I want to have all my files in the cloud but I don't want to sync them all to my desktop computer. I want to be able to sync only the files I need for the projects I'm actively working on.
This is also something I would love to see... I contract in different companies ... and don't want all files being downloaded to the computer I am working on - would prefer an option to only sync the files relevant to the company I am working at!
This was flagged prior to the update and it still has not been added . The only work around I can find to save space is to move large folders to the "archive" - now "deleted"- and create a WIP folder and work in that and then if I need anything from the "archive" I pause the sync and restore the folder in the web portal and move the file to the WIP folder. Then I move the large folder back to the "archive" prior to putting sync back on.
It would be great to have the ability to select which specific files and folders you want to sync to your computer. Microsoft OneDrive has this feature and it is great.
Forget the backlog this needs to be a frontline project. It's critical to many of us who want to use your cloud storage, as of this point I basically can't use the storage as I will run out of room on my hard drive way too quickly. Every other cloud storage provider I have ever used has had this feature, it's mind boggling that Adobe of all companies does not have this employed. Also when you build it out give the users the option to select the default sync setting. I love your products and I really like the files interface but this is unfortunately a deal breaker for use.
Selective sync used to be active starting late 2014. it was then removed and put on the backlist January 2016. Adobe stating MacOS was the problem at the time. Surely in all this time one might expect a solution for such an important feature.
due to GDPR and working on different locations this is crucial. After 25/5 we can no longer put all of our clients data on every computer we log in to. Syncing is needed if libraries have to be used (libraries are one of the best workflow updates Adobe made).
PLEASE implement this urgently. It's completely unacceptable. Most people have a Desktop computer where they're likely interested in syncing all their Creative Cloud files and then a laptop with very limited space where they don't want all files to be synced. This is absolutely basic for any Cloud Storage Solution. My laptop has 0 bytes left and I'm unable to use it at all. Needs to be resolved ASAP. Thanks,
I really would love this feature!! You're killing my laptop storage! Please please. Also, will we be notified when this has been updated? Any ideas on the timeframe for this?
I had to delete creative cloud off my laptop as i was unable to even open the software because all the space was taken up by the files. Instead i had to access via the url which is so much more time consuming - very frustrating. Please bring this new feature in ASAP.
This is a total deal braker for me, I need to be able to work with my laptop using SSD drive, no selective sync makes the whole Creative Cloud Files offering a cripple. Every other cloud service offers this making adobe way behind everyone else in one of the most basic functionality. This needs to be on on top priority on the backlog!
Kann mich nur anschließen, hier hat jemand bei Adobe gepennt, mich dazu zu zwingen alle Dateien auf allen Geräten zu haben ist ein no go. Ich verschiebe auch gerade alle Daten wieder nach OneDrive. Auch einem Kunden einen Link zum Download zu senden, ohne das er sich anmeldet fehlt.
Echoing the comments that are in this thread already. I utilize the creative cloud files to work on project files on both work and home. It's great to have the rendered files backed up there, but I definitely do not need all of them. And sometimes it can take a while to sync - prohibiting me from diving into a work project when I really need to. The files can also take up a TON of space.
Please integrate this feature to CC. Should be done by default I was surprised and disappointed this was not implemented. I'm with everyone else needing this feature. It's been 2 yrs since this request was made please Adobe make this a priority!!
I do freelance graphics work on a very old iMac. I desperately need to minimise what I have stored locally in order to keep my machine empty enough that it can run Illustrator etc at a speed faster than "snail through syrup". I can't believe this isn't possible when so many free cloud storage systems offer it. If I could vote for this 100 times, I would. So I'm adding this comment even though it echoes all the others - this needs to be a Top Priority now.
Can't believe this has not been implemented yet. I don't use the CC storage because of the lack of this feature. Maybe that is why it is not being done? self-limiting our use of your servers???