line to movieclip collision
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Dear All Thank you for your time
I have aproblem that cant seem to work out looked on line and read some books but cant find
a solution. I have one movie clip that is tweened on a straight path that is movable with the mouuse
as wel as rotatable with buttons, the imbedde tweened object cabn also be moved with buttons . The collision object is a line that rotates 360deg with a button . That all works, what I cant figure out to do is display the distance to the line as the tweened object approaches the like a countdown to a colision.
added a photo to help explain.
Thank you all
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Dear Kglad
Thanks It is supposed to look like this three dots in a row with blue dot in the center.
What I get using the scale factors(root.yellowmc.dot1.x = x2/stage.scaleX) is this.
Best Regrds
and thanks for your help
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is the red dot, dot3? (and choosing easy-to-remember names makes debugging easier.)
if so, you never assign an x,y, so it's at the default 0,0
what do different dots represent?
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Dear Kglad
I have renamed everything to make it clearer as you suggested the red dot is now "endpath" , this shows up the end of the flight path (red line).
The blue dot with a faded black stroke is now labled as "intersection" this is the point where the radio ray intersects the aircraft.
The black dot is now "startpath" this the starting path of the aircraft
Concept is at the end of the flightpath (red path ) the is a yellow dot this a nested movie clip "endredline" .
The endpath uses the cordinates endredline to postion itself on the end of the path
The start path uses the end of the flightpath mc to set position of the start path
The intercection (blue dot)uses a maths formula to work out its intersection using all the graphic points created.
When reset is selected you should seee a black dot on the plane a blue dot in the center and a red dot at the end of the path .I tried the scale and gave it the cordinates but it places the black and blue dot together now and red dot is off stage. Tried also again to use the old method old Local to global works good on the desktop but still the same on the laptop screen, have attched some photos .
Best Regards Peter
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all the dots are correct except the blue and red?
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Dear Kglad
Thank you for your help
Yes that is correct also the two drawn lines are not correct as they base there position on the blue and red dots and the refence points of the two lines. Without the dots in the right plus the simulator will not work.
Is there a way to change the reference of the stage so it aligns with the movi clip position that way the stage acts a local reference not a global one.
Best Regards
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Dear Kglad
Thanks for your help
I have made a simple FLA to aid in trouble shooting the problem, it seems when you pass the cordinates of the scalex and y they do not change the red dots position to global cordinate which is shown as the the same location as the intial position , this is then passed to the graphic drawn circle. If you use the local to global it uses the location set up for the variable so both dots superimpose on each other.The other weird thing is graphic drawn dot locastion always shows 0,0. When I check "this.greendot.reddot1.localToGlobal(0, 0);" as formulted by the local to global in the desktop the it shows (261.75,187.3) wheras the laptop top shows (654.375,468.25) yet the initial positions of the console log for both red and green dots are the same on both computers.
Best Regards Peter
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why is reddot a child of greendot?
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Dear Kglad
Thank you for your reply
The child sets the end of the movie clip line by refencing this the endpoint I can draw a circle on the canvas at that point. Now with having two specific points I can draw a line between the points, this allows me to use math to calculate the point where the two lines cross .By having the dot at the end of line as a child allows to move or rotate the line anywhere and then reset to find the crossover point. Unless there is another way to find the end point of the movie clips line it is the only way I can work out how to do it.
Best Regards
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why not have reddot a child of the main timeline like greendot?
the reason i ask is because when you change the position of greendot, you change the position of reddot.
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Dear Kglad
Thanks for your help
Bothe the red and green dot have to move and rotate together if I put them on the maintime line they become seperate identities, so how would I attach the dot to the other end of the line so that a line can be drawn between the two points and be able to rotate and drag move with the other dot if they are seperate movie clips.
Best Regards
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what is it you want done with tester.fla?
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if you're trying to position the yellow dot over the red dot, use
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again, you're notation/naming makes understanding your code more difficult.
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Thanks Kglad
Sorry but that wont work, it is because the child of one movie clip will always has its own refence coordintaes as such it cannot be referenced the same as the parent. It is only when I add the local to global function that I can get the intersection part to work but as we have seen this local to global breaks down on other screens. The only way out I can see is to try some code i saw on you tube.
Thanks for your help
Best Regards
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what won't work?
the code i just posted does work with the test fla you sent to position the yellow over the red.
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Dear Kglad
The lines need to rotate with a button and move with the mouse,this means as a child its reference point it is not the same as the movie clip so the x and y of the graphic dot shows a static position whereas the parent movie clip shows a stage position because the top and bottom points show different localities one global and one local a straight line cannot be drawn between the two dots as the second point is not a global point rather a local point.
As such I cannot use the algorithim for finding the intersection of the two lines as they rely on all points being refenced to the stage global position not to the local position. When I use the local to global it works as expected but only on my monitor not on laptops with a smaller screen size.
As this will be shown on all types of screens including tablets it needs to be fit for all purposes. Looking at the video it looks like I need some trig functions to make it the rotation work
Best Regards
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what am i supposed ti do with the test fla?
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Dear Kglad
The test file was to highlight the root cause of the problem without the extra items of the animation. With the root cause of the problem being the unabilty to tranform the local coordinates to Global reference, that has the ability to be shown on all monitors the same way . I might have to a try a different method now or a different Java script plug dsuch as Zim or Gasp to see if it can be done another way.
Thanks for your help will let you know if I find a solution that works .
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