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Opinions on the new Adobe Audition

New Here ,
Apr 28, 2011 Apr 28, 2011

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Please do not mistake this thread for a dupe of the other thread of a similar topic, I'd like to give a more in depth opinion of the new version of Audition compared to its predecessor.

For the past five years I have spent many hours of most days experimenting with audio, specifically audio restoration. I tried countless other applications before discovering Audition and none could offer what I was looking for. When I did discover Audition (version 3), about 3 years ago, it is one of the very few pieces of software I have since installed on every computer I use. It was extremely easy to use whilst having an incredible array of functions. The help manual was extremely comprehensive, giving detailed instructions and explanation of every single option in Audition, this alone I thought deserves praise. The program constantly delighted me; it seemed tailored to the needs of someone who would be using it to its full potential. I was constantly discovering new levels of potential that Audition offered and it has been the invaluable in allowing me to provide much needed audio restoration for vinyl rips of tunes that would otherwise become lost forever. With all that Audition v3 offered I could master even the worst, hiss-filled, click-ridden, muffled vinyl rips to recordings that would sound perfectly acceptable to be released on professional CDs.

I could not fault Audition v3, but I could, however, think of improvements, albeit very few. For years I eagerly awaited a new version and now it has arrived, I have to admit I am a quite disappointed.

The improvements that I had hoped would have been applied, have not. Instead, it seems to be a basic edition of version 3 except with a makeover. It does indeed work slightly faster, for example, instead of taking 6-7 seconds to load a track in version 3, it only seems to take 3-4 in version 4. Unfortunately this is about the only thing I can praise it for. The layout is unnecessarily complicated. I always valued audition for its extremely ergonomic layout, making it an extremely unconfusing application to work with. The new layout is clustered and unnecessary. I appreciate that I can alter the layout to what I would like, but it's unnecessary hassle to have to make it usable - I have never had to alter the layout of version 3 from its default. The available effects of the new version are the same as the old version, this alone was a little disheartening as I was anticipating numerous new abilities, but I can't really think of what else could be added, so I overlooked this. I can't, however, overlook that the processes are far more basic than what they were in version 3 and do not offer the ability to alter them to my exact needs, the declick effect being a prime example. Version 3's declick process had a vast array of settings allowing me to amend them to my exact requirements, the new version simply has 2 sliders, not even a "fix single click" option. I also feel that the help file is marginally more difficult to navigate than in the previous version.

I have to say that I agree with what was said in the previous thread, this new version simply appears to be a rehash of Soundbooth, which I have always perceived (as do many other people I have spoken to) to be a layman's version of Audition v3.

In conclusion, I regret to say that I'm sticking to v3. The new version only offers slightly faster processing, but at the cost of most of its functioning.

What's going on? Surely this is the reverse of how updates work?






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New Here ,
Aug 27, 2011 Aug 27, 2011

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A really interesting read there. One thing, regarding the missing stuff (note my lack of ''s as I do think they exist): I really do need to be able to group clips together.  I recently produced the audio for some animation in a game I'm working on for a major developer.  They decided on a re-edit late in the day and it made life a lot harder not being able to simply group samples together and shift them en-masse.

That said, being able to have multiple sessions open is fantastic.  I was able to work on difference elements of the full mix (foley, voice, ambience) then bring them together in one full session. Having the seperate sessions open inthe background meant I was able to constantly go back and cross reference.

One thing that would be great in a situation like this: if the full power of Edit Original could be harnessed in Audition. I'd love to be able (while working on a final mix session containing different stems) to open a session containing one element (eg foley) to make a change, then have that re-exported file appear in the full mix, without having to shut that down. It works like this between AA and Premiere.

I know the first part of this does already exist but you can't replace a file that's open in a session without closing that session down first.

It would be great to see the message, "You are about to over-write a file currently in use in another session. Yes / No?"

I can but dream................





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Aug 27, 2011 Aug 27, 2011

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A couple of points in reply to Jackanite.

I haven't got AA CS5.5 in front of me on this laptop but I seem to remember that holding down one of the modifier keys when using the mouse wheel for vertical scrolling does make track height zoom work.

Also the channel select buttons are still available in the Waveform view as little tick boxes to the right of each channels waveform. There are also keyboard shortcuts for these I seem to remember.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 27, 2011 Aug 27, 2011

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jackatnite wrote:

Being able to move forward by grabbing the timeline at the top and moving is also gone. I like the zoom window at the top which allows me to widen or narrow the view, but not at the cost of prior functionality.

Well on mine, you can not only grab the timeline and slide it (a little hand appears above the CTI), but also by right-clicking on it, you can drag a selection and zoom into it immediately. Don't quite see how that's a loss of functionality, certainly not in that area anyway.





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Mentor ,
Aug 27, 2011 Aug 27, 2011

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I didn't know about the right-clicking - just tried it - excellent!





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New Here ,
Aug 27, 2011 Aug 27, 2011

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Holding the "alt" key down allows for grabbing groups of waveforms, albeit with the annoyance of the highlight over it...If you hold the "control" key down, it allows for horizontal zooming...and I am still annoyed by the timeline issue...but if you narrow the zoom cursor at the top of the screen, it allows you to move about more freely along the timeline.

It’s just a matter of getting used to it, I guess.





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New Here ,
Aug 27, 2011 Aug 27, 2011

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The right click on the timeline thing rocks, btw. If you don't ask dumb questions, you don't learn anything. Thanks for the great tips!





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Community Expert ,
Aug 28, 2011 Aug 28, 2011

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Should perhaps point out that for a long, long time now, right-click has been the ultimate undiscovered power tool, both in Audition and right back to Cool Edit. In fact, it's worth checking out, in terms of what you can achieve, the editing tools in CS5.5. Having no hybrid tool as such isn't actually such a disadvantage as you might think - but you will have to relearn a few things, I'm afraid.





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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 29, 2011 Aug 29, 2011

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"In the waveform view, it's weird not to be able to simply click on a channel to disable the other to change the amplitude"

To restore the Au3 behavior, enable Preferences > General > Allow context-sensitive channel editing.

You can still grab inside the top-third of the ruler to drag the view.  The lower portion is reserved for embedded markers and playhead adjustment.

As mentioned, holding down SHIFT while moving the scroll wheel in Multitrack will adjust horizontally.  There is currently an open feature request to adjust the speed at which this scrolls.

I'd be very interested to know more about the crashes you're experiencing as CS 5.5 should be one of the most stable releases yet.  If you haven't already done so, it would be very beneficial to enable the "Adobe Product Improvement Program" which will allow you to send us detailed reports in the event of a crash.  You can enable or disable this at any time under Help > Adobe Product Improvement Program...  Otherwise, if it's something you can reproduce easily or often, please feel free to send me an e-mail to audbugs@adobe.com with the details and we can take a look at what might be the cause.







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New Here ,
Aug 29, 2011 Aug 29, 2011

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Another helpful tip. Thanks! I've been clicking on the L and R to do that.

The crashes I've experienced occur usually when I am chopping down a waveform of voiceover takes. I've noticed if I "save" after every other edit, the crashes don't occur.

I work really fast, so I have a tendency to overwhelm the system.

I will definitely email. Now that I have a better grip on how the program actually works, I may be able to give better input.





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