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AI does not add specific text in text to image

New Here ,
May 29, 2023 May 29, 2023

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the image editing should have more option to add text. I was trying to make a image with certain description which has some text in speech bubble but AI is not adding the exact text as I mention. I added the text 

  • Description: This emoji captures the essence of student life abroad. It depicts a student studying with a book or laptop while wearing headphones, and a speech bubble saying "Struggle is real."
  • Colors: Green for the book, black for the headphones, and orange for the student's outfit.

if you see in the image it generated dies not say "Struggle is real" and even colors are not as i mentioned

I have attached the image it generated it would be great if we can select this image and just modify some details which we don't like or want. because it always regenerate the whole new image and doesn't allow you to edit just specific details in the image you like

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