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Shortly after I launch acrobat reader dc or open a pdf file with acrobat reader dc the program halts and I get a message saying:
"Adobe Acrobat Reader DC has stopped working
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."
The program never closes and I have to hit close program to exit.
I am running Windows 10 and until recently did not have this problem. I ran troubleshooting program compatibility, but that did not resolve issue.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling - did nothing - same problem.
I downloaded adobe acrobat reader dc cleaner tool and used it to clean both acrobat and reader.
Rebooted and downloaded program from adobe.
Same problem once installed.
I have also associated all pdf files with adobe acrobat reader dc for opening, etc.
Any suggestions or solutions?
1 Correct answer
Hi philiphas,
We released an update today that fixes a similar issue. This update will be automatically applied to all Acrobat and Reader users in the coming days. You may also update to the latest release by opening the application and going to Help > Check for Updates.
Could you please try it out and let us know if it addresses the above mentioned issue?
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Thank you.
Your advice worked. So grateful.
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As a point of clarification, the so called fixes work for people who are using Acrobat DC reader and were not able to open the app at all or attachments failed.
THIS STILL HAS NOT FIXED, those who are using applications like SAP who use Acrobat Reader DC as their default viewer for quotes etc. who need to use the print or save option.
The only current workaround is to turn off Protected Mode which is NOT a good solution
It would be nice to here from Adobe that they are aware this is an issue and what they are planning to do. Adding Hosts or paths to trusted sites does not seem to resolve the issue. The view of the PDF appears however any interaction to crashes Reader
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We have the excatly same problem with the newest version of Adobe Reader DC. When we're deactivate the protected mode it is working.
But when the documents are opened it is incredibly slow and it takes significantly longer than normal. More than 20sec per document.
Therefore we have very big trouble with the Adobe Reader DC, because other software has, based on this Adobe Reader DC, also problems for example SAP...
@Adobe: When is a fix for this problem accessible? We need it urgently!
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I'm having the exact same issue.
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My issue is with trying to print a file from DbMotion. It's a web based health program, the users tries to print a document but adobe suddenly decides to throw an error that "Adobe readerDC has stopped working" I have tried repairing the installation. That did not work. The machine just took the latest Adobe update this morning.
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Hello, I confirm, also with sap 740-730 with all latest patch has issue, regardless of protected mode active or not. Tried all the combination, so to recap
-Save document now DO NOT crash - SOLVED
-slowness on Windows close of the pdf( example of pdf! transaction in sap) - STILL PENDING
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we have the problem when we open an website embedded PDF in IE11 and click „back“.
It seems that not general all embedded PDFs are affected.
The PDF will be displayed correctly in IE11, but when you click the “back” from IE it will
take 10-20 sec. until you can see the previous website -> Browser hang.
In the 10-20 sec. wait time, one of the two AcroRd32.exe processes will get the status “inactive”.
Then both AcroRd32.exe processes will disappear and the IE will continue working correctly.
I can reproduce the error.
The problem starts with patch 2015.023.20053.
2015.007.20033 -> no Problems
2015.020.20042 -> no Problems
2015.023.20053 -> start of the problems with embedded PDFs in IE11
2015.023.20056 -> problems are not solved
2015.023.20053 and 2015.023.20056 -> Only when the option “Protected Mode at Startup” is off,
the problem with embedded PDFs will not occur.
It seems that the whitelist will be ignored when “Protected Mode at Startup” is on.
Since 2015.023.20053 the protected mode seems to be updated
Since 2015.023.20053:
with older versions (2015.020.20042):
We are using Win10 Pro 64Bit with IE11 and Win7 Pro 32/64Bit with IE11
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I too am having this issue & it's so frustrating! Any updates on this situation?
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Our customer originally reported the grey screen issue, but then started having the issues reported in this thread. It all started around January 10th, or so.
Since we have hundreds of users who need to view PDFs in the browser is was causing a huge support issue. Eventually we just put out an update with links to both forum posts and let them know to downgrade to Adobe Acrobat v 11.x and so far no one has had issues. With grey screens or the issues reported in this thread.
Telling customers to downgrade, though, is not a valid fix and potentially opens them up to security issues. Do you guys at Adobe have an ETA on when these issues will be resolved?
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I know of multiple Infor Syteline ERP users that are having similar issues to the SAP users who have already posted on this thread. I have tested the disabling of the Enhanced security and it did NOT fix our issues, at least in our environment.
However our issue is identical to others: PDFs are previewed using the plug-in inside the ERP client, and on close it hangs for 10+ seconds (sometimes showing a 'Not Responding') and then finally closes. This is a huge issue and I know it is affecting hundreds if not thousands of users for that software package.
