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Tengo adobe acrobat reader instalado y tengo un grave problema; no puedo imprimir un archivo pdf concreto a traves de mi ordenador, con el cual si puedo imprimir cualquier otro pdf. Pero resulta que el mismo pdf si se me imprime con el telefono mobil.
He actualizado, desintalado y vuelto a instalar el adobe, he actualizado el windows y no consigo imprimirlo y querria saber porque
Alguien puede ayudarme ?
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With that document opened in Adobe Acrobat, right-click on any part of the document and select from the context menu "Properties".
In the document properties dialogue window check if that document is enforcing any type of security that restricts from printing.
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Hola, dices : "En la ventana de diálogo de propiedades del documento" no se cual es esa ventana, porque si selecciono propiedades, tengo 4 pestañaas: general/ seguridad/ detalles/ versiones anteriores
He mirado en las 4 y no he visto que se este aplicando algun tipo de seguridad que restrinja la impresion.
Lo mas curioso es que otros pdf me los imprime bien, y que este pdf si selecciono imprimirlo por ejemplo en vez de adobe, con microsoft edge puedo hacerlo; por eso que no lo entiendo.
espero vuestra ayuda
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Would you mind sharing a screenshot of what you see?
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esto es lo que veo
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Open the file in Acrobat, then go to File - Properties - Security.
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Aqui ?
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No, within Acrobat itself.
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OK, then what happens when you try to print it, exactly?
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sale esta ventanilla pequeña que dice acoplamiento y va subiendo el porcentaje pero nunca llega al 100% , ya que cuando imprimo unpdf normalmente el acoplamiento se produce en 1 segundo
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Under the SYSTEM user group, click once on "Usuari" user acount and share a screenshot; do the same for the Administrator account.
Also, this may not be related to the actual problem, but I couln't help but notice that your current user account is named "Usuari", missing the last letter.
It is kind of strange that your system being displayed in Spanish, it chopped off the last letter "o" in the spelling for the name of the current user account.
Shouldn't it be spelled "Usuario" in Spanish??
Also, I see in one of your screenshots that you have Whatsapp opened somewhere in the background.
Is the PDF that you're having issues with shared with a group in Whatsapp?
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Ok, thank you.
Go to the Security tab, and share a screenshot of the Security tab dialogue window.
And do the same with Adobe Acrobat.
When you open the misbehaving document in Adobe Acrobat, right-click on any blank area of that document and select from the context menu "Properties", and share a screenshot for the General tab, and the Security tab.
We want to check which software produced that PDF, and also check what is the PDF Maker version that was employed, and type of security restrictions(if any).
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Las dos pestañas ( General y Seguridad ) ya estan compartidas mas arriba y la otra dentro del Adobe tambien
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If it printing with the Acrobat Mobile app but not with the full desktop version of Adobe Acrobat Pro, I would think of a possible core JavaScript feature (or some sort of code ) that interferes with the restrictions that this document does not allow.
It almost looks like something is postscripting or distilling ... just guessing.
Or, maybe some sort of true type font that cannot be embedded for any reason (just more guessings).
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No se si es acrobat mobile, solo se que se imprime por el mobil; eso si.
Solo he preguntado porque me han atendido por parte de la impresora y todo esta bien, he actualizado win y todo esta bien, y me dijeron que era un problema de adobe, por eso estoy aqui😏
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Alguien puede ayudarme?
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como veo que no podemos saber porque no se imprime por mi parte cierro el tema
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