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Please see the attached images, new ios app doesn’t open some pdfs

New Here ,
Oct 08, 2018 Oct 08, 2018

This is the original pdf


And, the following is what the app shows


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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 21, 2018 Nov 21, 2018

Hi Ibayern,

Sorry for the delay in response.

Are you still experiencing the issue in opening the PDF on the iOS application?

If yes, please share the details as asked below:

- Application version

- OS version

- From where you are opening the PDF? Is it saved on Local or some other location?

- Does it occur with a particular file?

- If it is an issue with a particular PDF, is it possible to share that file?

Use the steps mentioned here How to share a file using Adobe Document Cloud to share the file.

Let us know if you need any help.



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New Here ,
Nov 22, 2018 Nov 22, 2018

Dear Meenakshi:

Thank you very much for your consideration,

Unfortunately, I have still same issue with this file.

- Application version


- OS version


- From where you are opening the PDF? Is it saved on Local or some other location?

I opened it both from local and adobe cloud storage, but it is same.

- Does it occur with a particular file?

It occurs with this specific file and a few more files unfortunately I could not find them.

- If it is an issue with a particular PDF, is it possible to share that file?

I expirienced same issue with one or two more files from this journal publication(not all of them). I do not have any problem with these files when I open them in Acrobat Reader DC on my PC.

- If it is an issue with a particular PDF, is it possible to share that file?

Here is the shared link:

Adobe Document Cloud



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New Here ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

I'm having this exact problem with one of my files on the iOS version of Adobe Reader.

The file reads fine in the PC version of Adobe Reader, and it reads fine in the iOS default PDF viewer or whatever they use to view PDF's.  But this file doesn't display right in Adobe Reader.


- Application version: 22.03.01

- OS version: iOS 15.4.1

- From where you are opening the PDF? Is it saved on Local or some other location?  I get the same problem whether I try to view the file from the "iCloud Drive", or "On my Phone" in the Files area.   As I said.  The file loads and displays fine using iOS's inbuilt PDF viewer.  But displays just like the original poster's file at the top of this thread when loaded in Adobe Reader.


- Does it occur with a particular file?  Yes.  It seems to happen with this file.  The app seems to display other files no problem.   If this issue is happening with this particular file though, I'm sure that if I go through all my couple hundred PDF's, I will probably end up finding more that have this issue.  So far, I've only discovered this problem with this one file. 

- If it is an issue with a particular PDF, is it possible to share that file?  Yes.  Just tell me where to send it.

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Adobe Employee ,
May 03, 2022 May 03, 2022





Sorry for the delayed response and for the experience with viewing PDFs on Acrobat Reader Mobile.


As per the above description, it does sound that the issue here is with the font that is being used in the PDF file you are trying to open. Since Acrobat Reader is a registered reader, it can only display display fonts that are either embedded within the application or fonts that are installed separately later so that they can be viewed. 


In this case, I would suggest you to check with the font family your PDF file has and try installing it on your phone using the Creative Cloud application and then try to view the pdf again.


Let me know if it helps.




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New Here ,
May 03, 2022 May 03, 2022

I don't quite understand how to find the "Font Family".  I don't see an option for that.  I do know that this is a scanned document, but I couldn't tell you when or with what it was done with.   Here's what I'm seeing:  The document is two books, and I suspect that they might have been scanned separately and then later put together.  The second book is the one with the issue.  The first part of the PDF displays fine.   Then I hit the second book:  Here is what it looks like with iOS's default PDF viewing ability: 

IMG_4092.jpgexpand image



And this is what it looks like in Adobe Reader.  The entire second book in the PDF is like this, including pages that are just all text with no pictures. 

IMG_4093.jpgexpand image


So I'm not quite comprehending how to find the "Font Family" or even use this with Creative Cloud app.

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Adobe Employee ,
May 04, 2022 May 04, 2022

Hello Scott,


Thank you for sharing the source and other screenshots of the situation with us.


Will it be possible fo ryou to share the file with me over private message?


To send it over private message, click on my profile name, the next page will give you a blue colored button stating "send a message", click on that and you will be able to share the file with me.


Once shared, we will check and try to reproduce the same on our end as well to deep dive on the issue.




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