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Saving a generative fill prompt in Firefly

Participant ,
Apr 27, 2024 Apr 27, 2024

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In Firefly, it would be useful to have a feature that allows users to add or modify details using the same generative fill prompt or a modified version. This feature should also allow users to save their prompts and recall them for similar types of images. In other words, the prompt is the user's attempt to make a change and it should be saved within the program as a source for generating new AI generations and alterations. Additionally, the thumbnail showing the adjustment prompt used should be attached to the prompt. This thumbnail should be made available anytime in order to correct other images to similar results without requiring a search. It might be helpful to have a button that finds the appropriate prompt from the selected image. This way, users can recreate the image and fill in another, potentially different image.

Idea No status
Design , Imaging






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