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I have used Bridge for many years and only just started seeing this issue with the last update. If I minimize Bridge, or go to another program and come back, it autocollapses all my panels, leaving only the content panel open. Then I have to manually hunt down and drag or double-click out the hot edges to get the panels back. I get everything set up, then have to go do something else and when I come back I have to set the panels up all over again. I HATE this. It is SO annoying...
I have a saved custom workspace, and have gone through all of the preferences and view and window settings and there is nothing to indicate whether you are okay with this autocollpasing behavior, so apparently no way to get rid of it. Am I missing something? Please somebody tell me this is not a "feature" now.
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1 Correct answer
Its a issue with the third party drivers that are re engineered to work with the different vendors laptops.
Call your laptop vendor. Have them fix the issue.
I have a Dell XPS and it does the same thing.
Standard video drivers don't cause this issue.
Its not going to be fixed EVER.
Its not Adobe's issue.
Moderator its time to close this thread.
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Well, one year later (june 2020), and I'm having the same issue with the latest version of Bridge! After minimizing the program, the contents panel expands, occupying all the interface, while the other panels collapses. I use Windows 10 64 bits.
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Same here. I've learned how to restructure my workspace and live with the crashes. And look actively for other apps & programs to switch to.
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Same here.
I'm on Windows 10 64 bit too, with 4K, on a brand new computer.
It's really disruptive of my work flow, to constantly have to expand the panels after they autocollapse every time I go back to the bridge window.
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Same here. Win 10.0.18362 Bridge
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Thank you, Petera! (Or Peter A. )
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Yes, I too have been having this same exact issue. Constantly have to reset workspace, due to auto collapsing panels every time when minimizing Bridge. Using most current version, Windows 10 v. 1903, on Dell XPS 15 4k touch screen, with multiple monitors. Bug occurs whether multiple monitors are connected or not.
I suspect this is more widespread than reported. Most people probably live with it rather than report it, just like I've been doing.
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Hi, Sahil:
This bug was logged back in July, and I have received a couple of updates to Bridge since then, but with no fix for the issue. This is an extremely frustrating issue that deeply affects workflow. Is there any way we can get this escalated to a higher severity? I feel like I am paying $30/month for software that does not work as well as CS4 (which I paid for in full), let alone better. In fact, I would revert to CS4 right now if Microsoft hadn't stopped supporting it.
Not trying to be snarky, but I just want to underscore what a serious problem this is, on a daily basis, for those of us who experience it. It should be a sev 1.
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Have you looked at the properties section of the Bridge icon?
R-click the icon and R-click Brdige 2020
Select properties, and compatability.
See if changing the HPI settings solves your issue.
Just a thought.
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Hi, JBM007:
Thanks for the reply, but this has already been established to be a bug in the Bridge software. It's not a Windows or resolution compatibility issue, as it's not simply a matter of the Bridge window not fitting or something. The problem is that whenever Bridge minimizes it auto-collapses the Favorites and Preview panel areas on the sides. This happens for multiple users, and one of us sent video of the issue to the support team and they did submit a bug to the programming team. The problem now is that the bug is not getting fixed, likely because it's been assigned too low a severity.
Appreciate your taking the time to respond, though.
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I'm having the same issue. Was on the phone with tech support for a couple of hours. Still no fix. Do anyone know if this been fixed yet?
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No, this has not been fixed. I sent a video through this forum in October, and behavior remains exactly the same. Anytime Bridge is minimized, the left side panel collapses, and the workspace must be reset to get it back. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
There have been numerous updates to Bridge since then, and none of them address this behavior. Obviously not a priority for Adobe.
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As @arlcrane said, it is not fixed, it happens every time the Bridge window minimizes, and it is apparently being ignored by Adobe development team. The help team here were great, and did raise a bug with the development team, but no one has followed up. It's t frustrating, annoying, and time consuming dealing with the Bridge bug, and honestly, I wish Adobe dev team would step up and fix this. ðŸ˜
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Was going to address this again over the weekend.
I have the Bridge app open and minimized of 5 machines right now.
I have been doing this for the last 48 hours off and on with all 5 machines.
2 are desktops, 3 are laptops
None have exhibited that scenario.
I know that does not solve your problem.
I will continue this over the weekend.
I personelly, not Adobe speak, think that some you have corrupt installs.
Windows has always had problems with .dll files.
Registry corruption has always been a problem.
In addition Adobe has also not been on top of installing Apps with "elevated administrative rights".