I can confirm that DC build 20042 works correctly, yet 53 and 56 cause these errant crashes. When will Adobe be releasing a fix??
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I can also verify that the enhanced work-around does not work in our vast and enormous client-server-environment = does not solve the problem.
The latest Adobe Acrobat DC version 2015.023.20056 is the one causing problems for our users when users are using Acrobat as the pdf-viewer and browse from PDF to next PDF in e.g. IE11.
Why are you sticking to an update, version 2015.023.20056, that clearly is causing problems, since previous versions did work without any problems?
Any ETA for an update or DC-version that will work as god as version 2015.020.20039 did?
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I have been having this problem for some time.
Seems to happen most often when I have multiple documents with many pages open and am scrolling down the pages using the down arrow tool.
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fix it guys!!!
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Jesus Adobe guys. Just build new version without all the fixes u made from 2015.020.20039 to 2015.020.20056, and then test where the things went wrong. Give us solid build. It can't be that hard is it?
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HI, @Adobe Guys: Where is the Problem?
We all wait for a new patch wich correct the error during close function from opened Documents.
PLEASE HURRY UP - if we use the older Version 2015.020.20039 we are risky at security!
@Others, how are searching for older Versions:
1.under the URL you whan't find what you are Searching for...
Please see the FTP path =
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HI, @Adobe Guys: Where is the Problem?
We all wait for a new patch wich correct the error during close function from opened Documents.
PLEASE HURRY UP - if we use the older Version 2015.020.20039 we are risky at security!
@Others, how are searching for older Versions:
1.under the URL you whan't find what you are Searching for...
Please see the FTP path =

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I am having the same problem.
A few hours ago I downloaded the "Trial" version of Adobe Acrobat Pro.
Thus far it is an utterly maddening product.
Each time I attempt to convert a .pdf to a Word Document the program goes into "Not Responding" mode after "Pre-processing File for Export begins."
Can anyone offer any pragmatic suggestions to resolve this issue?
Thank you
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I'm guessing your user level.
If you are a hobby user, explore other platforms, other brands than Adobe. Something is happening at Adobe, with this product. Unknown when or if they'll fix it. You don't HAVE TO use Adobe to read and make PDF.
If you are a corporate user, you're pretty well locked in by your IM dept. Not a lot you can do except submit trouble tickets, and inform the chain of command. Hopefully, your IM dept will press Adobe for a solution. Usually, they pay a hefty amount each year for "right now!" support.
If you are a professional contractor, helping a client, you probably have a contractual relationship with Adobe support. Work it. Don't let them get away with non-answers. You're paying them!
If corporate IM, or the paying contractor is not getting results, the issue should be escalated to Adobe's CEO. HOW long has this been going on?
What should worry Adobe is the complaints from major end users. They usually have paid big bucks for corporate license packages and premium support. Users where this has been folded in with SAP, or some other major package, can't just load Foxit and move on. This is costing the clients money in lost productivity. Adobe should be all over this. This hurts Adobe's reputation and their bottom line.

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I am not certain how anyone would assess from a single comment that I am a "Hobby" user but the sole purpose of my original comment is to make Adobe aware that I am having this issue in hopes that a responsible person at Adobe can offer a remedy.
If not, I accept that often in life there are matters that do not offer a remedy or instant gratification.
After my seven days of using the "Trial" version ends there is no solution I will simply not purchase the product and seek an alternative solution at that time.
Thank you.
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To "make Adobe Aware",
Mr. Shantanu Narayen
CEO, Adobe
345 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA 95110
Fortunately, there are many alternatives waiting for you. Check each out on some forums before downloading. I am just one user, but I'm very happy with Foxit. Foxit's free reader has a lot more capabilities than I use.
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pavelsvejbar Our internal IT Dept has downloaded and tested the 20070 update, and can confirm that it DOES fix our issue. Thank you!
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adamv14014856 That's great to hear, thanks for confirming.
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This is what I have and the issue is not resolved. #1 it's 4.83 GB #2 Exporting to pdf from Indesign is slowing up entire computer and taking roughly 5 minutes (for single page, basic designs) #3 It's not opening some of the pdf's that are exported earlier, stating that it's an unsupported file type. I do, in fact, have version 15.023.20070 - PLEASE ASSIST, as I have major deadlines to meet.
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I believe that this software is not backward compatible with files created with previous versions of this application. Have they bypassed appropriate testing regimes?
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This should not happen. Files created using previous version of application do work in any later version of Acrobat/Reader. We have verified the things at our end and everything looks fine.
To investigate the issue further, would it be possible for you to share some files with me that are not opening for you? And is this a new behavior that you are observing or this has been there for a while now?