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Mystery solved! Why Bridge 2023 is a glitchy mess.

Community Beginner ,
Oct 23, 2022 Oct 23, 2022

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You know those anxiety nightmares people get sometimes? Like... you're back in college, it's exam week, and you abruptly realize you forgot about a whole class? You meant to drop it months ago but it slipped your mind, so you never attended any lectures, did any readings, or completed any assignments? And the exam is in an hour? Your GPA is going to implode because you forgot about a class for the entire term when you were supposed to be preparing.


Bridge 2023 is that class.


My theory is that Adobe, busy as it was with the rest of it courseload software, collectively forgot all about Bridge until, like, last Tuesday. Then everybody was all "holy crap, the new Creative Suite rolls out in a week and we forgot about Bridge! Everybody get cracking, quick! Bob: write up six new features to add. Sally: add the features that Bob's writing up. Anna: get your crayons an draw a new UI. Katherine: Coffee! Brett: you're in charge of making it work with Apple Silicon. Hiram: you're German, you're efficient, you make a schedule and keep us on track! Chop chop, people!!"


I mean, it's really the only plausible explanation when you think about it. Software typically builds on earlier versions of itself, but the stuff in Bridge 2023 that's most broken is stuff that's been working fine for nearly two decades.  Bob and Anna and Helmut and the others worked furiously, nonstop for... I don't know, a good four days. Heck, if God created the universe in a week, surely 96 hours is enough time to completely overhaul a foundational cornerstone of the creative suite.


I've been reading community posts with great interest, having encountered most of the problems listed as well as several fun new ones I will share. Like everyone else, I've already rolled back to Bridge 12; sure, it's slow, obtuse, frustrating, and almost stupidly limited in capability compared to some DAMs written by a single person, but it's my slow obtuse frustrating and stupidly limited in capability. 


Some features of Bridge 2023's clearly abortive and ill-conceived development:


  • Much of the basic interface functionality (stuff that shipped in 2005 with Bridge CS2) works differently (e.g., file dragging behavior, spacebar/Enter/Ctrl/Command behavior, etc.).
  • More often,  obvious quality-of-life functionality just isn't there or doesn't work. Scaling thumbnails? As many as three luxurious sizes! Previews sychronized to those thumbnails? Yes, with an obligatory 10-second delay. Greater interface customization? That does work, but somehow in working it manages to be limiting in different ways. Tell me, Adobe, why, exactly, did you see fit to remove the ability to manually resize the spacer separating metadata labels and their fields in the Metadata panel? Had that iota of convenience somehow impinged on a different capability? 
  • Smart Collections! don't worry, they still exist. They don't work, but they exist. The Look In: Use Current Folder option is ignored, so all your customers have a hillock of painstakingly set up Smart Collections that no longer behave as they did LITERALLY YESTERDAY.
  • Workflow! Well... using Bridge 2023 is very much like "work," and my anger did flow freely. So we'll call that one a maybe. Special thanks for changing, moving, crippling, removing, and/or flat-out breaking assorted basic workflow elements for no evident reason at all.
  • For example, I (used to) like assigning star ratings while running an "show unrated only" filter, so files disappear from view once they get a rating. It's a speedy and efficient workflow, because most software knows to advance to the next file whenever a previous one is filtered. Bridge 2023 does not. Bridge selects... nothing. Instead it banishes you to the start of the directoryso you can painstakingly navigate back to where you were each time.
  • "Always show files in subfolders" might be more useful if it could be set on a granular basis, but once that switch is thrown for a single content tab, it's thrown for all of them. Same goes for "Show folders." I know other DAMs have toyed with the idea of basic interface customizability in the recent past -- maybe the last 45 years or so -- so it's gratifying to see Bridge maintaining its position at the cutting edge of UX in this way.
  • In a similarly anachronistic vein, Bridge does not believe that I have a CUDA-capable GPU, passive-aggressively unticking the hardware acceleration checkbox and insisting that my fully compatible hardware is not compatible at all. Photoshop works fine with my GPU, but hey.
  • Or maybe Bridge doesn't want to be like Photoshop any more -- I noticed the two applications are no longer on speaking terms. Did they have a fight?  Attempt to invoke Photoshop from Bridge and nothing happens. Then nothing continues to happen, because Bridge does nothing when I push the Go To Photoshop button. I actually want a thing to happen, but instead of a thing there is nothing.
  • Bridge is of the opinion that writing metadata tags to image files is optional, and exercises its right to forego this task about half the time. And since metadata-writing is an optional activity, it sees no reason to keep me informed of its progress or lack thereof.
  • Since starting my personal Bridge 2023 Trail of Tears yesterday afternoon, the application has terminated without warning NINE TIMES. It's there, lurking on my taskbar... and then it's gone. It returns obediently enough when I summon it, but slinks away again when my attention is elsewhere.
  • The rather hideous new side panels don't seem to work the way they're supposed to, unless refusing to hide when told to hide and refusing to maximize when told to maximize was an intentional design choice, like the decision to shoot that one episode of House of the Dragon in near-total darkness so no one could see what was happening.
    • As a corrolary, it might not have been the worst idea to mention that the accent key is, for reasons inexplicable, the new maximize button.
  • Bridge has crashed with an unknown error. This error requires you to repair Adobe Creative Cloud. Please click here to download the repair tool.
  • Adobe Creative Cloud Repair Tool has completed successfully. Please restart Creative Cloud.
  • Bridge has crashed with an unknown error. This error requires you to repair Adobe Creative Cloud. Please click here to download the repair tool.
  • Adobe Creative Cloud Repair Tool has completed successfully. Please restart Creative Cloud.
  • Bridge has crashed with an unknown error. This error requires you to repair Adobe Creative Cloud. Please click here to download the repair tool.
  • And so on.


