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Error -"Sorry we can't open this document in Adobe XD" or Error 47 while opening the cloud document.

Community Beginner ,
Apr 01, 2019 Apr 01, 2019



If i will open a document from the cloud in XD i get this message:

Sorry we can't open this document.


Its a very important document for school. Who can help me?


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correct answers 4 Correct answers

Adobe Employee , Mar 15, 2019 Mar 15, 2019

Hey everyone,


Sorry to hear that you're unable to open the file and get an error "Sorry that you are unable to open this document." or  Error 47, unable to open the document." We'll try our best to help you with this. 


First, there are two quick solutions which you may try. 

  1. Open the same file on a different machine or user account( Windows 10/ Mac). 
  2. Download a previous version of the file from version history from assets.adobe.com using these steps (https://community.adobe.com/t5/adobe-xd/revision-history-in-xd-helps-ensure-peace-of-mind-during-collaboration/m-p/10703548?page=1#M18044
Adobe Employee , Mar 15, 2019 Mar 15, 2019

Hi there! This error message generally means that you don't have permissions to view the document, or that the document doesn't exist. Since you're obviously sharing between team members, is it possible that you have more than one Adobe IDs and are logged into one of them?


Explorer , Aug 15, 2019 Aug 15, 2019

Same error just now  

Got round it by logging in to different Mac user account, then CC.

Explorer , Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

In case anybody needs a real fix, instead of the Adobe responses that don't work:

If you get error 47 after your computer has crashed, there most likely is a corrupt version of your file stored locally. I tried clearing temp files and all other suggestions, but couldn't get it fixed.

What did fix it in the end, was going to the CC Desktop app, and into your files. Locate the file that won't open, right click on it and select "make available online only". Now when you open the file it is pulled fro

replies 362 Replies 362
Adobe Employee ,
Jan 22, 2019 Jan 22, 2019

That’s very strange. Let me check and get back.

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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 28, 2019 Jan 28, 2019

The team tried its best to recover the file, but wasn't able to. Meanwhile, the team is trying its best to get to the root of the issue and fix it.

Are you on version Mac OS 10.12 or later?

Can you try opening Adobe XD, work on it for some time, and then generate the log file using this piece of code?

log show --predicate 'processImagePath CONTAINS "Adobe XD"' --last 5m >xd-log.txt



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New Here ,
Oct 15, 2019 Oct 15, 2019

This is a really major turned off when I am trying to open the file but the error occur showing that "There was an error opening the file (Quick app) (Error Code : 47)" .Please help anyone....how to solve the problem this xd file opening. 


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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 16, 2019 Oct 16, 2019

Hi there,


We are sorry to hear you are facing trouble using Adobe XD and getting error 47. We would request you to please try the steps mentioned in this article: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/xd/kb/issue-saving-xd-file-creative-cloud.html and let us know if that helps.




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New Here ,
Jul 27, 2017 Jul 27, 2017

I saved my Adobe XD file and restarted my computer. When I opened XD again I tried to open the file but it marks an error 47. I've checked to make sure it is not empty and it actually is heavier than other XD projects. Is there a way to recover the contents or to open the file? I worked hard and long on it and it'd be painful to loose it.

Thanks 😉

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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 28, 2017 Jul 28, 2017


There is another thread on a similar topic, here is an answer from one of my colleagues:

Could you check if you have a copy of the original file in the following folder:


It could be a file named like agc<NNNN>.tmp (e.g. agc15C3.tmp) that has almost the same size as the corrupted file. If you find it (being a temp file, it may be deleted after some time), rename it to something like “original_file.xd” and try to open it with XD.

Aside from this, i would like to learn more about your situation:

* version of XD

* version of Win10

* did you restarted the computer while XD was still saving? While XD finalized save but the file was still open?

* is your file located in a shared/network drive instead of a local folder?



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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 01, 2017 Aug 01, 2017

Was your issue resolved using the solution provided? Do you need more help?



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New Here ,
Nov 28, 2019 Nov 28, 2019

I get the message when I open all my XD files from the cloud:
An error has occurred – The document cannot be opened. Open the document history to save a copy of a previous version. (Error 47)

What can i do?




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 28, 2019 Nov 28, 2019

Hi there,


We are sorry to hear you are facing trouble opening cloud files in Adobe XD and getting error 47. We would request you to please try the solution mentioned in this article: https://helpx.adobe.com/xd/kb/issue-saving-xd-file-creative-cloud.html and let us know if that helps.





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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 28, 2019 Nov 28, 2019

If you can, you can also try downloading the files from https://assets.adobe.com/cloud-documents and then try opening them in XD.



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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2019 Dec 02, 2019

Hi there,
Copy & Paste breaks when you open an older version of a prototype in a new window. Next to breaking copy & paste, it also broke the actual document I was working on (tried to save on cloud and pc, but with the same result).

