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Melodyne doesn't work

New Here ,
Mar 31, 2021 Mar 31, 2021

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I'm an amateur with "Audition" but I realized that apparently "Melodyne" is already installed in Audition, is that possible? I've never downloaded it, but I can open it under VST3, Effects, Celemony => Melodyne.


Although, there's a little window popping up, but it doesn't work at all. In that window there's nothing shown.


Anyone knows what's up with that and is it true that Melodyne is included in Audition? If not, I may have to buy it then I guess.


Thank you very much.

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Mar 31, 2021 Mar 31, 2021

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No, Audition does not include Melodyne!  Some other digital audio softwares do include one of the "lesser" versions of Melodyne but AA is not one of them.


If you see Melodyne listed under the Effects window I would suggest going to Effects>Audio Plugin Manager and check whether there is an entry there for Melodyne. 


By default, VST3s are stored in C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 directory, within which should be a Celemony folder.  Check that location to see if there is a Melodyne dll file there.  I suspect, if there is, it is because there had been a Melodyne installation previously on the computer; the core program has been uninstalled but the VST .dll is still present.  If it is, and the core program definitely is not installed, (by default it will be in C:\Program Files\Celemony) delete the Melodyne .dll.


Then, on the plugin manager screen, click on Scan for Plugins and also put a tick in the box to Rescan existing plugins.  That process should remove the listing for Melodyne.


OTOH, if the core program IS installed, the blank window may suggest that the app is actually not properly licensed to you, hence it will not open properly.


Have you acquired this computer from someone else who may have used Melodyne in the past?




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New Here ,
Mar 31, 2021 Mar 31, 2021

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Thank you very much for your explanation.

It's a brand new notebook and I definitely didn't download it before.

I will try what you said asap.

Appreciate it.




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New Here ,
May 18, 2021 May 18, 2021

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I did everything you said and it still doesn'twork. As I can see, last year, a lot of people had the exact same problem as I have and the bug has been reported. Any news regarding that?


I checked the other discussions about Melodyne and it's no different to my problem.


Thank you.




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Advisor ,
May 19, 2021 May 19, 2021

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So, is Melodyne actually installed, or not?


The core program installs by default to C:\Program Files\Celemony\Melodyne x, where x is the version number.  Does that folder exist on your computer?  If it does, what does it contain?  On my computer there is simply "Melodyne.exe" in that folder.


As I wrote before, if you do have that folder and its contents, it did not come with Audition.  A.N.Other program must have included it!


If it doesn't open/run correctly, I think that suggests it is either, not actually installed properly and/or it is not the full, licensed version.




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Community Expert ,
May 19, 2021 May 19, 2021

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Let me state this definitively: Audition does not come with any form of Melodyne integrated within it at all.


If you purchased a notebook that appears to have Melodyne installed on it as a vst, this is because Celemony has paid the notebook manufacturer to include a trial of it on the pre-installed software - this is common (and often misleading and annoying) practice, because it leads people to think they've got something that actually, they haven't - because it's only a trial.




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New Here ,
Jun 04, 2021 Jun 04, 2021

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Hi, yes, that folder exists. It's Melodyne 5 (see attachment). In fact, I think I got a certain version when I got Studio One. Last time I wrote here, I deinstalled everything regarding Melodyne/Celemony and then I installed a free version which I got right now. I can open it apart from Audition, but in Audition it still doesn't work.




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