Even though the size is 1:1, the row of pictures is huge and cannot be accessed all at once. It doesn't show all of the generated pics from text. The only thing I did was shut down the program and then it changed settings automatically, and I can't change it back to showing all, now.
It used to be that when generating images, you could see all side by side. That option is taken away? Where is the option to see all 4 images at once? Right now, I have to click one at a time, and cannot compare immediately, or even scroll through the 4.
I would also like to have the option for placement of the settings panel. Before it was on the right hand side, now it's on the left.
Basically, I'd like options for various UX settings.
The changes you have made to Firefly UI window are worse than what they were. Why don't you add a preference for viewing the 4 images the way they were. Viewing the 4 images, at a good size resolution, all at once was far more valuable in judging which images were most useful than only being able to see a portion of your choices. Frankly, I hate your new UI.
what happed to the fire fly layout?? Everything is on opposte sides, and no scroll bar. Please fix or change back. At very least allow me to change it myyself. Its awful, work flow is considerably slower. Do not like it
how can I get back the previous layout of Firefly? I liked, how …
all controls where on the right side (just like in Photoshop, InDesign, Adobe Illustrator … where the most important panels are all on the right side of the screen). The new layout with all controls on the left side feels awkward in the Adobe universe.
the generated results are displayed in a two-by-two grid, instead of the tiny thumbnails now with one large image at a time. This makes evaluating the results very cumbersome.
--------- Adobe Community Expert: "Gewusst wie, spart Energie."