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If i will open a document from the cloud in XD i get this message:
Sorry we can't open this document.
Its a very important document for school. Who can help me?
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4 Correct answers
Hey everyone,
Sorry to hear that you're unable to open the file and get an error "Sorry that you are unable to open this document." or Error 47, unable to open the document." We'll try our best to help you with this.
First, there are two quick solutions which you may try.
- Open the same file on a different machine or user account( Windows 10/ Mac).
- Download a previous version of the file from version history from using these steps (
Hi there! This error message generally means that you don't have permissions to view the document, or that the document doesn't exist. Since you're obviously sharing between team members, is it possible that you have more than one Adobe IDs and are logged into one of them?
Same error just now
Got round it by logging in to different Mac user account, then CC.
In case anybody needs a real fix, instead of the Adobe responses that don't work:
If you get error 47 after your computer has crashed, there most likely is a corrupt version of your file stored locally. I tried clearing temp files and all other suggestions, but couldn't get it fixed.
What did fix it in the end, was going to the CC Desktop app, and into your files. Locate the file that won't open, right click on it and select "make available online only". Now when you open the file it is pulled fro
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Yes, it's only cloud documents. If the person sends the specific file itself it works perfectly fine. As I mentioned, it also works perfectly fine to download the file via the web-portal and open it, it just doesn't work via the cloud documents in XD/CC.
I have restarted my pc, reinstalled both XD&CCS, and even tried making new blank cloud documents which cannot be opened either. Have also tried on 2 different computers.
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Hi There,
Thanks for sharing the details and trying the steps. It looks like that the Adobe Creative Cloud Sync is not up to date, I'd recommend updating it to the latest version which is by following the steps shared in the above help article shared by Harshika and then sign out and sign in and check again. I understand you have already tried on multiple machines however we have to narrow it down to identify the root cause of the issue.
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There is no update available to me in ACC currently. I get no popup when opening it like the article suggests, and going to help -> check for updates fetches no new update either.
Possibly because I just got a trial version to check it out first?
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Thanks for confirming that. We might need to check that at your machine level, would you mind contacting us ( through our chat or phone support so that we can take a remote session and check it for you?
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Hi, I was working on a design project in Adobe XD (saved on cloud). My Mac restarted because of a problem. After that, I see the project listed in cloud doc when I launch XD on Mac, but the doc is not listed in cloud documents in my adobe account when I go online.
When I try to open the doc from my XD app I see the following message:
Sorry, we can’t open this document. Access this document’s history to save a copy of a previous version. (Error 47)
When I click on the link in the message it leads me to an assets link just loading.
Can I do something to recover my project?
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Hi there,
Sorry to hear you are having trouble opening the project in XD. We would love to know a few more details in order to investigate about the issue.
- Are you getting the error while opening the shared cloud document or all the documents?
- Is it happening with all the files or with a specific file?
- Are you working on the latest version of XD?
- Have you tried rolling back to the previous version of the file as mentioned in this post:
We will try our best to help.
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- I only get the error on the sahred document. The others documents are fine.
- It's only with a spécific file
- I'm working with latest version of Xd ( and Creative Cloud Core Sync (
- I have acces to an older version of the document that I have bookmarked, but when I copy the artboard and create another document for past it. Then I get the same error. It's look like there is an element that corrup the files.
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Thanks for sharing the additional information, Tlemaitre. Would you mind sharing the operating system you are working on? Is it Mac or Windows?
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It is possible that a corrupt component is causing this issue. If it isn't too much trouble, can you try deleting the components one by one to see which of the components could be causing this issue?
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I was working on a design project in Adobe XD. Then power gone off and computer shuts down.
When i reopen file it shows an error with error code 47. All other files are working fine except the one working at the time.
Size of file at the momemt is 0 kb.
Solutions i tried::
1. Getting file from TempState in appdata/local....., there were 2 files in different folders by the name of copy.xd with size 0kb.
Copied them to other drive, they also didn`t work.
It create blank project in the process.
System Details
Windows 10 Vrersion 1607 OS Build 14393.1358
Adobe XD Version: Beta
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The file has been probably corrupted during OS shutdown process. We have addressed this issue and the fix will be available in the next versions.
Until then, to recover the original file, explore this folder: "C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD_adky2gkssdxte\TempState". Look for a NON-empty file, (a file with size 0 KB is empty - it contains no information) named "agc<NNNN>.tmp" (e.g agc15C3.tmp). You could move it to another folder, change its extension to ".xd" (e.g. agc15C3.xd) and try to open it.
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mihai.udvuleanu​ there are few files named copy wtih extension .xd but none with a extension of .tmp. There are exactly 4 copy.xd files in 4 different folders.
I moved them to other drive and tried to open it, they show the same error code 47 and after that in local/packages/adobexd...... folder more copies of the file copy.xd are created. At the moment there are 9 folders with 7 containing copy.xd of file size 0kb. More and more get created when i open copy.xd (after moving it to new drive) from tempstate folder.
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It's been two years and I just had this happen to me tonight. When is this going to get fixed?
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This has happened twice to me in the last month so it doesn't appear to be fixed...
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Can all users here confirm that the issue happens only when there is a disruption to your computer when working on a project? Or do you see this issue even without something like a power shutdown happening in between?
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Not me. Sometimes it's just when I open my computer at the beginning of the day. And it just happen today with a cloud document
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Yes, I happen to have the same problem. I worked on my project on an older computer in the Adobe Version 27.0.12. A few days later I got a new computer and installed Adobe XD (also V. 27.0.12.) I can not open my recently created files on the new computer but only in the older one. How can I solve this issue?
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There was nothing wrong with my computer but still this problem happened to me just today (06.03.2020) and I can't access my work, which is blocking our work in our project !!!
I'm only using Adobe XD because of the Adobe ecosystem but due to many bugs and crashes it's not reliable to still use this software!!
(I was always saving my work locally but now it became a premium feature so all my work is gone !!)
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No, this happens without disruption to the computer (latest macOS Catalina in my case). Last time it happened this was the process:
1. Started computer
2. Created new file (locally)
3. Linked it with a cloud file containing components
4. Worked on the new file
5. After about 2 hours I notice Cmd+V doesn't work.
6. I close the file.
7. Try to open the file and get Error code: 47 (which at this point is my biggest obstacle in life)
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Starting from step 5. we had exactly the same issue 😕
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Hu there,
Sorry for the trouble and for the delay in response. I'd request if you can share a few more details like:
- The version of Adobe XD and the Operating System.
- Will it be possible for you to share the file with us? If yes, please add the file to cloud storage and share the link either here or privately by sending a message directly to me by clicking on my name.
- Also please share system logs by following the steps here:
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This reply is from three years ago, and we still experience the same error.
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Did you find the solution though, I am facing the same issue.
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Hi there,
We're so sorry to hear about the trouble. Please try the suggestions shared in the correct answer in this post and let us know if that helps or if you need any further assistance.
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I have tried every sol mentioned here. Mine is neither a cloud file nor I
can extract the prev ver. My win10 mach is i7 processor and handling my 20
Gigs of psd file very well. Of a sudden it gives me an error message 47 on
my 64 mb XD file.
I belv the latest update made it and behind the scenes adobe activity to
make it restricted for the starter plan users. You should look into this
before people dump Adobe for other awesome tools, sketch, Figma to name few.