This vast post doesn't even cover half of the oddities, glitches, foibles, bugs, features, and breakdowns I've encountered in Bridge 2023. Judging from the support forums, it seems like I'm not alone.


Adobe, if you're listening: if you really did forget about Bridge until last week, you should have just told us. We'd have understood -- it's a busy time, and besides, who hasn't, at some point in their life, forgotten about a class or a report or a product or a child? We are all but fallible creatures.


Here's my advice in case this happens again: next time, instead of releasing the Cyberpunk 2077 of productivity software with your otherwise solidly-engineered tools, why not use that Adobe Money to buy thirty million Imatch licenses and just bundle that with Creative Suite instead? That program has its idiosyncrasies, sure, but it works as advertised. Think how much easier it would be than trying to catch up technologically with... uh... a DAM made by a single person working out of his home.


Bug , Crash or freeze , Feature request , Metadata , Performance , Problem or error






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Nov 24, 2022 Nov 24, 2022


Many of the issues reported in the thread are fixed in the latest patch release # Please install and confirm if that fixes the issue.
You can refer to the issues fixed in the patch at the following link https://helpx.adobe.com/bridge/kb/fixed-issues.html

Bridge Team



replies 122 Replies 122
Participant ,
Jul 01, 2024 Jul 01, 2024

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This app is still incredibly buggy. I agree with the OP. Bridge is a flat out mess.





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Explorer ,
Nov 27, 2022 Nov 27, 2022

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Somewhere in this mass of verifiable complaints about bugs and Adobe's OBVIOUS failure to edit BR/PS 23 before release is an Adobe Employee saying on 11-24 that the issues have been addressed (if not fixed)... by the updates here:  https://helpx.adobe.com/bridge/kb/fixed-issues.html


That note was posted 2 days ago.


Refreshed my BR 23 today and is WORSE than it was before!  SO - Just rolled back to BR 2022 so I can get some work done & backed up properly. Only problem with rolling back to 22 is that Adobe has 'sabatoged' (probably via sheer ignorance)(is my best guess) the connection between BR22 and PS22. 


SO if I use BR22 It will not open images in PS 22 or PS23.


KEYWORDS for MY BR issues: stutter, seize, stall, fail to find in a search using a capture date while the image is ON THE SCREEN, Thumbnail images not visible. Crash, BUG, BUGS! 


OH and yeah - Adobe BR dept no longer answers the phone!    It took me 11 tries last week to reach someone who WOULD NOT listen to me as I tried to explain the issue(s).  He jumped to the conclusion that he knew what the problem was (incomplete, faulty issue of BR23) and WOULD NOT REMOTE IN so he could SEE the very visual issues with the Thumbnails all goggly etc.   He had me UNinstall BR22 and PS23 and decided it was all fine.




BR22 had finally become stabile by August 22 so now they go and wreck it for the next 10 months. 