Restarting XD fixed the copy/paste issue, but, when trying to open the prototype I was working on, I received the modal with "Error code: 47" and was forced to load a previous version in the document's history.

The cloud doc ument that caused all this wasn't even related to the document I got the 47 error on. Added issue was that I had to save the doc as a new entry in the cloud meaning it lost all its previous history and exists as a copy/duplicate of the earlier version saves.

Not entirely sure what triggers the issue. I believe it has to do with either the auto-save that happens while opening the restored document, or it's because I've copied a component from the restored version to my current workspace and corrupts it ( again, the 2 docs are NOT related, it's not the history of the current workspace, it's the history of an entirely different document ).

OS: Windows 10 ( 1903 )
XD Version: 24.4.22

Any thoughts? Much appreciated.

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Advisor ,
Dec 02, 2019 Dec 02, 2019

Please refer the following post - https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2651990


Vishu Aggarwal
Adobe Certified Instructor, Professional and Expert
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New Here ,
Dec 02, 2019 Dec 02, 2019

Thanks for the reply, but that thread is slightly different. The main problem is copy-paste breaking after a revision recovery in a secondary doc, which in turn breaks the file (error 47). Something corrupts the file in the process of opening a revision, but only managed to do so if I didn't manually save the doc I was working on.

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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 03, 2019 Dec 03, 2019

In my opinion, it looks like something in your file got corrupted during the whole proces leading to Error 47. If you are able to reproduce the issue consistently, I suggest getting in touch with our support team https://adobe.ly/2WYE62m who can log a bug for investigation. Use the chat button on the page to get started.




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New Here ,
Feb 05, 2019 Feb 05, 2019

why cant i open my file and what is error 47

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Community Expert ,
Feb 06, 2019 Feb 06, 2019

Is this only this file that won't open? Can you post more details about this file? Can you share the file?

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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 07, 2019 Feb 07, 2019

It's likely that you have a corrupt file on  your hands. Would it be possible to share your file with us? You can upload to a shared location such as Creative Cloud and share the URL with me. To send a private message, click my picture and use the Message button.



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New Here ,
Nov 18, 2019 Nov 18, 2019


I get error 47 on every single file I work with.

This started on friday afternoon and I still get the same problem.

This is affecting my work, is the understatement of the day.

I have tried.

  1. Reinstalling
  2. Going back in file history
  3. Downloading, deleting
  4. This happens to cloud files and local files

Pls help


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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 18, 2019 Nov 18, 2019

Hi there,


We are sorry to hear you are facing trouble opening XD file and getting error 47. We would request you to please try the solution mentioned in this article: https://helpx.adobe.com/xd/kb/issue-saving-xd-file-creative-cloud.html and let us know if that helps.




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New Here ,
Nov 19, 2019 Nov 19, 2019


I have followed the guide in the link.

But I still get error 47.

I've also uploaded the logs.


Is there anything else I can do?

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New Here ,
Aug 09, 2006 Aug 09, 2006

I want my pages to look exactly the same. Okay, I have 50 pages. On my home page, I linked all of these pages eg, One page is called Merchandise, so I link my home page to the Merchandise page. Right. Now when I make my fifty pages look like my index page, have the same links as my index page, the links don't work on the other pages. Do you understand what I am trying to say? When I click preview in browser on another page other than my hom page, the link does not work.

Help me please!
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Aug 10, 2006 Aug 10, 2006
a link to your site would be needed before any constructive comment can be

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New Here ,
Aug 10, 2006 Aug 10, 2006
Don't panic. It is surely a small problem.
Just look at the links again.
And send one page of those fifty pages to me that I look at the code.
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Aug 10, 2006 Aug 10, 2006
1. Are you working in a defined DW site?
2. How did you apply the links?

Suggestion: for a 50 page site, you may want to look at the use of DW
Templates. You create a template with all your header, footer, menu
system - whatever you want on every page. You then create new pages from
this template. Saves a heck of a lot of time instead of having to save as
50 times 🙂 Check the DW help files for more information.

Also to consider would be the use of Server Side Includes (SSI) - DW help
files again, or google for SSI

Adobe� Community Expert : Dreamweaver
http://www.DreamweaverResources.com - CSS Templates|Tutorials
http://www.perrelink.com.au - Web Dev
CSS Tutorials for Dreamweaver

"Ruud4eva" <webforumsuser@macromedia.com> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I want my pages to look exactly the same. Okay, I have 50 pages. On my
> home
> page, I linked all of these pages eg, One page is called Merchandise, so I
> link
> my home page to the Merchandise page. Right. Now when I make my fifty
> pages
> look like my index page, have the same links as my index page, the links
> don't
> work on the other pages. Do you understand what I am trying to say? When I
> click preview in browser on another page other than my hom page, the link
> does
> not work.
> Help me please!

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New Here ,
Aug 10, 2006 Aug 10, 2006

Two questions:
1) Is it safe to send my web site over to you? Will you not use it to your own advantage?
2) What the heck is DW??
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