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Change your [cursing removed] policy

Community Beginner ,
Jul 21, 2023 Jul 21, 2023

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Hello. I am a paying member of the Adobe community. I love using Adobe's software. It has helped me create some amazing things. I would like to continue to make amazing things using Adobe software.


So, when I see that I'm not allowed to make use of the full extent of my subscription by using Adobe Firefly, it makes me pretty angry. There is not one other generative platform that has an age restriction. There isn't even another Adobe product with an age restriction. So why this?


I checked the policy, and there was nothing about age. Why not? Why does it only appear when you try to generate things? But do you know what was in the policy? Not being allowed to generate things discriminating or offensive to, among other things, age.


So I must ask... Why is age an issue when it comes to generating goofy pictures to put on your Instagram or in a YouTube video, but when it comes to usage of the software, you guys don't [cursing removed] about people under 18? That's a solid 20% of the population! When it comes to things like drinking or smoking, age restrictions make sense, but an AI image generator? This is stupid.


I would like to point out that a 14 year old had a part in animating one of the biggest feature films of this year, Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse. A 14 YEAR OLD!! If your concern as a company is that all minors will do is try to generate pictures that will ruin your reputation as brand (or whatever  [cursing removed] other reasons you came up with as to why to restrict it), I not so respectfully ask that you rethink it. There are people who pay for your service. Minors who pay for your service. Minors that you have given an education discount. So now you're going to rob them of full access to their service.


Again, all I'm asking is for a policy change or a good explanation. I talked to someone in the chat already, and they went so far as to try to change my profile DOB, but was unsuccessful for some reason... Anyway, if I have to resort to finding someone else's account to use, I will be [cursing removed]. Change your policy soon.



[Note from moderator: keep your language civil or risk being banned from the forums.]



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