WE ADOBE USERS WHO PAY FOR THIS via a subscription to PS etc should simply get together and institute a class action lawsuit.  THIS ongoing situation is a WILLFULL decision on Adobe's part to NOT release solid apps and this has been the practice from the first issue of BR & PS.


Why pay the Adobe developers to find the bugs when WE will do it for them and for free.


WE users are the guinea pigs who PAY ADOBE to troubleshoot for them.  I've railed about this before ...so - HEY KIDS... it's time to either face up to our addiction to PS and BR and find another set of APPS or actually, CONCRETELY DO SOMETHING.  If there is a BR/PS using LAWYER out there >>> here's a gem of a lawsuit. 


AND if any ADOBE MANAGEMENT person actually reads this then PLEASE >>> go off campus, get a computer that is not connected to Adobe's system and try and use these Apps. 






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Engaged ,
Dec 07, 2022 Dec 07, 2022

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The Adobe Bridge team could show that they do care for their customers if they released a patch for 12.x (the 2022 version), to make it work with Photoshop 2023. It should be doable by a single coder and would help plenty of users posting here. The remaining team could concentrate their efforts to make Bridge 13 stable / more useful / visually more attractive.





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Participant ,
Dec 07, 2022 Dec 07, 2022

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Estoy de acuerdo con el tema de la demanda. Adobe no nos hace ni caso , y nos cobra por un programa que está lleno de errores. Errores "MUY GRAVES"  a la hora de realizar trabajos. (el otro dia casi borro unas cuantas fotos, porque Bridge las seleccionó "porque quiso"). 

 Y te hace perder un montón de tiempo , que nadie te paga.....









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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 22, 2022 Dec 22, 2022

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Hi all,


We're happy to announce the release of Adobe Bridge Beta ( This update includes many bug fixes listed in this conversation. Also, this Beta release includes several bug fixes done in the 13.0.1 public release. For details, see Fixed issues.


Steps to install/update


InstallGo to the Creative Cloud desktop app and select Beta apps in the left sidebar of the Apps panel. Then select install for your beta app.


Update: Go to the Creative Cloud desktop app, click on Update in the left sidebar of the Apps panel and Check for updates. Then click update for your beta app.


Let us know if this Beta release resolves the problem for those affected, and share your feedback.








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Engaged ,
Dec 25, 2022 Dec 25, 2022

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@Mohit Goyal you state that "many" mentioned bugs were fixed but don't give us details in your post.  Instead you link to a changelog that doesn't even list the point release you announce. There's no way to figure out what issues were addressed. Such posts don't help anyone.


You need to understand that many Bridge users made bad experiences / have wasted their time with version 13 and went back to version 12. They will be hesitant to upgrade - and you guys really should know this by now.


Your first step to regain trust is publishing detailed and accurate change logs, best with screenshots or little feature demos. The way updates are communicated yet again leave the impression that the team isn't up for the task.





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 25, 2022 Dec 25, 2022

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Thank you for your feedback. We have taken a note.


Please refer to the following list of fixed issues which are taken care in this beta release.


Also, there is a public announcement made for beta release. You can refer it 



Fixed Issues:



  • Manual sorting option changes to default in the sort drop-down after updating from version 12.0.3
  • Sort Order doesn't refresh after changing the label/rating.


Full Screen and Loupe view

  • Image flickers in full screen continuously
  • Full Screen - 100% Preview scaled/pixelated upon fractional scaling
  • Loupe position is incorrect in software rendering [Mac]
  • Loupe view is not showing the 100% view of the image


Mouse and Keyboard Navigation

  • Mouse pointer disappears from Full Screen Preview
  • Label/rating keyboard shortcut isn't working in non-US keyboards
  • Right-click button requires repeated right-click action to work in inactive panel
  • A file 'Cut' on the Content panel gets duplicated by the 'Paste' option [Win]



