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Is anyone using the new iCloud drive? I started only recently and found it working quite well for my tasks. But unfortunately it does not show up in the Bridge, which makes it a bit impractical once you have created a few folders. Especially, when you, like me, use the bridge all the time. So I would appreciate if anyone has any information if this is kind of an issue that is already discussed or that might be changed in the future. Or is there a way to solve it? And last but not least, is it an Apple issue or an Adobe one?
You can find iCloud drive here:
/Users/your name/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/
/Users/your name/Library/Mobile Documents/iCould Drive/
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Hi, Yes i too cannot see iCloud or find a natural path to it in iOS and it is a major nuisance. As it is not easy to navigate to without Finder I'd imagine Apple are restricting access. I am going to see if it is hidden in library, but if you solve this post it too!! ;-(
I see you have also posted this in German ! Was hopeful that was an answer and translated it only to see it was you asking! Never mind...
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You can find iCloud drive here:
/Users/your name/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/
/Users/your name/Library/Mobile Documents/iCould Drive/
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Thanks Karfo. I had to go to View->Show Hidden Files to see Library incidentally, but then it was easy to add to my favourites once I had found it once. Great stuff. Thanks again.
May be it will added automatically by Adobe in a future update - couldn't be that hard to do?
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Thank you! That worked for me. Now I can relax and get some design projects done.
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Thank you so MUCH, I was SOOOO frustrated that I couldn't see any Icloud folders in Bridge, I kept having to drag each folder into bridge icon to view, but even then i could navigate around the other icloud folders.
Thanks again
rustyjob wrote:
Thanks Karfo. I had to go to View->Show Hidden Files to see Library incidentally, but then it was easy to add to my favourites once I had found it once. Great stuff. Thanks again.
May be it will added automatically by Adobe in a future update - couldn't be that hard to do?
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Thanks for the path! I'm new to iCloud but not Bridge. This makes my life much easier!
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Thanks!!! that's the correct answer!! I find it incredible though, that both Apple and Adobe progress by making things more difficult for us users....
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I uploaded all my photos directly to my iCloud drive as I don't use Apples Photo app. In Bridge I cannot find the iCloud drive, even though I asked to show the hidden files. I can find Library > Mobile Documents but I can't find iCloud.
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Mine were also hiden. Thank you so much!!!
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Yeah, well..... to find the icloud drive in the finder was not the problem, it was there from the beginning. But I would like to have it in Adobe Bridge and there, the Library folder does not appear (at least not in my case) I have it in finder, so it is not hidden, but not in Bridge.
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Thanks, that works!
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Thanks. This helped me too.
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I think this almost works still but I can't find "Mobile Documents" in the most current update of Adobe Bridge.
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Hi! This is how to see the folders in your ICloud Drive with Bridge.
Go to your user folder (Your home folder), select it, then from the top menu choose View > Show hidden files.
This should let you see the library folder.
To find the iCloud Drive folder:
Library > Mobile Documents > iCloud Drive
To make it easier to find when you open bridge add the iCloud Drive to favorites
In Bridge go to
File > add to favorites.
I hope this helps!
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THANKS... At last I found something that works.
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Thanks so much for those tips, you guys rock!
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I don't have a Mobile_Documents folder.
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Thank you! This was so great to solve! This is the perfect example of what's good about the internet 😄
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Thank you so much, now it works 🙂
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No you can't. The Library folder is hidden
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Thank you! I knew there had to be an answer!
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Doesn't work for me with CS-5.
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Thank You very much!
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Resurrecting this string. I am on Premiere on my home computer. I can open the iCloud drive, and see click on my project file. When I open it, it can't resolve the path for the media. In the file menu, I click on my name and Library shows up as a folder on the right, but it will not open. And nowhere in the file menu does iCloud appear anywhere. From the finder I can see all my media files and open them. I can open the Premiere Project file. But I can't put the two together. My work computer they are fine.
Any help appreciated.