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I purchased adobe premium to edit some files. I purchased through Apple. Sometimes it works but most of the time I get "Adobe Subscription error domain 12". How do I fix this? When it works, if I leave Adobe it does not work when I return and it says I'm a "free user" when I am a premium user. Thank you
It does this for both my iPhone and my iPad
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in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here,
p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post (like this one has already been moved) if it helps you get responses.
<"moved from using the community">
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This question keeps getting asked, and the adobe team saying either "turn it off and back on," or it tells the question asker that they posted their question in the wrong place. (Obviously the question asker got their question in the correct forum b/c the adobe team saw it; they just chose not to answer it).
I bought a subscription because I need to edit a PDF, but now it's two hours later and I still can't make edits because of the AdobeSubscriptionErrorDomain: Error 13.
this whole thing is making me sick to my stomach.
everybody watch: the adobe team is going to tell me either my post is wrong, or they're going to say turn my phone off and on as if I hadn't tried that already.
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Hi there
Hope you are doing well and thanks for reaching out.
I have checked the Adobe account linked with the Adobe ID you are using on the community and found that you have a personal and a business account with the same Adobe ID /Email. Furthermore , you have an Acrobat Premium plan under your personal account.
1. Please log out of the application and re-login with the same Adobe ID and select the personal account. For reference, you can take help from this article
2. You may also try to restore the purchase. Tap on the profile > Subsciptions > Restore purchase and see if that helps.
Let us know how it goes.
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I purchased adobe premium to edit some files. I purchased through apple on my iPhone and iPad. Sometimes it works but most of the time it does not and says I'm a free user. If I try to purchased again, it says I'm already subscribed and it is waiting features activation. After a few seconds I get "adobe subscription error domain 12". How do I fix this? I don't understand how it works sometimes but most of the time it does NOT.
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please stop posting duplicate messages.
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You posted to Using the Community (for questions about the forums) and your post was erroneously moved to Adobe Express. Thank you for the screenshots in your second post showing that your issue is with Acrobat Premium. I've moved your post to the Acrobat Reader Mobile forum for you.
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Hi @Jessie-MarieYYZ,
I hope you are doing well. I am sorry for the trouble.
I checked your email address registered here in the community and cannot find an active subscription for Acrobat Premium.
If the application is unable to identify the subscription, you may try a few steps below:
1. Logout from Acrobat Reader Mobile;
2. Restart the device;
3. Log in back to the device.
If these do not work, you may try restoring the subscription. Please refer to the link to learn how to restore the subscription: Manage subscriptions — Acrobat for iOS Help (
Also, you might want to check if you are logged in using Apple ID and not Google.
Let me know if this helps.
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I am having the same error... 12
i just purchased and signed out of app and refreshed my phone. It is still not able to work...goes to option to buy... I all ready had a subsection and figured I would go one and purchase pro. I am in a time crunch.
Do I need to cancel the subscription and start over.
thank you