Hello, I am trying to use Adobe Aero Geospatial Creator but I do not know if it is available for India, since in the Properties Anchors I do not have the location option ?
It appears you are already using the beta version, your location is bottom right of window. Google Photorealistic tileset which is what Aero is using doesnt have the whole world mapped as 3D tiles, so you may find your city isnt. I know my hometown isnt either.
I think you could still place a world anchor using location but you would have to estimate building height if you dont have the 3D tileset to work from.
Hi, You would have to do it by trial and error. Place the object in space, go outside to see if it works, adjust if necessary. If you know the actual height of the building in metres you could transform your object in Aero in the Y axis by that amount equivelant in cms.
Geospatial tileset provides your aero application with GPS coords and elevation data automatically for your world anchor that you position yourself. Your phone is able to compare that information with its own position in worldspace using GPS coords and elevation so that it knows where your scene is in real space. You dont need to do any additional set up, it just works
thanks it is very informative but the problem i am facing is after selecting the Anchor (gps) coordinates and add the object in that space when i publish the project and view from mobile it is giving error (unable to determine device location)
Thats seems strange to me. Try moving camera around rather than point it directly at the ground. If that dosnt work then build another project and start again.
So move your camera around so that Aero can start to recognise or compare what it sees through the camera to Google tileset though it doesnt appear to have one for your area. I am not sure what it will do in that case but I would think it falls back on comparing GPS and elevation values.
I am an official Pre-release Adobe Aero tester and this still doesn't wiork. It did work on all devices I tested it on for the first few mionths it was available and then it stopped working as direct to browser, app-less, requiring an install of Adobe Aero viewer and now it is completely broken for me on every device I try it on, officially supported and otherqwise. Very very disappointing. Adobe had the chance to corner the geo-spatial ad market but I guess it will go to some other company that cares enough to make it work. Sad. I love Adobe but this is really frustrating, a waste of months of dev for me and my team.
Hello. I just wondered if this is still not working? I'm trying to find a way to manually set locations in AR as a new geo user.
Any chance you have instructions on how to add a manual location where there's no 3D tile? I'm finding most locations (via pc) I try don't have 3D tiles so need a manual location option. There's hardly any docs after a good hunt!
Appreciate it's probably not working but would like to test
unfortunately there is no way to manually add locations at this time. It is a limitation on the google geospatial creator (GGC) side - not adobe. GGC uses google EARTH (not google MAPS). Google eliminated the ability to add locations earlier this year(?). Hopefully they will bring it back.