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Adobe Audition CS5.5 - ReWire?

Apr 28, 2011 Apr 28, 2011

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Simple question - where ReWire in that new version, are ReWire exist in that new version?

I'm using trial version & can't find ReWire like I'm found it in Audition 3!

Anyway guys, how to ReWire Reason???






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Deleted User
Apr 29, 2011 Apr 29, 2011


No MIDI (instead of improved MIDI) in the new Audition is kind of 'acceptable'. Because you would be able slave your favourite dedicated MIDI sequencer instead.  That way you can create original music and soundscapes using Audition's wave editing capabilities directly and also its Multitracker, with video or not. Audition is the logical hub, and also a great tool for this. Now, with so many features being removed, I must wonder: does Adobe hate musicians? Surely, some high profle posters




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Apr 28, 2011 Apr 28, 2011

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GeorgeFeb wrote:

Simple question - where ReWire in that new version, are ReWire exist in that new version?

No, sorry - no ReWire.





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Apr 29, 2011 Apr 29, 2011

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No MIDI (instead of improved MIDI) in the new Audition is kind of 'acceptable'. Because you would be able slave your favourite dedicated MIDI sequencer instead.  That way you can create original music and soundscapes using Audition's wave editing capabilities directly and also its Multitracker, with video or not. Audition is the logical hub, and also a great tool for this. Now, with so many features being removed, I must wonder: does Adobe hate musicians? Surely, some high profle posters here doesn't actually argue against that POV. Music?!* Bah.

The new Audition can work with canned loops out of the box only (AFAIK they now even can't auto fit to a session tempo). Elevator music is also music ya know.

Forgetting about contemporary creation of music (and they have!), even soundscapes will be more difficult now. A lot of athmospeheric sounds and sound effects are done with MIDI and VST instruments like Absynth for instance.

A lot of the features of the new Audition looks promising, and I'd like to start using them, but this is too stoopid. Adobe really wants me to start saving up for Nuendo now.

*That is: music created from various wave recordings and treated within one single environment, like Audition, where one would use a mixture of acoustic recordings, treatments and electronic sources. Some will not call this approach "music" - and it appears they've won. Straight acoustic recordings of classical / jazz / folk etc. is of course still(sic!) possible to use in your soundtrack - although for how long ?





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Apr 29, 2011 Apr 29, 2011

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Brian Stew wrote:

I must wonder: does Adobe hate musicians? Surely, some high profle posters here doesn't actually argue against that POV. Music?!* Bah.

The new Audition can work with canned loops out of the box only (AFAIK they now even can't auto fit to a session tempo). Elevator music is also music ya know.

Around here, the noise that happens in elevators is universally referred to as 'musak' - to differentiate it from anything with any actual musical merit.

But to your main point - well, whilst I have a lot of sympathy for what you are saying, I think that the real emphasis is perhaps a little different. It's a bit like getting a new girlfriend, whilst still trying to stay friends with your old one - not easy. So in this case, the new girlfriend is the CS and its video users, and the audio-only users are the old one.

New girlfriend is a bit flighty, and given to temper tantrums - wants you to throw out all your old clothes and junk, and get a new wardrobe and smartened up. You got on quite well with the old girlfriend, and she actually liked the junk...

But I wouldn't worry too much about it, because everybody knows that however hard she tries, the new girlfriend can't make you stick to her new rules for ever - your real self will come through in the end, and she'll just have to like it or lump it.

Might take a little while, though... and there's no telling whether the old and new girlfriends will get on in the long run either.

Interesting times...





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Engaged ,
Apr 30, 2011 Apr 30, 2011

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Steve's a romantic.  And a poet.  Girlfriends.  I hate when that happens.





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May 01, 2011 May 01, 2011

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Don't know so much about the romantic, but believe it or not, you're spot on with the poetry, even though I don't think I'm a very good one; I've nowhere near peaked, and it's harder to do effectively than you might think. I've had stuff published in a couple of anthologies, but fortunately (probably for everybody) neither are obtainable now.

But the 'girlfriend' bit above is really an allegory. I don't think it's that far out, though...





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Explorer ,
Jun 17, 2011 Jun 17, 2011

