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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, along with Known Issues in the current build. We will be keeping this page updated.
Last updated: Oct 18, 2022
GLB, GLTF, and OBJ are currently supported. Other formats are possible in the future, please let us know what you need!
Currently all models are static inside After Effects. Built-in animation will be supported in the future.
Cameras and lights in a 3D model are not currently imported. After Effects cameras and lights work with models in the composition.
There are a couple of cases where 3D model data must be extracted before After Effects can use the files: GLB files must be unpacked and OBJ files are converted to GLB. The new 3D Cache folder is stored in the same location as the default for the disk cache; this is currently not a user-definable location. Clicking the new Empty 3D Cache button in Preferences > 3D that deletes all files from this folder except for any cached files in use by the current project.
Anywhere you can find them!
Models from Adobe Stock may have extended attributes that After Effects does not handle yet. Importing/exporting via Adobe Substance Stager will strip those attributes if you need to bring those files into After Effects.
The easiest path is to import your model into Stager. Select the model, go to File > Export > Selected models, and choose either GLTF, GLB or OBJ to export.
From the Asset Export panel you are able to export OBJ files. These can go directly into AE, or you can take them into Substance to apply materials first.
After Effects currently does not support 3D modeling. The focus is currently on PSR (Position/Scale/Rotation) animation of static models. If you would like to animate different meshes in your model, you'll need to extract them in other software and bring them in as separate models.
Internal rigging/bones/joints are not accessible, however you can use parenting and expressions to connect 3D objects to each other as you have always been able to do.
We tested a lot of models but are very interested in seeing what models you may be working with that are not importing correctly. Tell us about what you ran into!
Currently under investigation. Let us know what you want supported!
PNG and JPEG are the preferred formats. TIFF and MTL files are not currently supported for materials within your model.
Not at this time. Keep watching that beta...
For future material support the texture files need to be imported into the project. The folder structure created in the project keeps things from getting messy. We'd appreciate your feedback about this.
In this first build, all layers will be lit by all lights in the scene. But shadows are not implemented yet, so you won't see results from Cast Shadows/Accept Shadows/Accept Lights.
It's a hack, and it may not stay, but setting lights to a negative intensity will remove light from the area surrounding it. You can use this to artistically simulate shadows while we build the engine out.
Adding a light disables the default IBL (HDRI) included in a scene. Currently, there is no way to re-enable the IBL. Stay tuned.
We have only begun to work on rendering quality, and many attributes typical to rendering engines have not been implemented, for example - shadows or light occlusion. Stay tuned for a lot of future work on this, and help us build what you need by giving us feedback!
Changing the layer opacity for a model does not currently work.
2D effects are not supported on 3D model layers. However you can add an adjustment layer that uses your model as a Track Matte to add effects to those rendered pixels. Keep in mind that the Track Matting does not take occlusion by other layers into account.
Please see the Known Issue below regarding Effects in Mercury 3D.
Remove (don't just disable) all effects on the 3D layer as this is breaking the binning and you're rendering into different 3D spaces.
3D primitives are not yet supported. You can extrude shape or text layers, which can provide a limited amount of primitive-like objects (cubes and cylinders). and if you are using text you have bevel options. You cannot apply materials to these layers, but you can modify various parameters.
2D plane layers (solids, footage, pre-comps, etc.) can be curved in 3D space. Enable the 3D layer switch for the layer, then twirl open the layer properties > Geometry Options. There is no option or effect to warp layers in 3D, currently.
Not at this time.
Yes and no. Currently, 3D model import is very, very stable and capable of making beautiful and powerful things. However, as this is currently in active development, there's no guarantee that a project made yesterday will render exactly the same today.
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I'm really trying and failing to even import any 3D model at all.
Am I missing something?
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You will need the most recent build of After Effects Beta, v23.1.0.44 (or later). Build 44 was released this morning via the Creative Cloud desktop application, please open it and check for updates. Please note that it can take up to 24 hours for all of our servers worldwide to receive new builds, so if you still don't see it, check back in a few hours.
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I installed the beta last night, but I realise now that the update might not have been pushed to my end yet. Will try again today and see if I have better luck.
I can't believe I was about to purchase element 3D this week and then you guys push this out. Best possible timing.
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Element 3D is a completely different animal than the new Beta 3D for AE. Element 3D for me is a must and as amazing this new feature for beta is for AE - it still doesn't get close to what Element 3D can do. I would suggest to get Element 3D - you won't be disappointed.
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The thing is, Element 3D didn't got any feature update since 5-6 years. It's very outdates already. After Effects needs to get something like Elements 3D on steroids if they want to compete on the marked in the next years. I hope Adobe is knowing that after all that years.
