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Mystery solved! Why Bridge 2023 is a glitchy mess.

Community Beginner ,
Oct 23, 2022 Oct 23, 2022

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You know those anxiety nightmares people get sometimes? Like... you're back in college, it's exam week, and you abruptly realize you forgot about a whole class? You meant to drop it months ago but it slipped your mind, so you never attended any lectures, did any readings, or completed any assignments? And the exam is in an hour? Your GPA is going to implode because you forgot about a class for the entire term when you were supposed to be preparing.


Bridge 2023 is that class.


My theory is that Adobe, busy as it was with the rest of it courseload software, collectively forgot all about Bridge until, like, last Tuesday. Then everybody was all "holy crap, the new Creative Suite rolls out in a week and we forgot about Bridge! Everybody get cracking, quick! Bob: write up six new features to add. Sally: add the features that Bob's writing up. Anna: get your crayons an draw a new UI. Katherine: Coffee! Brett: you're in charge of making it work with Apple Silicon. Hiram: you're German, you're efficient, you make a schedule and keep us on track! Chop chop, people!!"


I mean, it's really the only plausible explanation when you think about it. Software typically builds on earlier versions of itself, but the stuff in Bridge 2023 that's most broken is stuff that's been working fine for nearly two decades.  Bob and Anna and Helmut and the others worked furiously, nonstop for... I don't know, a good four days. Heck, if God created the universe in a week, surely 96 hours is enough time to completely overhaul a foundational cornerstone of the creative suite.


I've been reading community posts with great interest, having encountered most of the problems listed as well as several fun new ones I will share. Like everyone else, I've already rolled back to Bridge 12; sure, it's slow, obtuse, frustrating, and almost stupidly limited in capability compared to some DAMs written by a single person, but it's my slow obtuse frustrating and stupidly limited in capability. 


Some features of Bridge 2023's clearly abortive and ill-conceived development:


  • Much of the basic interface functionality (stuff that shipped in 2005 with Bridge CS2) works differently (e.g., file dragging behavior, spacebar/Enter/Ctrl/Command behavior, etc.).
  • More often,  obvious quality-of-life functionality just isn't there or doesn't work. Scaling thumbnails? As many as three luxurious sizes! Previews sychronized to those thumbnails? Yes, with an obligatory 10-second delay. Greater interface customization? That does work, but somehow in working it manages to be limiting in different ways. Tell me, Adobe, why, exactly, did you see fit to remove the ability to manually resize the spacer separating metadata labels and their fields in the Metadata panel? Had that iota of convenience somehow impinged on a different capability? 
  • Smart Collections! don't worry, they still exist. They don't work, but they exist. The Look In: Use Current Folder option is ignored, so all your customers have a hillock of painstakingly set up Smart Collections that no longer behave as they did LITERALLY YESTERDAY.
  • Workflow! Well... using Bridge 2023 is very much like "work," and my anger did flow freely. So we'll call that one a maybe. Special thanks for changing, moving, crippling, removing, and/or flat-out breaking assorted basic workflow elements for no evident reason at all.
  • For example, I (used to) like assigning star ratings while running an "show unrated only" filter, so files disappear from view once they get a rating. It's a speedy and efficient workflow, because most software knows to advance to the next file whenever a previous one is filtered. Bridge 2023 does not. Bridge selects... nothing. Instead it banishes you to the start of the directoryso you can painstakingly navigate back to where you were each time.
  • "Always show files in subfolders" might be more useful if it could be set on a granular basis, but once that switch is thrown for a single content tab, it's thrown for all of them. Same goes for "Show folders." I know other DAMs have toyed with the idea of basic interface customizability in the recent past -- maybe the last 45 years or so -- so it's gratifying to see Bridge maintaining its position at the cutting edge of UX in this way.
  • In a similarly anachronistic vein, Bridge does not believe that I have a CUDA-capable GPU, passive-aggressively unticking the hardware acceleration checkbox and insisting that my fully compatible hardware is not compatible at all. Photoshop works fine with my GPU, but hey.
  • Or maybe Bridge doesn't want to be like Photoshop any more -- I noticed the two applications are no longer on speaking terms. Did they have a fight?  Attempt to invoke Photoshop from Bridge and nothing happens. Then nothing continues to happen, because Bridge does nothing when I push the Go To Photoshop button. I actually want a thing to happen, but instead of a thing there is nothing.
  • Bridge is of the opinion that writing metadata tags to image files is optional, and exercises its right to forego this task about half the time. And since metadata-writing is an optional activity, it sees no reason to keep me informed of its progress or lack thereof.
  • Since starting my personal Bridge 2023 Trail of Tears yesterday afternoon, the application has terminated without warning NINE TIMES. It's there, lurking on my taskbar... and then it's gone. It returns obediently enough when I summon it, but slinks away again when my attention is elsewhere.
  • The rather hideous new side panels don't seem to work the way they're supposed to, unless refusing to hide when told to hide and refusing to maximize when told to maximize was an intentional design choice, like the decision to shoot that one episode of House of the Dragon in near-total darkness so no one could see what was happening.
    • As a corrolary, it might not have been the worst idea to mention that the accent key is, for reasons inexplicable, the new maximize button.
  • Bridge has crashed with an unknown error. This error requires you to repair Adobe Creative Cloud. Please click here to download the repair tool.
  • Adobe Creative Cloud Repair Tool has completed successfully. Please restart Creative Cloud.
  • Bridge has crashed with an unknown error. This error requires you to repair Adobe Creative Cloud. Please click here to download the repair tool.
  • Adobe Creative Cloud Repair Tool has completed successfully. Please restart Creative Cloud.
  • Bridge has crashed with an unknown error. This error requires you to repair Adobe Creative Cloud. Please click here to download the repair tool.
  • And so on.