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I agree. Adobe already has SoundBooth. Upgrade that if you will and send the A/V guys there. But don't mess with the features I came to expect from AA3.0. No grouping of clips? Really????!!! Have you ever tried recording drums with more than one mic? Yeah, so has everyone else in the universe. And it sucks I have to edit those 8-10 tracks individually when I want to do the same edits and fades to the whole group. No MIDI... and no ReWire? Seriously? Pretty much every project I record uses a combination of MIDI and audio tracks these days. I mean, music is moving that direction. Most everyone uses virtual instruments sometime or another in their workflow, if for no other purpose than to easily set up and "audition" possibilities to be recorded later with session musicians. I can do without CD Burning and all that. It was nice, but whatever. I have used this program since it was Cool Edit Pro. I have loved it and was so excited about this performance upgrade. I had no idea that the price I was going to pay for a performance upgrade was $99 and the prospect of waiting until some time next year before I could migrate from Audition 3.0. That's IF they even get it right next year. I hope you guys up there are listening. Audition is for musicians. Always has been. Give us what we want, or we'll go to ProTools, which by the way no longer requires a DigiDesign interface. I hated them for their monopolistic practices and the fact that they obviously cared more about a dollar than serving the music community (proprietary plug-in format?... you suck). Now Adobe seems to have sold us a long-awaited "upgrade" while it was still, feature-wise, half-baked. I agree that the performance is greatly improved. But Adobe pulled a Vista on us. Windows 7.0, I hear, is as good as XP was and some may argue it is better. But Vista is a piece of poo. It was prematurely released to make some more money for Microsoft (since they have so little). I figured Adobe to be a little different. I have always loved Adobe. I have the Master Collection and use most everything on it. I upgraded to Audition CS5.5 without even a trial or much inquiry because I trusted that the upgrade would be at least as functional as what I already had. I can't even open my old sessions without a third-party program workaround (Ses2SesX). Michael at Suite Spot is awesome for making that happen, but without MIDI, this transition just isn't happening for me. I spent $99 dollars on an upgrade I might use for some mastering tasks. It is prohibitively retarded feature-wise for me to use it instead of AA3.0. Hope you invest my money well, Adobe. If you don't fix this by the next release, you're not getting any more of mine on this program... and I'm pretty sure alot of other musicians feel the same way. To recap this rant, here are some suggestions for 6.0:

1) MIDI or ReWire... whichever is most convenient for you. I assume the metronome and grid would be included if AA6.0 comprises MIDI, so I won't include that as a separate number.

2) Make everything backwards compatible. A real no-brainer there.

3) Clip grouping. This is, again, just ridiculously obvious.

4) Bring back manual pitch correction and clip time stretching in multi-track. These were really useful tools.

5) Give users who bought an upgrade to 5.5 a free or greatly discounted upgrade to 6.0. First, because this would restore my trust in your organization a little. Second, because this upgrade isn't an upgrade for me... I can't use this program for the projects I work on, and must continue for the time being with 3.0 (which I think, conceptually, is about as nearly perfect a DAW as has ever been).

Bottom line: Upgrade 3.0. Don't recreate it.





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Engaged ,
Jun 18, 2011 Jun 18, 2011

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Yeah, I think you get the prize for presenting one of the best-written, on-point, comprehensive critiques of 5.5 I've read here.  I think all of your points are valid and all of your suggestions are good ones.  (For me, it's the lack of MIDI that's the most worrying because I'm moving more and more in the direction of using MIDI, and if it gets to the point where I'm wanting to do MIDI editing on the MIDI tracks I record, then it's going to make more sense working inside a program that can handle that.)  The only thing you said that I'd sort of take issue with is the complaint about having bought the upgrade sight unseen - I don't think you can complain about that when you could have hung out here for a week or two and discovered everything you've mentioned for free.

Adobe: How about dealing with Suite Spot's useful utility the same way you did with the Ozone plugins?  Make it part of the official program, in other words.





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Jun 18, 2011 Jun 18, 2011

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therealdobro wrote:

Yeah, I think you get the prize for presenting one of the best-written, on-point, comprehensive critiques of 5.5 I've read here.

It might be from a musician's point of view, but unfortunately they are not the majority of users - broadcasters are, by a long way.





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Engaged ,
Jun 18, 2011 Jun 18, 2011

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Yup, and I was counting on you to point that out. 

Perhaps it's just a case of the musician user base of Cool Edit and Audition having been unlucky enough to have taken Multitrack seriously enough to think it would continue to grow with them and meet their needs. A bit late now, though.





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Jun 18, 2011 Jun 18, 2011

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therealdobro wrote:

Yup, and I was counting on you to point that out. 

Happy to oblige...

Perhaps it's just a case of the musician user base of Cool Edit and Audition having been unlucky enough to have taken Multitrack seriously enough to think it would continue to grow with them and meet their needs. A bit late now, though.

I think that the musicians are far more likely to complain than the broadcasters, even though there are far less of them. Musos tend to be working on their own, and there's nobody else to represent them, so they make a lot of individual fusses, because that's their only complaint mechanism. Broadcasters have very few people in a position to represent them (most users are employees, after all), but Adobe knows full well that a single complaint from a major broadcaster's representative can make a sales difference potentially running into thousands of seats. And they also know that they ignore that sort of stuff at their extreme peril.

So whilst Adobe will listen extremely politely to musicians - as much because useful ideas come from them too, as any other reason - inevitably they are going to be down the pecking order. Apparently video users have got themselves into this pecking order too now, in quite a big way. And above the musicians too. I think that the musicians are strategically placed somewhere near the audio restorers, FWIW. All get listened to equally - it's just that some are more equal than others!





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Apr 29, 2011 Apr 29, 2011

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Ok, thanks for comprehensive answer anyway!





