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How to identify acrobat Pro vs Standard using Registry

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Apr 23, 2024 Apr 23, 2024

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Since Adobe Acrobat binary is the same for Standard and Pro: acrobat.exe, I need to identify which device is running Pro and wich Device is running Standard. Can anyone help me identifying this using the registry?

Install update and subscribe to Acrobat , Modern Acrobat






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Community Expert ,
Apr 28, 2024 Apr 28, 2024

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If the binary is the same, the type of licence will be determined of what is allocated to the user. You will need to check the admin console.


If you are looking for registry keys, I suppose this site will be of help: https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/Wizard/registry.html

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 01, 2024 Nov 01, 2024

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While I cannot answer your question directly I can offer up a solution on how to tell the difference between Reader and either of the paid versions of Acrobat, I don't have Standard in my environment currently but I needed to know if the users I'd assigned licensed to had actually activated the licenses per my instructions.  This being said, perhaps there is something unique to Standard vs Pro in these registry keys, I just don't have a Standar install handy to confirm.


This is a PowerShell script that I've ran on all of the computers and I use our device management software to grab the contents of the file created for me to then export to a spreadsheet.



$AdobeResult = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\Installer').shAlfSdPackCab
<# The text is literally the word NULL in all caps #>
if ($AdobeResult -eq 'NULL') {

$EULAResult = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\AdobeViewer').EULAAcceptedForBrowser
<# Here I'm using the built in PowerShell $Null functionality, computers without the EULA accepted don't have this value at all #>
if ($EULAResult -eq $Null) {
$EULAResult='No EULA'
}else{$EULAResult='EULA Accepted'}

$AdobeOutput = $AdobeResult + ' ' + $EULAResult
<# Create a directory to put your result in, it's easier to just do this in cmd lol #>
cmd /c mkdir C:\AdobeTemp
<# Write this computer's result to a file #>
$AdobeOutput | Out-File -encoding ASCII C:\AdobeTemp\AdobeOutput.txt




If you just wanted to check those Registry entries manually/some other way, you can see from the script I'm checking to see if the Reg_SZ value shAlfSdPackCab has literally anything other than the word "NULL" but computers for users I know have setup Adobe Pro also have the an entry in the registry Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\AdobeViewer called EULAAcceptedForBrowser.


With this in mind, for my uses I have come to the following conclusions:


  • AdobeReader No EULA - Basic Adobe Reader from the looks of it
  • AdobeReader EULA Accepted - Probably someone who tried to sign into Adobe realizing later it didn't do anything
  • AcrobatPro No Eula - Probably a computer that previously had a Pro trial on it
  • AcrobatPro EULA Accepted - This appears to be fully licensed, fully ready to go Adobe Acrobat


Again, I am using "Adobe Pro" in this script because I know I have only Adobe Pro licenses, your mileage may vary.





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 04, 2024 Nov 04, 2024

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I added a condiditon for Adobe Acrobat not being installed called "NoAdobe", had to make some changes to accomidate that condition but it's pretty straightforward


$AdobeResult = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\Installer').shAlfSdPackCab
<# The text is literally the word NULL in all caps #>
if ($AdobeResult -eq 'NULL') {
<# But then here we're using the built in PowerShell "$Null",#>
<# as if that's not confusing at all #>
If ($AdobeResult -eq $Null){
<# The extra parts of this command are to prevent it from logging an error in PowerShell if the entire -Key- is missing, it doesn't error if just the value is missing, hence our use of $Null below #>
$EULAResult = $ErrorActionPreference='SilentlyContinue';(Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\AdobeViewer').EULAAcceptedForBrowser;$ErrorActionPreference='Continue'
<# Again with the built in $Null PowerShell functionality #>
if ($EULAResult -eq $Null) {
$EULAResult='No EULA'
}else{$EULAResult='EULA Accepted'}

$AdobeOutput = $AdobeResult + ' ' + $EULAResult
<# Create a directory to put your result in, it's easier to just do this in cmd lol #>
cmd /c mkdir C:\AdobeTemp
<# Write this computer's result to a file #>
$AdobeOutput | Out-File -encoding ASCII C:\AdobeTemp\AdobeOutput.txt





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