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Not good with numbers or quantities

Explorer ,
May 11, 2023 May 11, 2023

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Just like any newborn, it's still learning. But I think it's old enough (and smart enough) to understand numbers, right?


Firefly doesn't seem to understand numbers or quantities. If you type "cute ball shaped character with one eye" you get characters with two or more eyes (and rarely get one-eyed characters). Same thing happens when any quantity is requested. Adding qualifiers like "only" doesn't seem to help. And it's not just the number "one". It's any number. Type in "car with 16 wheels" and you still get a car with four wheels.


(Side note, Firefly's vocabulary is all over the place. Sometimes it knows what something is and sometimes it has no idea. It can do general items (fish, car, boat) but often can't do specific items (swordfish, Land Rover, ski boat).


Will firefly learn to understand those things as users continue to enter unknown topics as prompts?

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