" (translated form italian)
- Share the steps you do to convert the PDF. File> Save as other > PDF/A
- confirm if the file is saved locally on the machine: yes
- Share the Acrobat and OS version numbers with us. Acrobat Pro: 2023.001.20064 64bit - OS: win 11 pro, build 22621
thanks for support
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Hi Meenakshi,
got the same Problem.
1. Yes, same error message
2. I try to use the funktion "File" -> "Save as" -> "PDF/A"
3. Yes, the file is saved locally on the machine
4: Acrobat Pro 64-Bit 2023.003.20201; OS: Windows 11 Pro 64-Bit Verion 22H2 22621.1778

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