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hi there,
I have been on the forums and help pages and cannot find anything about printing in colour when the grayscale had been selected.
I am printing on the Adobe Acrobat Reader and have explicitly selected the print in Grayscale but the page has printed with Colour??
I am a universtiy student and it is imperative that I print in black and white.
I am hoping that someone can help me ASAP as I have now already spent 30 mintues trying to get in touch with you since you don't offer any E-mail address or any contact details for me to address this issue other than the forums which i felt was less that sufficient. That is 30 minutes of my studying that i won't ever be able to get back.
Please get back withn Help ASAP otherwise i will just have to assume that adobe Acrobat reader is incapable of printing in Grayscale.
Many thanks,
Hi John,
As per above-mentioned description, you have selected the option to print pdfs in black and white but that option is not working in Reader, is that correct?
Please try following troubleshooting steps:
1- Check for updates- Launch Reader > Help> Check for Updates.
2- If that doesn't work, click "Properties" under Print dialogue and enable the option to print the text in black.
Below is the screenshot of the options available on my printer:
3- Also, try printing another pdf and see if this
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Hi John,
As per above-mentioned description, you have selected the option to print pdfs in black and white but that option is not working in Reader, is that correct?
Please try following troubleshooting steps:
1- Check for updates- Launch Reader > Help> Check for Updates.
2- If that doesn't work, click "Properties" under Print dialogue and enable the option to print the text in black.
Below is the screenshot of the options available on my printer:
3- Also, try printing another pdf and see if this behavior still continues.
4- If yes, download and run cleaner tool from here: Download Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool - Adobe Labs , reboot the machine, and install Reader DC from here: Adobe - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Distribution
Could you let us know the version of Reader installed on the machine? You may refer to this link on how to: Identify the product and its version for Acrobat and Reader DC
And, the operating system installed on the machine- Mac/Windows?
Keep us posted with the results.
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I have the same issue, I am trying to print via Adobe PDF and I have tried Microsoft Print to PDF as well. The Grayscale option is there, but when I check the box nothing changes and when you go to print/save the file it is still in color. I have ran a repair, checked for updates, uninstalled, ran the cleaner tool, deleted the preferneces folder in roaming folder on the C drive, and rebooted. Printing to grayscale does not work within Adobe at all, even clicking advanced and selected black and white does not fix this. I can print to grayscale through every other app, even alternative PDF applications, just adobe will not let me print to grayscale, regardless of printer or settings. Please help!!!!
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Same problem here. It is not working somehow. Please look into this #devs.
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Here is a post with the "fix" not a fix, adobe remotes in and reverts the version back until it works and then tells them not to reboot.
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Correction, tells them not to update adobe.
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Same issue here, just went from free version to paid version of Acrobat, using the free version, the "print in grayscale" when checked changed the preview to black and white and printed in balck and white. Since upgrading to the paid version, it does nothing, the way around that is to select the "properties" tab then select "balck /grayscale" there, but that extra step is annoying, especially when you are now paying for it
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AAAaaaand the issue continues. I actually didn't have it happen to me until recently, within the past 3 weeks.
Come on, Adobe. This problem has gone on long enough. You're about as bad as Intuit.
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Hello. I in no way am Adobe Support but I did fix this error for a customer. Here are the steps I took. I hope this helps.
1. Open Adobe Preferences.
2. Choose color management.
3. Grey Scale needs to be changed to Black and white.
4. Change color option to Japan - 2006 (Or another color standard.)
5. Test Print (Worked for multiple devices)
I have also confirmed this issue is only on the paid version. The issue comes from the color management selecting a invaild color standard when black and white is selected for Grey Scale.
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Hey you guys! I've experienced this problem too for months now. Privately and in my company. I've found the permanent solution to this;
Step 1:
Clean Acrobat from your PC with acrocleaner (
Step 2:
Download Acrobat Pro via this link but choose the 32-bit Version. In most cases, it will automatically know your adobe account and log you in as soon as you open the new version. No need to restart your pc by the way. Link:
This has finally worked after months of frustration and questioning.
Good luck and have fun with a now working grayscale box version :)!
Best regards from germany
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None of the above have worked for me and I am paying per colour print so this glitch is costing me a fortune