  • Labels and ratings are not working on the keyboard with AZERTY layouts
  • Bridge v13 (and v12) doesn't honor OneDrive locations in macOS Monterey
  • Label and Ratings apply operation causes the Bridge application to hang
  • Bridge navigates to the desktop when files in one folder are moved to another folder
  • A4 and Page's dimension gets inserted in the output template name after saving it in Bridge.
  • Import from device option is missing in Bridge [Mac]
  • Folder panel does not redirect to the desktop when the user is within the hidden folder and has disabled the Show Hidden Files option in the View drop-down list
  • New folder text edit field does not get removed in the Content panel
  • Browse in Bridge or Open with Bridge option does not open files if Bridge is already open
  • Hidden folders are not visible in the Folder panel
  • Scroller moves while dragging and dropping the files in the Content panel
  • Keywords workspace isn't available anymore in Bridge
  • Creating a new folder does not enable the edit mode by default in Content panel for setting up its name
  • Keywords missing while importing the keywords file in Bridge
  • Content panel does not get refreshed after deleting the collection and it reappears on the re-launch
  • Folder gets selected when trying to drag files through it in the Folder panel
  • Show Folders option always remains checked in the View drop-down list
  • [Win] Broken combination of held Ctrl with pressed left / right Arrow to go backward / forward through visited folders history.






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Engaged ,
Dec 25, 2022 Dec 25, 2022

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Thank you @Rahul Saraogi. I honestly didn't expect such a prompt reaction. Good, that you also updated the log. Take my upvote :o)





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 31, 2022 Dec 31, 2022

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I am surprised that you're not mentioning anything about building the cache, as it is the most annoying bug in my workflow. Working with thousands of photos it is crucial to be able to build previews and save them in the cache. Mystically, the function of building the cache is totally removed.
Even though I always chose to keep my old settings, I still have to manually set up the interface and replace the background color to white, which I use.
I too am fed up with Adobe's mismanagement of the updates of their software.  It is as if we are their guinea pigs. 





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Engaged ,
Jan 03, 2023 Jan 03, 2023

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Bridge 13 is still caching images. But the shared cache feature from Bridge 12 is missing.  So you can't use the same cache with several users / machines in  Bridge 13.


This still didn't stop Adobe from offering the update as feature complete / normal update.  Everyone in charge could have known that this will break the workflow for many people. There is not even an ETA for shared cache in in Bridge 13. @Rahul Saraogi could you please add some info on this topic to the release notes? We can't update until this is done.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 06, 2023 Jan 06, 2023

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After months with broken Bridge 13, I had to go back to Bridge 12.
It is far from OK, nor it is fair, or professional. Very disappointing ;-(





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Explorer ,
Jan 10, 2023 Jan 10, 2023

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Yes - and even more irritating for me after reverting to Vers
is that a rapid access to Camera RAW no longer exists.

NOW when I try to access Camera Raw the app and images open sloooowly (even
tho this is a FAST new Win11 PC with super graphics etc...

ALSO, the NEXT set of EXTRA STEPS and time Wasting is that if I want to
save an image I just adjusted in CamRaw as a JPG for quick view access IT
WILL no longer SAVE AS A JPG. Something called .jpf shows up if you
choose 'save as'.

Online I am informed that it has to be a .jpf because .JPG is not a
'native' PS file. Hmmmm. It has been since I got my first PS 5 way back

*It has taken me MONTHS to find this explanation *(IF it is explained by
Adobe it is NOT easily located !!!)

*** IF you want to save an image you have adjusted in CamRaw & have opened
it in PS to crop etc.,

- YOU first HAVE click SAVE A COPY and *THEN *choose .jpg (or any other
format you want).

I file .jpg images in an ORGANIZED set of 'active' files so I can quickly
e-mail or cut/paste to diff apps that cannot handle RAW.

Before I work any RAW image I duplicate or copy it first and work off that
dupe or copy. As far as I am aware there is no loss in quality via that
route And I end up with an ORIGINAL RAW in storage.

FOR A Great explanation of WHY Adobe made the change and HOW to work with
it >>> go here to this article From May 2021 :

While it addresses MAC it applies to Win (at least in MY Win11 machine)

> To Win users: as always, it's all Apple's fault

> To ALL users: as always, it's all Adobe's fault (especially with the
most recent garbage dumped on us)

*<<< Don't worry spiders, I keep house casually >>>*

* Issa (1763-1827)*

Abi Woodbridge e-mail: abiwoodbridge@gmail.com
PO Box 107 Unalaska, AK 99685 907-581-2535





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 02, 2023 Jan 02, 2023

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Lol! Best description I've read of Bridge 2023!





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New Here ,
Jan 14, 2023 Jan 14, 2023

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Adobe has a lot of the market cornered and yes they don't give a damn about their customers. I will be looking for a better photo editing solution. These clowns suck!! 