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We are definitely not trying to compete with Element 3D here - it's a fantastic tool. If anything bringing 3D models into AE may make it an easier way to work with models that you create in E3D and want to incorporate in your composition.
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To sum it up for everyone:
At the moment it is not really possible to use the new native 3D functions inside of AE in a productive way . For that, it would need min. Physical based Shaders (like in Substance (link or editor) and new raytraced light/shadows and reflections. I hope Adobe will work real hard and fast on this big building site?
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Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I'm also unable to import any 3D model at all. I'm on v23.1.0 Build 83. Attempts to import obj and glb files give the error: "An error occurred when importing this file." Any help would be appreciated.
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Hey @Joseph245210059knh , it looks like you may be trying on the live version of After Effects rather than the beta. This feature is only available in the Beta build, found in your CC app under 'Beta apps'. The current Beta build as of today is v23.2.0 Build 31
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Good to see native 3D in AE!!!!!... but now comes the hard part to make it usable and ready for VFX & Motion Graphics!!!
- Fbx, alambic, usd. vdb. Support (import/export)
- Support of animated Meshes
- Simple/basic rigging tool (like in Mixamo to use Mocap data on 3D models)
- Texture/Shader Editor (PBR)
- Matte Shadow Material
- Link to Substance Painter/Designer
- Raytrace Lighting, Shadows, Reflections (GPU)
- New Lights (raytracing support) and more parameters like texture projection.
- New Camera with simple camera mapping support and real world parameters like stops, sensor size ...
- Camera mapping tools
- Lens distortion tools
- Focal estimation tools
- Primitives' and very basics modeling and deformer-tools (to create simple meshes for the ground plane or camera projections)
- Shadow Matte
- Support of 3D Volumes and Point Clouds (vdb.)
- Smart 3D Particles with Physics (node editor)
- Advanced Camera Tracker (more manual control, constrains, import/export)
These are only the basic things to start with ... please make After Effects great again!
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@pat pro - we love your list, and we are trying! 🙂
I've got your votes tallied, thank you for your ideas!
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First of all, congratulations on this feature! It's really great to see it coming natively to After Effects.
I think the main areas of focus to get 3D to be more production ready are:
Renderer & Settings
Editable Materials
Other Suggestions
I hope any of that is useful!
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This is all super useful @Josh-wb , thank you for taking the time to write it all up! As you guessed, many of these items are in the works, and I have added your vote to the features. As to your questions:
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Camera DOF dosen't work with Mercury 3D. Are you planning on supporting DOF? Would this be an update to Mercury 3D or are you planning on developing a diffrent render engine for final output?
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DoF is not enabled yet in the beta, but is a feature in the works. Stay tuned!
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Just doing some basic testing
+ Native beveled /extruded text! Cool that it works with the text effectors and everyting. I know a lot of people use the text animator for a lot of hacky generative stuff so it will be interesting to see what people come up with 3d added.
Not Working:
-Motion blur not working
-Layers not respecting the "accept lights" toggle. I guess this was noted above.
-DoF not working
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Hi @scrozier - glad you are making use of the beveled/extruded text! Agreed - we are excited to see what people will be creating.
I am happy to say that all the items on your not working list are known limitations right now for this first beta, but are in the works.
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SO excited about new 3D functionality! Is there a specific process for importing 3D files? Can you provide a link to a free model where the textures should successfully import?
While testing I am having no luck getting the textures to import with the models. Models are either gray or primary colors with no texture applied. I am on my 4th model now. I have tried importing .fbx files and .obj files along with any associated texture files (.png. and .jpeg). They don't seem to link together.
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Hi @Joy5FC9 , glad you are giving it a try!
No specific process, you can import them the same way you import any file (File > Import > File, or Ctrl/Cmd + I), but it does matter what type of model you bring in. FBX are not supported at this time, so even though they may come in, the textures may not work. OBJ, GLB and GLTF files should bring in the textures associated with them. If you are trying to add the texture file from within AE, that does not work at this time. So best bet is to try one that already has a texture attached.
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Thank you for your response. So - I do not need to upload the texture files to AE along with the .obj file? I am getting an error when I try to import .obj files: File not found "filepath/filepath/filname.mtl"
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Hi @Joy5FC9 . Unfortunately if you look above in this post under Materials, .mtl files are not currently supported in this Beta build.
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Hi Christine, I get this message when uploading an .obj file only. Can an .mtl file be baked into an .obj? Is that possible? Needless to say I have tested about 10-15 models (all indicate that textures are included) and none of the textures have appeared with the model in AE.
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Hi @Joy5FC9 . I don't actually know that for sure, I think obj files stay as the geometry and we can only currently work with the main texture file. If .obj files are not working from your source, maybe try a .glb or .gltf file if possible?
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Thanks! I was able to find a .gltf that imported beautifully.