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I was able to open the XML form file in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, extract the file, then insert it back into my pdf document. Open the file then click on Page Thumbnails in the left column. Below that click on the page icon and in the drop down menu choose Extract Pages. Save the file then you should be able to insert back into a pdf document. Worked for me anyway! Although this is an extra step and a pain it seems to be the easiest without having to utilize additional software.
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Thank you so much for this answer. I really appreciate it
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Thank you. This worked and was an easy solution!
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I tried the same way but only blank page was extracted. ..
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This solution worked for me. I highlighted the pages I wanted to transfer in Thumbnail. Right Click - Select Extract Pages. Then I saved to my folder with a new file name. I could transfer the pages from this new file to another Adobe file. I did not use Designer, merely the pdf file.
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I solved the problem like this.
- Document with one page only:
I used InDesign to place it and export in Adobe PDF (Print).
- Document with three pages:
Open document in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC > Organize pages > Select all three pages > Export > Extract as separate files > Extract.
Were created Three PDF files.
Opened InDesign and created three pages. I placed each PDF file in each InDesign page. Export in Adobe PDF (Print).
Result: DONE!
Best regards
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I was able to solve this by exporting to postcript from Acrobat Pro DC (Mac.) Then I created a pdf from the postcript file. Worked like a charm.
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Did that but the editable form input fields were no longer editable. What do I need to do?
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With Adobe Acrobat add the form fields.
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Hi Bernd, Didn't see your post before I posted mine below. Maybe I can use the 7 day free trial of Acrobat to do that to all the forms in all my PDF files. I'll have to figure out how to do that but seems like a lot of work.
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You can add form fields with the trial version of Adobe Acrobat.
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To expand on that... I've been able to read all my PDFs (and edit the included forms) with Preview on Mac. But for some reason today I get this:
Please wait...
If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF viewer may not be able to display this type of document.
I don't know what changed.
The files are in LiveCycle Designer XFA format. I don't know how that happened. Maybe because the forms were first filled in using Foxit. But that was years ago. Several months ago I noticed the Foxit behavior changed so I switched to using Preview (with no problems until today).
Am I stuck with using Acrobat Reader? Any alternative readers? Any way to convert from XFA format?
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Option 1 (should work for most):
You can use the built-in/pre-installed Mac OS application called, "Preview" to flatten the PDF. Make sure the document(s) you want to flatten are stored locally on your computer.
Option 2 (might not work from everyone and requires Adobe software):
Make sure the document(s) you want to flatten are stored locally in your computer.
You can create a flattened PDF with virtually any other software that allows you to view PDF documents.
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Microsoft PC User here. Thank you so much for the hack. I had tried literally everything else and was starting to go a little crazy because nothing was working, and I had a deadline to beat for the submission of the document that was giving me such grief. The 'Microsoft Print to PDF' option worked perfectly, can't thank you enough!
I exported the XML/PDF to JPEG.
Then exported the JPEGs to (flat) PDFs.
I tried saving as a PDF while going to "Print" but Acrobat just didn't provide that option in the Acrobat Print Settings.
It was only two pages, so that's handy. After creating 2 JPEGS I then opened the them in PREVIEW and exported them to PDF. Way faster to do that than search online for how to convert--and consider getting new software!
Did it all with Acrobat and Preview. Easy, free.
Sadly, the form I needed to convert is from the Canada Revenue Agencey (an official form for tax purposes that they require me to submit outside of my tax return) and I'm submitting multiple forms in one document to upload to their website. Wish I'd known why the "PDF" wouldn't combine, that it was XML --or that this one just couldn't be combined. It took some poking around in Acrobat. The error message told me to change the Preferences (which wasn't even an option, I could only change "Settings")
On the whole though, I'd rather spend an hour scratching my head and searching (and learning something new)--than submitting all my documents by mail. 🙂
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It's very likely they will reject your file in this format, since you've manipulated it like that.
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We had to save the file in Adobe as a JPG, then converted the JPG into a PDF and were able to take those (Unsecured) PDF files and covert those sucessfullly in the new designer adobe.
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Sounds awfully impractical.