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New Here ,
Jan 25, 2023 Jan 25, 2023

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I agree with everything. What pisses me off unless you are a paying customer they will not let you go back to Bridge 2022!!!!! Why Adobe since your latest version is a stinker...I will need to find someway around it without paying..





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Jan 25, 2023 Jan 25, 2023

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You can reinstall Bridge 2022 in the CC App. Please follow the steps in this article






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New Here ,
Jan 27, 2023 Jan 27, 2023

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Aaaah, so today I finally rolled back to 12.0.3 - what a fantastic RELIEF! Such an amazing piece of software that one seems now! Was like removing a huge splinter from your eye after having it there for weeks. ( ^- :





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 31, 2023 Jan 31, 2023

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Adobe....Hurry up and fix Bridge 2023....I use it for work and its the worst pice of software I use at present. Glitchy and unfriendly...





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 31, 2023 Jan 31, 2023

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Go back to 2022. That's what I had to do. Adobe doesn't seem to care.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 31, 2023 Jan 31, 2023

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Why "care" when they can just occasionally post "most of these issues have been fixed in release X" and then spend another few blissful weeks ignoring the cacophany of angry responses pointing out that almost nothing, in fact, has been fixed?


For anyone looking for alternatives: as I said in my initial post, though Imatch has its share of frustrating characteristics, it is nonetheless vastly more capable, powerful, flexible, customizable, and functional than Bridge (even versions of Bridge that worked). The app has a learning curve, no doubt, but I've been relying on it heavily since this fiasco started and I'm at the point now where I don't care if they fix Bridge, there's no need to go back.





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Advocate ,
Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2023

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first and foremost bridge needs to perform its core functionality quickly and reliably.  Its not flashy. It doesn't need to be. I'd be more than happy if adobe spent it's time getting it to run quicker, with less bloat, with a more sensible caching, and ditch all the bells and whistles.  Tabs? meh! especially tabs that you have to close with a right click and that stop you give you an error when you've got too many of them.  Its facepalming stuff.  And I'm writing this in Feb 2023. The current release is still a dumpster fire. 
I'd go back to the 2022 release if I wasn't reasonably sure that, from past adobe experience, it was going to remove all my collections, or fail to work with photoshop. 





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Feb 01, 2023 Feb 01, 2023

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Bridge 2022 will not remove any collections, in fact those are stored separately for each version. You would simply go back to whatever configuration you had the last time you used the older version.

As for Photoshop, without some hackery, the Tools menu items in Bridge that call Photoshop will not work as they are version-specific. Bridge 2022->Photoshop 2022. You can always manually open items, and what I have done is written numerous scripts which help me with image processing and can make mismatched versions easier to use. I don't recommend going down that road unless you are an advanced user with programming knowledge.





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New Here ,
Feb 13, 2023 Feb 13, 2023

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YEAH!  Why when I click thru images on bridge they are all piexelated at first and take moment to become clear.  ITs a real hastle when I ptich storyboards. The only solution I found was restarting program.. Even have brand new much faster system and still have issue.  This is super irritating!!






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Community Beginner ,
Feb 13, 2023 Feb 13, 2023

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Yes, I totally agree that it is very annoying to have to wait for the previews to load properly every time you go to a new image, especially so after the cache has been created and loaded.
I too was expecting them to be ready to view as I have already built and exported the cache. Yes, I went back to version 12 to be able to do this as version 13 no longer has the Buid and Export Cache function.
It wasn't like that few versions back. It seems like adobe takes two steps forward and one back.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 15, 2023 Feb 15, 2023

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Don't forget, Adobe bridge photoshop batch tool is now constantly stopping midstream with error messages and a how to fix message that doesn't work, lol. This is across the board in the computer software industry that has hired tons of engineers, programs and designers that now need to justify their positions, so they come up with a lot of new bs that nobody really needs to justify their jobs. Elon fired a bunch at twitter for this reason. The old 2022 bridge version was almost perfect, it functioned. You could open two instances at once, now you can't do that. You can't view thumbnails in the preview box, what is it good for, other than clutter? I tried to revert back to the old 2022 but it is not compable with the new version of photoshop, which I haven't had any problems, but let wait for the next downgrade to happen, lol. By the way, can anyone tell me how to open up thumbnails in the folder section, or is that not possible at all? 





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