How awesome would it be to be able to select five tracks, select Group (or Nest, or Create Subsequence or whatever), and have those five tracks take up only one track of space in your Multitrack session? Yes, you can currently send all those tracks to a bus for processing as a group, but my sessions with a lot of tracks become a ridiculously long scroll, and that's a time waster for me. You can't even select more than one track at a time in Audition to do ANYTHING. Why?
You wouldn't even need those nests/folders/subsequences to be modifiable, I'm talking purely organization in the interface here. This is a super basic quality of life improvement that I would much rather have over whatever AI garbage the marketing department has the developers working on currently. I could have all my buses in a single folder, I could have groups of tracks nested by category, and then nested inside another group. I could really make my Multitrack environment a lot easier to manage, and I would love have those nests in Mixer view as well, even if they don't have individual controls or faders on them, that could still be the role of a bus. Why isn't this already a thing? Am I crazy or should this have been added as a feature a billion years ago?