This vast post doesn't even cover half of the oddities, glitches, foibles, bugs, features, and breakdowns I've encountered in Bridge 2023. Judging from the support forums, it seems like I'm not alone.


Adobe, if you're listening: if you really did forget about Bridge until last week, you should have just told us. We'd have understood -- it's a busy time, and besides, who hasn't, at some point in their life, forgotten about a class or a report or a product or a child? We are all but fallible creatures.


Here's my advice in case this happens again: next time, instead of releasing the Cyberpunk 2077 of productivity software with your otherwise solidly-engineered tools, why not use that Adobe Money to buy thirty million Imatch licenses and just bundle that with Creative Suite instead? That program has its idiosyncrasies, sure, but it works as advertised. Think how much easier it would be than trying to catch up technologically with... uh... a DAM made by a single person working out of his home.


Bug , Crash or freeze , Feature request , Metadata , Performance , Problem or error






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Nov 24, 2022 Nov 24, 2022


Many of the issues reported in the thread are fixed in the latest patch release # Please install and confirm if that fixes the issue.
You can refer to the issues fixed in the patch at the following link https://helpx.adobe.com/bridge/kb/fixed-issues.html

Bridge Team



replies 122 Replies 122
Explorer ,
Dec 02, 2022 Dec 02, 2022

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I wish I could roll back to Bridge 2022. My creative cloud does not
provide that option. It is maddening that Adobe engineers can not change
that so that we all can access the older version - after all we're paying
to use a program we can't use. But what is one to do.....I'm using silly
old explorer on my desktop to manage files.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 03, 2022 Dec 03, 2022

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FreedomRun, I'm pretty sure you can install earlier versions of Bridge regardless of your Creative Cloud subscription -- as long as it includes Bridge, it should include this capability. I could be wrong, but it seems like an odd piece of functionalty to remove or tie to a particular subscription level. It's not the easiest thing to find, though, so hopefully you just haven't looked in the right place. I can help with that!


