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How do you remove drum tracks from an MP3 file

Explorer ,
Nov 09, 2019 Nov 09, 2019

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I have Adobe Master Collection CS6 

I am an aspiring drummer and would like to remove drum tracks from songs so I can practice without hearing the original drums. I do not know what program to use but assuming Audition would handle it.
Can anyone advise?
Thanks in advance for your time!

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Mentor ,
Nov 10, 2019 Nov 10, 2019

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It's a bit like trying to get the eggs out of a cake once it is baked

You are better off searching the 'net for said tracks without the drums 




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Aug 22, 2020 Aug 22, 2020

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I actually laughed out loud at your first sentence, not because I thought it was ridiculous or anything, but it's rare that something is summed up so very perfectly and also so clearly. You nailed it my friend. I was looking for a way for a long time and ended up just digging up available drumless tracks. Youtube is also a good source if you're looking for freeness. I don't know where they are being gotten, but you can also find an absolute ton of isolated drum (and isolated other instrument ) tracks on youtube. They sound like the real tracks so I have no idea where they're being found, but they can be a godsend if you want to hear JUST the drums to learn the part, or JUST the keyboard, or any instrument. I've babbled long enough lol. Thank you for your spot on answer





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Community Expert ,
Nov 10, 2019 Nov 10, 2019

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To save you a lot of unnecessary searching, let me tell you that there is no software at all that does this. There are one or two programs around that claim to be able to, but the results are invariably unusable. And MP3 files, because they are compressed, make a lousy starting point for any form of audio manipulation. If I were you, I'd go with SuiteSpot's advice!




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Explorer ,
Nov 27, 2019 Nov 27, 2019

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Check this site out Steve. They do it and I've seen plugins for Audition which I heard them say was similar to what Audacity does.
Maybe I should say suppress the drums instead of eliminate...
Any thoughts?




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Community Expert ,
Nov 28, 2019 Nov 28, 2019

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My thoughts are that you haven't tried using it for your specific application, and that people are so desperate to be able to do this that they'll believe almost anything... and they make a major fuss about vocals. Vocals are invariably placed dead centre and are relatively easy to isolate, although if there's any stereo reverb added, this will invariably remain as a ghostly echo. Drums recorded in stereo are a completely different issue, and won't respond to the same treatment at all. I tried this particular software with a simple drum track in a mix, and it did a typical beat extraction, but when the extracted track was played in isolation, it was clear that it had taken out a lot of other stuff too. And that was with a relatively good wav file, not an MP3. On that basis alone, the chances of it working successfully with any sort of complex rhythm track are negligable to non-existent.




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Explorer ,
Nov 28, 2019 Nov 28, 2019

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Thanks! I'm not looking for purity, just something to practice to so I get my timing down. Playing along is good but it's a crutch. I just need something to take the majority of the beat out that retains the crux of the song. I bought the 5 song thing and it really suits my purposes well. My hope was that Audition would/could accomplish something similar. There's another program out there but don't want to shell out $200.




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