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How to open PDF documents in Adobe Acrobat Reader for iOS, Part 2 (iPad version)

Adobe Employee ,
Jun 18, 2016 Jun 18, 2016

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This is the second part of the document explaining how to use the iOS "Open In" feature to open PDF documents in Adobe Acrobat Reader for iPad.

Latest version for iPad, Part 1 for Mail, Safari, iBooks, Adobe Document Cloud, Dropbox:

Latest version for iPhone:

Older versions for Adobe Reader for iOS:

Basic Principle

If you see nothing but a PDF document, tap anywhere on the PDF document to display a toolbar.  Chances are, the toolbar contains the Share icon or the "Open in..." label that you can tap.  If you still cannot find the "Open in Adobe Acrobat" option anywhere, long-press (press & hold) the PDF document.

Here is the Share icon for iOS.


Note: Tap/click images below to enlarge and see more details.

Open from Gmail

Gmail displays a PDF attachment icon with two options: (a) View in built-in PDF viewer or (b) Save to Google Drive.

1. Tap the attachment file name (not the Google Drive icon) to open the PDF document in the built-in PDF viewer.


2. Tap anywhere in the PDF document to display the toolbar (if not shown already).

3. Tap the Share icon in the upper-right corner.


4. Tap the Acrobat icon in the popover that appears.


Open from Google Chrome

Please note that tapping the Share icon in Google Chrome's top toolbar does not show the "Open in" option for Acrobat Reader for iOS.

1. Tap the PDF document to display the bottom toolbar.

2. Tap "OPEN IN..." in the bottom toolbar.


3. Tap the Acrobat icon in the popover that appears.


Open from Google Drive

Google Drive uses the Overflow menu icon (which is commonly used by Android apps) instead of the Share icon.

1. Tap the Overflow menu icon (vertical ellipsis) in the upper-right corner.


2. Select "Send a copy" from the menu.


3. Tap "Open in" in the popover that appears.


4. Tap the Acrobat icon in the popover that appears.


Open from Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft OneDrive uses the More option icon (... or horizontal ellipsis) instead of the Share icon.

1. Tap the More option icon (...) in the bottom toolbar.


2. Select "Open in Another App" in the popover that appears.


3. Tap the Acrobat icon in the popover that appears.


Open from Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft offers two mail apps in the App Store: Outlook and OWA for iPad​.

It is highly recommended to install Outlook.  OWA for iPad has not been updated since December 9, 2015.

1. Tap the attachment file name to open the PDF document in the built-in PDF viewer.


2. Tap the Share icon in the upper-right corner.


3. Tap "Open in" in the popover that appears.


4. Tap the Acrobat icon in the popover that appears.


If the app that you are using is not listed above, try following the basic principle described at the beginning of this document and look for the Share icon or "Open in...".

iOS , View or share PDFs






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