Open the Creative Cloud Desktop App and make sure All Apps is selected in the left pane:



In the main area of the window, click the ellipsis (...) button to the right of the Bridge entry in your app list, and choose Other Versions from the submenu pop-up:




This will summon a list of available versions. Find one you like and click Install, then Done to close the Other Versions overlay. As you can see here, I have Bridge 12.0.3 installed, with the garbage 13.0.1 pressuring me daily to give it another chance:




Hard drive space permitting, you can run multiple versions in parallel, so it's possible to have 13.0.1 and 12.0.3 installed at the same time. Do be cautious if you use 3rd party plugins, as newer plugin versions may not play nice with older Bridge versions. The CC installer may also ask how you want settings handled,  too -- I've had no trouble simply migrating settings from 13 to 12 and back to 13, but you never know.


Good luck!


Amazingly, many of the Bridge 13 issues we've remarked on are fixed (!!) in Bridge 12. It's a miracle! Could it be that older versions didn't have these problems, and just worked? If so, Adobe made the conscious decision to  take a serviceable app and break it, then ship the resulting glitchy hellscape.


OR... maybe Adobe has built a time machine. Unlikely as this seems, given they can't create a functional file manager, it nonetheless must be considered. Be on the lookout for software engineers who look like they're from the future.





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Explorer ,
Dec 03, 2022 Dec 03, 2022

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Unfortunately - though I pay for the full package of ADOBE aps I do not get
the option to install older versions. I saw that other people are having
the same problem as I. Here is an image of my options





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Explorer ,
Dec 03, 2022 Dec 03, 2022

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Thanks for all the detail you included in this message....but...unfortunately - though I pay for the full package of ADOBE aps I do not get the option to install older versions.  I saw that other people are having the same problem as I.  Here is an image of my options.  Check out the screen shot.  This is a snapshot of the full screen.  I do have ALL APS selected on the far left. Hmmmmm





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New Here ,
Dec 04, 2022 Dec 04, 2022

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That's a bummer. I'm guessing it must have to do with they type of subscription you have to CC.. I tried the method suggested by matthews74366826 and it worked. See screenshot. The Adobe plan I have is 

Creative Cloud All Apps 100GB





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Explorer ,
Dec 04, 2022 Dec 04, 2022

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I know it's crazy!  I wonder why I don't get the version listed as your desktop image shows.  I get all the adobe aps that is why it is so frustrating.  I checked in my desktop ap settings list - I do have Bridge version 13.0.1 like you.  I'm on a PC....ar you?  If that is the difference they should still offer the older versions somehow.  Boy I wish I could know how to get access to it.  I manage and reveiw all my RAW files through Bridge and Download my photography to the computer using Bridge....but not anymore.







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New Here ,
Dec 04, 2022 Dec 04, 2022

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I am on a Mac but would be surprised if that was the issue. I wish I had an answer for you..! All I can say is that I'm really happy to have a fully functioning version of Bridge back and really hope Adobe get some updates out soon to fix the CC 23 issues. I actually really like them as a company but it definitely seems like they have dropped the ball on this one...





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Explorer ,
Dec 06, 2022 Dec 06, 2022

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Yes I like the company too and there software has always been superior.  Don't understand how they could overlook this issue.  I tried contacting ADOBE directly via other means....and still no answer.  It's been more than a month for me now.





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Dec 06, 2022 Dec 06, 2022

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CC App -> Preferences -> Apps -> Settings -> Show Older Apps





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Explorer ,
Dec 06, 2022 Dec 06, 2022

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Can you please tell me how I can get to prefereces.  I'm in my creative cloud on desktop.  I would greatly appreciate a little more infor how I find these difference panels.  Thank you much.







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Contributor ,
Dec 06, 2022 Dec 06, 2022

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you have to open either Photoshop or Bridge 

If in Bridge click on "Edit" and in the window that opens at the bottom you will see "Preferences..." click on it 





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Dec 06, 2022 Dec 06, 2022

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Preferences in the CC App, NOT Bridge or Photoshop.