When ever I would install any app I R-Click the exe file and select "run with elevated user rights"
When done that way the registry is forced to assign the correct .dll files to the proper app.
I am going to suggest if you have the understanibg and ability to un-install , reboot, run a registery cleaner such as CCleaner, reboot, run it again, reboot, and reinstall Bridge some of you may have your problems addressed.
Your call. or wait for Adobe to figure out what is going on.............. not likely.
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Thank you for testing this, and for your suggestions. A couple of us here have tried various installation and cleanup scenarios, with no improvement. I have a question for you:
Are any of the machines you've tried this on running with a 4K monitor? I'm asking because according to the Adobe people this is only happening on 4K monitors, and indeed, to the best of my knowledge, those of us who have this issue are all on 4k tech.
Thanks again!
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I have Bridge running on a desktop with a single 4 K 32 inch NEC monitor
and the second deskttop has two 32" 4K monitors
No issues either setup.
Both GPU are Nvidia cards
When you say clean up, are you talking a complete registry clean up?
Even Adobe's ACC cleaner app leaves a lot of crud.
Right now I am trying opening and minimizing on the secondary monitor.
Can you send a file link of your saved workspace that I can test?
Its under user\user name\app data\roaming\data\bridge 2020\workspace
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I did mean registry clean. 😞
It doesn't matter what workspace you're on with this, either--this happens immediately after wiping the entire Adobe software install, and opening clean, with no workspace saved.
I wonder if it only happens on 17" 4K monitors on laptops? That's what I have. I'm on an Origin. Maybe it's something about cramming the whole 4K into such a small monitor. 😄
Also, I just got this computer in 2019. I did try to install older Adobe software before upgrading. I wonder if that tweaked something. You know, Windows has all those "try it this way" troubleshooting scenarios and junk. But you would think wiping the registry would fix that. If it does turn out to be a Windows issue, I am going to owe Adobe an apology. 😮
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BTW I am on a GeForce RTX 2070.
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Okay, progess of a sort has been made:
I just went into Bridge > Edit > Preferences, and in the Interface tab, I changed User Interface Scaling from Auto to 100%. I closed and reopened Bridge, and the interface displayed with tiny text and settings. I tried increasing the text size in the same tab in Preferences, but it had no effect, however, when in the 100% setting, I noticed that the right-hand panel, with previews, displayed partly after minimizing and maximizing. I also tried this in the 200% setting, but the panels auto-collapsed, just as they do in the Auto setting. At any rate, this definitely points to where the bug is.
I'm attaching a screenshot, in case anyone else wants to duplicate my results, or in case Adobe wants to pursue it, now that I have located the software at fault. This shows the way the panels come up after setting User Interface Scaling to 100%, closing Bridge, opening Bridge, maximizing to confirm panels are open, then minimizing and re-maximizing. When the User Interface Scaling is set to Auto, or to 200%, the panels auto-collapse every time we minimize, but at least for me, when I change the setting to 100%, the right-hand (preview and Meta) panels render partially (the leftmost portion of each displays, and it cut off). Of course, at 100%, Bridge's interface is too tiny to read on the 17" monitor, so apparently what might be happening is that the scaling function is assuming a particular sceen size instead of fetching the dimensions...? Or something like that.
Will others with this problem please try that same test to verify it's not just my machine? Thank you!
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I have tracked this bug down to the following update changes:
Note that this update was in June 2019, and I first reported the problem in July 2019, following an update. Just now I Googled this:
Adobe Bridge "User Interface Scaling" "bug"
And there was only one result, which was the link above. That June update was when they made changes to the Interface settings to accomodate HiDPI, and in so doing, they messed up how some monitors display the panels. See this link, which goes into more detail about it:
This absolutely has to be the code that caused this issue. It's the same setting, and it's the exact same time in history when the problem first emerged.
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I'd just like to confirm I'm having the same issues with a Wacom MobileStudio Pro 16 2019. It also has a 4k display. I don't have this problem on my desktop, which also has a 4k display, so who knows what the 'constant' is in this problem and it might be why this problem has flown under the radar. Love to see if fixed as I'm getting bored re-opening my panels as well :>)
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I would file a bug with Wacom.
That appears top be a problem with their video driver.
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I have not seen anyone mention using Wacom equipment on this thread. Do you know something I don't about that?
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In the windows OS settings...
What is your scaling % set to.
I have found that Bridge is very happy with 125% scaling on a 4K monitor.