Hi, i was trying Aero desktop and mobile. I did a test scene (1.7 mb) but when i try to use iphone for scan the plane the camera is black. I have iphone XR and last OS. What could be the problem?
Hi @lorenzot93931508 , thanks for the report, and sorry this is happening. Just to confirm, did you say yes when giving camera permissions(I'm sure you did, I just want to verify)? If that is the case, uninstall, then do a fresh install. If the issue persists, let me know here, and we will go to the next troubleshooting phase. Thanks!
Hi! i unistalled and installed again but nothing happened. trying and trying again at last the camera started working i don't know how. maybe because i put a ancor image to the scene and that unlocked it. thank you for support.
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