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Apr 30, 2011 Apr 30, 2011

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I love how the importance of Midi and/or Rewire doesn't even register. It's like a joke. There are other, better products out there (including Audition 3). Coming here and reading this forum has been eye opening. What happened to Adobe? Going after a niche market at the expense of the other users who used Audition is like cutting off your nose to spite your face. No thanks.





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 15, 2013 Apr 15, 2013

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Are there any plans to reintroduce rewire in an upcoming version of Audition. I reckon there is an intermediate group of people like myself (between hardcore broadcast and out and out musicians) that are a bit tired of using stock audio/music tracks, and find things like reason / loop enabled audio creation reasonably straighforward, menaing we can create backing tracks fairly easily and cost effectively.





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Apr 15, 2013 Apr 15, 2013

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what_ wrote:

Are there any plans to reintroduce rewire in an upcoming version of Audition.

Couldn't tell you. Adobe won't announce anything about any developments at all until they're reasonably sure that they can deliver. So if you have seen an announcement anywhere in the Audition Next 'sneak preview' thing that's going on presently because of NAB that says it will be there, then it will be. OTOH if you haven't...





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New Here ,
Apr 23, 2013 Apr 23, 2013

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I won't rudely complain, and I'd bet your sick of hearing this topic, but yeah.  Rewire. 

I'm a hobbyist musician and a home recordist. I don't always get to work in the best conditions. Friends say I should have moved on to a different DAW years ago, but honestly I love Audition.  It's so easy to chop up audio and fix lots of things I messed up while recording, or clean up some noise from a noisy mic or cranked preamp, or mix with pleasure and ease.

The 64 bit update looks really exciting. I'm also looking forward to using the new noise tools to weed out my roommates running down the stairs during a good take. (I still love 'em.)

I can't tell you how awesome it would be if I could just add some (midi) drums or piano or hammond or something right in Audition. From reading the above I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I'm just adding my voice to the chorus. I'm sure it's not a main focus for you folks because your bread and butter is video, but you might be able to pick up a few new musician customers to add to the crowd should you restore a feature that would increase the usefulness of Audition to us greatly.

my 2c


PS: the pitch correction tool in CS6 is fantastic. If I'm a few cents off on a note or two, or wanna tighten up some harmonies, it sounds really natural. This is an example of something you knocked it out of the park on for us guys in my opinion... how about another bone here?





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Engaged ,
Apr 23, 2013 Apr 23, 2013

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Steve, I think the way to get the Rewire thing is to name it right.  Audition gets any feature that sounds like 'audio', 'radio', or 'video'.  I think if they renamed Rewire 'Rodeo' it would be added to Audition overnight.





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Apr 23, 2013 Apr 23, 2013

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Apr 24, 2013 Apr 24, 2013

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skusak wrote:

I can't tell you how awesome it would be if I could just add some (midi) drums or piano or hammond or something right in Audition. From reading the above I'm sure I'm not the only one.

yep, he is not the only one





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Engaged ,
May 02, 2013 May 02, 2013

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Yup.  The thread that's over two years and which refuses to die.  I wonder why that is. 





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May 12, 2013 May 12, 2013

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hello,  i use production premium 5.03 and am looking to upgrade to cs6 before it goes away

not keen on the cc thing

i also own reason7 by propellerhead which is rewire

it's fantastic now especially with midi out controlling vsti/vst

there is a whole thread in the reason forum regarding adobe losing itself  in the cc

is it possible for someone to briefly explain any good features of cs6 audition (or provide links) please

thanks, j





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May 12, 2013 May 12, 2013

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tfi productions 44 wrote:

is it possible for someone to briefly explain any good features of cs6 audition (or provide links) please

Audition CS 5.5 was a proof-of-concept release - primarily to establish that it would work satisfactorily on Macs as well as PCs. Audition CS6 was a major step towards putting back what was in Audition 3, plus some new stuff. There's a pretty much complete list of the new features in Audition CS6 here.





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May 12, 2013 May 12, 2013

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hello SteveG,

thanks for the info

i guess now for the flipside:

can you briefly explain the 'issues' with audition cs6 or provide links

i'm perusing the audition forum now, going as far back as i can

before my brain starts hurting...

it would be nice to hear from someone who is skilled with audio

it would be neat to rewire audition to reason7, too

cheers, j





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May 12, 2013 May 12, 2013

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No MIDI, Rewire or MTC in Audition CS6 I'm afraid.





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May 12, 2013 May 12, 2013

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You should also, in the MIDI context, read my reply about this about ten posts up from here in this thread. There is an implication in it about the forthcoming release...

The only real issue with Audition CS6 that people keep moaning about is that it doesn't have all of the things that were in Audition 3.0.1 in it. The developers, in each succeeding version, add more of them back but because of the way this is done now (and you have to bear in mind that it's an entirely new code base), this is inevitably going to take some time. Other than that, as far as it goes, CS6 is a pretty darn solid release.





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