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I have installed on my pc Acrobar Reader DC and also A.D.E 4.5; both upgraded to the last version; both logged-in with the same (my) Acrobat ID.
I bought an .acsm ebook and also downloaded the corresponding drm pdf file (located in the "My Digital Editions" folder).
In ADE I've added the .acsm file to the library so I can open and read that ebook in ADE but I really want to open and read it using Acrobat Reader DC but an error is displayed telling that there was an error opening the document because the protection plug-in required was unavailable.
I tried to search a solution in adobe forum and I found this:
but I'm not able to open the "Developing digital rights management (DRM) plug-ins | Adobe Developer Connection" link (posted as a reply) because I'm not reading it from United States!!!!
How can I read my drm pdf file using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC?
Hope you can help me,
thanks a lot
There are many different types of DRM. If you can't open the file in Acrobat, this is by design.
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Use Digital Editions, that's what it's for (controlled access).
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Excuse me but I don't agree at 100%.
I'm already using Acrobat Reader DC to read some DRM PDF newspapers that I bought as paid subscription: I bought and downloaded that DRM PDF newspapers on my pc and they cannot be opened using other PDF Readers (Foxit Reader for example) but only using Acrobat Reader DC.
While opening that DRM PDF Newspapers, Acrobat Reader DC prompt me a dialog where I have to put my Username and my Password to identify myself as the real paid account subscription of that newspaper site (here below the screenshot of that dialog).
After putting my userid and my password I can open and read that DRM PDF newspaper.
All I want to do is the same: open not the .acsm file but the corresponding DRM PDF putting on that dialog my username and password (of the site where I bought my ebook) and read it as well as I do with the newspapers.
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There are many different types of DRM. If you can't open the file in Acrobat, this is by design.
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Ok... "that's what it's for" but (if a user can suggest something to Adobe) I would suggest that Digital Edition could inherit the same readability feautures that owns to Acrobat Reader DC.
Why ADE should appear so unhandy to use (not only for me: found more than one post about it) and why should have so many readability differences comparing to Acrobat Reader DC (or Adobe Acrobat)?
I can suppose that are different products for different jobs and different kind of final users, but I also think that basic functions, like PDF readability, should be the same.
After that, thanks a lot for your replies
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How can Adobe even think that the "correct" answer is correct ?
This user is totally right about the poor, below standards graphical quality and user functionalities of Adobe Digital Editions, for DRM documents that are often prized at professional prices that should go with top quality digital experience and usability.
I will forthwith avoid any acsm product until this is resolved to satisfaction, and complain to those offering the format coupled to Adobe ADE