Tracy.H • Adobe Employee, Mar 27, 2023Mar 27, 2023
Thank you for your feedback! This is a known issue in our backlog that we will need to update. (Merging all similar threads here so we can keep the community updated on this bug.)
Thank you for your feedback! This is a known issue in our backlog that we will need to update. (Merging all similar threads here so we can keep the community updated on this bug.)
This started happening about an hour ago. The UI is returning different results: Main Image vs. thumbnail.
In the screenshot, you see the thumbnail that is highlighted (black line), but the image shown is different. If I click on any of those other thumbnails, it starts generating a completely different result, instead of it simply appearing in the Main image window larger.
I haven't tried clearing cache or doing a hard refresh on the page yet -- just reporting, in case it is a bug.
Merging all similar threads here so we can keep the community updated on this bug.
I've noticed that when creating text effects, I often like the sample thumbnails after I click Generate. But when I click on them, the generated results don't match the sample thumbnails. Is it possible, since the thumbnails ARE being generated to get the exact version shown in the sample thumbnails? Why are the thumbnails generated and then a new version also generated for each one?
I attached an example screenshot, this one not as different as others. But in the sample Thumbnail, I like that the goat's head is entirely in the lower part of the letter G. But in the generated image the goat's head is split between the top and bottom.
Merging all similar threads here so the team can access all requests on this issue