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Hello, I'm new to Bridge and the number one feature that I am looking for is described below. I'd like to know if Bridge can accomplish my needs or not. Your advice will be helpful either way... thanks!
Here's an example of my needs... I want to search for photos of my kid's soccer tournament that was played in Utah (assume there are 28 photos of this tournament), I select the keywords "soccer" (assume I had a total of 265 photos of my kid’s soccer games) and "Utah" (assume I had 900 photos taken in Utah) in hopes to get just those pics (the 28 photos of the tournament). Instead, the search will return ALL my photos that have been tagged "soccer" (265 pcs) PLUS all my photos that are tagged "Utah" (900 pics), a total of 1165 photos (the sum of those two keywords). In order to only get the photos I am looking for, the search would have to return pictures from "Utah" that ONLY have the keyword "soccer" associated with it (total 28 pics). Does Bridge do that?
Yes this is possible.
Presuming separate keywords, one common keyword for "Utah" and separate keywords for both "Soccer" and "Holiday" from two separate events...
Don't use the Filter panel, which will return all results:
Use the Find command instead, with multiple criteria and a match of all criteria being met (not any):
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Yes this is possible.
Presuming separate keywords, one common keyword for "Utah" and separate keywords for both "Soccer" and "Holiday" from two separate events...
Don't use the Filter panel, which will return all results:
Use the Find command instead, with multiple criteria and a match of all criteria being met (not any):
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Thank you Stephen, it works perfectly as you described!! Great sorting engine.
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I have one last question if you don't mind.
Other similar programs have the ability to (automatically) add photos from my android phone. Does Bridge have that capability?
Again, thanks!
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File menu > Get Photos from Camera offers the Photo Downloader (has auto feature) or perhaps Import from Device.
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Good day Stephen,
So far so good, thanks for your help. I can now filter keywords like the best of them ... and am continuing to learn Bridge...
I'm stuck on how to export pics to either Flickr or Google pics. I want to select photos (by masterful keyword sorting), group the photos into an album, and be able to share the album with friends (who do not have Bridge). I'm hoping there is a way... and your advice is appreciated...
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Once you have isolated the group of images in question, use Bridge's "Collections" feature to save the list of files.
You can then select all images and use the Tools/Photoshop menu to open all of the images in Photoshop or batch process them with a batch action or using Image Processor or Image Processor Pro scripts etc.
Another option could be to use a Bridge script to export the images:
Utility Script Pack 2.0 beta available
Bridge: Restore Export Panel In Bridge | Photoshop Family Customer Community
You'll need to manually upload them using the features of the site.
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Hello Stephen,
Thank you again. But before I pull the trigger, I want to be sure that this
is the link that you have in mind...
Have a cornucopian day!
On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 2:30 PM Stephen_A_Marsh <>
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Either the original script utility pack or the new v2 beta offer the JPEG export directly out of Bridge.
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Here's where I get lost... I have imported the extensions. They show up
under Preferences:Startup Scripts and are selected. I believe we are keying
in on JPEGMultiexport. I don't know what to do next... I'm sorry to be a
Have a cornucopian day!
On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 7:49 PM Stephen_A_Marsh <>
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Select one or more images. Tools menu > Utility Script Pack > JPEG MultiExport
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I'm the author of that extension pack, I am in the process of finishing a big update but JPEG Multiexport hasn't changed in any major way. As Stephen says, select the images to export and then Tools->JPEG Multiexport. Set the options as desired including export sizes, metadata, and export folder.
This script is actually quite a bit faster than Image Processor because Photoshop doesn't have to open each image to export it.
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Thank you very much for the info. I was able to make it work as you
suggested. I'll look forward to the update. How will I find out when it is
Have a cornucopian day!
On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 7:06 AM Lumigraphics <>
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I had some additional features to add but discovered showstopper bugs in Bridge, so I have to scale back a couple of things that I wanted to do. I'm really busy with little development time right now but I'm looking at mid-summer for release. I'll be posting in the forums once it is live on Adobe Exchange.
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Again Stephen, thanks. You're a rock star
Have a cornucopian day!
On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 5:01 AM Stephen_A_Marsh <>
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Is it planned, in a new version of bridge, to have the functinnality that sort negatively (by that I mean what Scott talked about in this thread) the filters? Maybe by adding a switch square to check on the bottom or on the top of the section.
Because what could take 2 or 3 clicks take like 10 clicks plus to write every keywords and swipe/check others stuffs with the solution you put here.
If i want to switch quickly with 2 other keywords, it would take again more actions.
That's really not ergonomic at all.
I'm literally looking for a software that doing it exactly this way, I don't know how it has not been added since 2019 on bridge.
If it's not planned to, I will have to looking for another software or coding one by myself 😕
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I don't expect to see changes to the Filter panel. That's just not how it works.
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Sure, there is an easy and fast way to make it 1000 times more ergonomic with out changing the current behavior, but let's just say it's perfect like this because.. that's how it works.
I'm talking to add an option in the prefrences (at least), that would make it possible for people like me that are looking for this functionality.
I'm sorry but the alternative way to do it it's like saying to someone to open the terminal and type the access code line to open an application instead of, just clicking on it in the toolbar.
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Ok? I'm not an Adobe employee and can't get changes made. I'm just stating my opinion/best guess.
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I agree. It would as simple as adding a toggle checkbox to the filter panel for the match type. Doing a CNTRL+F to pull up a find dialog, then choosing "keywords" from the dropdown and typing your search text, then adding second or third keyword... that's completely user UNfriendly. It's not the kind of workflow I can have as part of my work day. I, too, have been looking for a solution to this problem for a while and so far I have not found a program that will do everything I need, ie; cloud sync with desktop and mobile and simple manual tagging and filtering. It's not complicated. I don't know why no one has created anything like this yet. Seems like there would be a huge demand for this sort of thing.
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Here I am thinking it would be fixed in 2023, are there any other options as using the find command is long when doing big jobs.
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No, I'm only using Bridge to organize and label my photos. I'm looking at other options for searching/filtering. Frankly, the only thing I've found that I like is Cloudinary, which is expensive. I'm considering paying our dev team to create an app for us since I can't seem to find what I want. Who knows, maybe we'll create a Nextcloud plugin.
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Ahhhh, I've been looking for so long too. There was one called Fast Video Catalogue, but, I don't think it's really being supported anymore. Would be good if someone could create a plugin for bridge. I had a look at Cloudinary and it looked super-expensive, and not sure if it could do what I need it to do 😞