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Dec 06, 2022 Dec 06, 2022

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Screenshot 2022-12-06 120703.png





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Explorer ,
Dec 06, 2022 Dec 06, 2022

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Thank you for all your time on this.  It is greatly appreciated.  I am attaching two images.  One shows in my CC ALL APS that I need to download the Creative Cloud.  But when I go to settings on my computer START/SETTINGS/APS  - I see that Creative Cloud is installed already.  I tried downloading the Creative Cloud anyway...it appeared to be installing...but when I go back to Creative Cloud it still lists it to be shown.  Also when I do open the Creative Cloud I have...I do not see how to get to Preferences.  Again where it list BRIDGE available to download the only option I have is INSTALL or LEARN.  So should I uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud off my computer....(again) I have tried this before.  Thank you again.  I feel like we're getting closer to an answer.  This would be FAB!





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Dec 06, 2022 Dec 06, 2022

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Preferences is in the hamburger menu in the upper left of the CC App. Look at the links I posted.





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Explorer ,
Dec 06, 2022 Dec 06, 2022

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Thank you for not giving up on me.  I found when I launched CC via my browser and logged there, the hamburger icon does not appear in top L corner.  This time I lauched CC via my computer/START/Selected Program.  Launching the program this way - which I never needed to do (or so I thought) the hamburger logo appeared and the option for "other versions" was available.  Thank you.  At least I was driven to look for shortcuts to CC via other means.  Okay I can work again until a much newer version is available. And I will not delete the old version until I'm able to test the new.  That was a lesson learned.  I was trying to save space on my C drive.  Well that isn't a good idea!  Thank you again.





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Dec 06, 2022 Dec 06, 2022

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When we say CC App we always mean the standalone app, not the website.





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Explorer ,
Dec 07, 2022 Dec 07, 2022

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Gotcha! Thanks.






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Explorer ,
Dec 16, 2022 Dec 16, 2022

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HOw do you send this conversation to another user?  I saw someone was posting the same concern under, "https://community.adobe.com/t5/bridge-discussions/how-to-roll-back-to-previous-iteration-of-bridge/m....  Your answer and my confusion in using the online ap vs. on my computer solved my problem.  Thanks. Kat






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Dec 16, 2022 Dec 16, 2022

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Just post the link if needed.





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Explorer ,
Dec 16, 2022 Dec 16, 2022

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The link brings them to a page on the conversation vs. the specific comment they need to read.  Or at least I always have to scroll down to the reply I want to read. Thanks.





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New Here ,
Jan 10, 2023 Jan 10, 2023

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Still not fixed with latest update. 13.0.3 Bridges is still unasable with big files, wait to buggy and too slow.





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New Here ,
Jun 05, 2023 Jun 05, 2023

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Dearest Bridge Team,

It is now June 5, 2023 and Bridge is still total GARBAGE.  And so TOTALLY FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I can say is WHAT IN HOLY HEAVEN IS GOING ON HERE????????????????? After 20-ish years or however long Bridge has been available I'm feeling like I'm being forced to switch to LIGHTROOM because BRIDGE IS COMPLETELY USELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With the millions of dollars we are being forced to spend to access the Adobe Suite there is really NO ACCEPTABLE EXCUSE FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!! And is anyone even going to read this??????

Sincereyly yours in UTTER FRUSTRATION,






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Participant ,
Jun 05, 2023 Jun 05, 2023

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 Y el problema es que NO solo falla Bridge......... El "Famoso Photoshop" en su última versión tiene un fallo que lo hace inservible , un desatre!!!

 Estoy trabajando con una versión del año pasado......


 Esto es un autentico desastre!! DESESPERANTE!!!


Yo estoy empezando a usar Capture One........





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New Here ,
Aug 08, 2023 Aug 08, 2023

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Reverted back to Bridge 12, just installed 13.0.3 update by accident, and nope, it's still no good, what's the use of all the bells and whistles when the main program's slow, broken mess?





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